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Posts posted by BamaATL

  1. 54 minutes ago, Nivek said:

    But the internal turmoil for Russia would take some of the heat off of Ukraine most likely during the transition as the vultures try to consolidate power and eliminate threats which could include the break-up of Russia into smaller states as well.   Putin may be a shithead, but a dead russian leader sends a major message to the next in charge.   It also gives them a face saving out, blame Putin, return territory/kids/etc. and trying to re-participate in the world economy again without China fleecing them.   Of course the next person could totally have a peaceful transfer of power and just double down and send more people to the slaughter.     But given that Wagner basically rolled to the outskirts of Moscow unmolested there are more than a few problems in Russia and I think the former is much more likely than the latter extreme.  

    it also gives them a reason to launch a nuke or the dead man's trigger.  Look, I want the fucking guy dead as anyone, but the reality is that it may well be in our best interests and Ukraine's that Russia die a slow death here.  Yes, in the interim Ukrainians will suffer, but what if we had foreknowledge that a deadman's trigger was set on Kyiv, Karkhiv, dare I say Warsaw, Tallinn, or Riga?  

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  2. 11 minutes ago, Braff Zacklin said:

    Odd if true.

    I don't believe Putin would be martyred. I also don't believe Russia would stay committed to the "special operation" if Vlad suddenly stopped existing.

    His death is the only thing that would bring an end to this conflict without tens of thousands (if not hundreds of thousands) more lives lost.

    Only negative I could see is, Ukraine takes a swing at him, misses, so Putin responds with (nuclear?) escalation. And that's a pretty huge negative.

    Interested in how @InkaUtexas and @956 Worldwide interpret the above news.

    We always tend to think in this type of situation that the next guy won't be worse, but that isn't the always the case.  What if the next man up is organized and more ruthless, or more unhinged?  I'm guessing our Intel had it that it'd be worse for US interests and Ukraine's.  

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  3. 1 hour ago, RDCanecutter said:

    Brian got busted on a narco rap
    He beat the rap by rattin' on some bikers
    He said, hey, I know it's dangerous
    But it sure beats Riker's

    Needs a verse with Herman Cain.  

    • Drool 1
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  4. I just kind of can't let this go.   How does a country that runs a fairly sophisticated network of spies that use seemingly somewhat effective trade craft do something this stupid?  Is it sheer arrogance or sheer stupidity?  Are they so accustomed to shit not working that they are surprised our stuff does work?  Complicated and sophisticated social media and political influence campaigns, check, inability to understand a satellite schedule, check.  The Ukrainians are actively being bombed by these bombers, and yet locating them is as simple as looking at publicly available photos, never mind what our black satellites would know.  They don't even need any of that apparently.  It's truly baffling.  

    I'm glad they are this stupid or arrogant, but it's amazing nonetheless.  

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  5. 5 minutes ago, Mother mopar said:

    Buddy texted me from Savanah today, they're expecting 25" of rain out of this....just nuts.

    People there are fucked.  Much of Savannah is pretty poor, and the likelihood that even the wealthy keep flood insurance is going to be slim.  

  6. 1 minute ago, NotActuallyALonghorn said:

    So basically a DIY thermobaric bomb?

    Pretty much.  It's a good idea, at least to me, because you are taking two very stable things, plastic explosives and a hydrogen fuel cell, and combining them to make one hell of a bomb.  Basically, it's pretty safe to make for all involved, it's the shits for anyone on the receiving end.  

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  7. 12 minutes ago, PTINS said:

    From the link ...

    Somebody leaked footages of the Russian submarine “Rostov on Don”, which got hit by Ukrainian missiles (likely Stormshadow). The bow of the submarine received a direct hit. Additionally, there is an impact at the starboard side. You can strike this ship from the list.

    Yeah, I know, "it'll buff out."


    It looks like the Russkie's like to store their ordinance where it's convenient ... , for them and Ukraine.


    Care to offer an opinion on what those tubes are, or were?



    Perhaps those are their JDAM equivalents?  Assuming they aren't bombs, which I don't think they are, that might make some sense.  They attach those pre-flight, tow them to ordinance, and then take off?  

    It still seems beyond stupid they just park their strategic bombers out in the open for commercial satellites to take GPS photos of them, but hey, keep it up Russia.  

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  8. The ultimate reality is that either you are in the economic sphere of a major metropolitan area or you aren't.  As it stands, anyone with any level of education and want for opportunity is going to gravitate towards that sphere for the sake of opportunity.  These places are going to die (economically) along with their aging populations.  Most of your ghost towns in the country were no bigger than a few thousand people at their peak, but now we may see some that at one point were 100k or more.  I don't think there is any sort of policy change that is going make any sort of difference with any of this.  If you look at the agriculture industry, and the automated farming stuff that already exists, plus what is coming, how many people are really going to be needed in these areas anymore? 

    It's odd to think that for much of American history the dream was to have your own land (typically a farm) and the freedom associated with that.  In modern times, it's become to have your own cookie cutter half acre home just outside a major city.  Things change.  

  9. 9 hours ago, pantone159 said:

    I suspect that NASA is really desperate for some alternative to Elon Musk and they really really wanted another option, and so Starliner got as much rope as possible. But Boeing.


    That's probably true, the dangers of working with one company, in particular if it is private, is that you are potentially subject to the whims of one man.  Blue Origin is well behind on this, and even then, again, subject to the potential whims of another asshole.  

  10. 1 minute ago, beer said:

    As would hot air ballooning

    Interesting, I didn't know that.  I'm not sure how one could make a competition out of that, but I'd watch at least once.  It might be more interesting if they did a Joe Kittinger competition for a medal, that'd be cool.  

  11. 35 minutes ago, Captainant said:

    Boeing hasn't learned a single fucking lesson from killing hundreds with the MAX, and they've forgotten the lessons of Challenger

    Ignoring clear problems to push humans onto a known dangerous craft is just wrong


    It's pretty awful when they have the choice of sending a space x rescue, which will cost a fortune or using the Soyuz backup, and those are really the serious options.  It's becoming increasing clear that the starliner should have never been human rated by NASA, given the serious amount of problems with it.  Boeing has certainly failed here, but don't give NASA a pass on culpability either.  I'm sure there was undue pressure from lobbying and whatnot, but this is a failure on so many levels.  

    Boeing, once a great American company, is really at a crossroads in it's entirely.  It's gone from being one of, if not the most reputable company in the world to being a maker of junk in no small part due the clowns from Wall Street taking it over.  I don't think the company as it exists can continue, and will require being broken up (something that by the way should have been done thru anti trust, but I digress).  Ultimately, this is what happens when the financial dickheads from Wall Street corner one portion of a market.  

    If I were an Astronaut stuck up there, no way in hell I'm trusting that thing.  

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