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Posts posted by BamaATL

  1. 30 minutes ago, Mittens said:

    Premise of OP is spot on.  I work in medical malpractice insurance and have a client in WF that is in a real bind.  They need to add a provider to their roster, and there is only 1 available in the whole region (w/ that specialty), but he's almost uninsurable.  They're going to end up paying through the nose for a guy who will work maybe 25 days a year for them.  100 miles from anywhere anyone really wants to live, especially anyone w/ real earning power.

    It's easy to poke fun of a place that is going thru a bad time, but the truth is this is a big problem, and it appears it's only going to get worse for places like WF.  As we continue to urbanize, places like this just going to keep getting left behind.  Rural America is largely devoid of professional services, and now mid size America is getting left in the dust.  

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  2. 5 minutes ago, Loch Ness Monster said:

    Few random things I saw:


    I've driven by some Jo Gotta Go signs lately and found myself chuckling.  You fucking wanted it, now you fucking got it, good work dipshits.  

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  3. 25 minutes ago, RDCanecutter said:

    Reminds me of a friend who got an accountant job in Haleyville, up in Winston County aka The Free State of Winston as I was first told by a girl with North Alabama Box Face. My friend said if you wore a tie (which he did,) you got treated like the President of France. Anything was possible. Also it took about 11 cents a week to live well there.

    But then he had a mental breakdown, semi-recovered, then got destroyed by alcohol and died.

    The last sentence probably should be Haleyville's Wikipedia page, full stop.  

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  4. 2 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    Pretty sure it’s a massive amount of sunscreen…or maybe it’s something to minimize glare as they aim? My wife and I were puzzling over it this weekend.

    I could be wrong on this, but I think looking very lilly white in South Korea is considered high fashion.  I saw something a while ago on what the average South Korean woman spends on cosmetics, and it was....something.  

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  5. 5 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    This for sure. If you are a US citizen in Russia, GTFO. Seriously. You have 30 days, or your passport is revoked, and you are 100% on your own. Russia is a terrorist, hostage-taking state. US citizens are forbidden from going there.

    I couldn't believe it, but there were a couple of US guys that recently signed up to play in the KHL, dude, you are on your fucking own.  

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  6. Just now, Brisketexan said:

    Mark me down as hating the west trading actual bad guys who did really bad shit for innocent people who were kidnapped by Russia and held hostage.
    We need to start killing Russian operatives in the west instead of arresting them only to have them be traded for hostages later.

    To my thinking a prelude to any direct US involvement is getting everyone out.  

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  7. 58 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

    If Kamala is 50% Black and 50% Indian, what is she supposed to do, just pick one and ignore the other?  That's absurd.  (I doubt it's a simple 50/50 split, but nobody has shown evidence to the contrary.)

    Apropos of little, I chuckle when white Americans whose families have been here for a couple of centuries or more learn they have a black slave in their distant past.

    Not many of them are willing to do the genetic testing for fear of what they might find, which should tell you something.  My wife and I were excited to see what came out and it was interesting, I had no idea I would have any Mongol ties (not unusual about 25% of the world does) despite being mostly Irish/British/German/Swedish.  My wife had been told all her life she was Italian, come to find out, not one fucking bit, she's British, Irish, North African, Cherokee and a bit of other northern European.  

    It really just went to show me, we aren't all entirely what we probably think, we are all more or less mutts, and that's perfectly fine.  If anything, it's encouraged both of us to learn more about cultures that we didn't know much about.  Educating themselves aren't these people's strong suits, so beyond learning what they don't want to find out in a factual manner, they have no interest in learning about where they may come from.  So yeah.  

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  8. 5 minutes ago, InkaUtexas said:

    I know, I am just messing with him. And Iran is an interesting one for sure. But in that instance it was the entire US system providing weapons, not some surreptitious operation. I mean the CIA is not known to provide armor and F-14's.

    Personally, I support the rebels and want them to succeed, but to me history tells me that unless they more or less do the liberation portion themselves, this doesn't go well in the long term.  Even if they do there is no guarantee that it will.  However, earned freedom and democracy seems to do better in the long term, at least from my perspective.  Unfortunately, often times that requires martyrs and real struggle.  

    As a side note, the air base near me has been going nuts lately, which is usually a precursor that we are preparing for something or up to something.   I have no idea if this is related or not to this situation.   There is so much bad shit going on in the world right now, it could be anything.  Curious to know if anyone else near a base has noticed this as well.  

  9. 2 minutes ago, InkaUtexas said:

    Pinochet and the Mujaheddin both worked out well for us for what we wanted. And the Muj were not the Taliban.

    Well, the CIA also gave us modern Iran, so there's that.  His point that it can go to shit with them involved is true.  

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  10. 35 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    Abraham Lincoln once “anything is a dildo if you’re brave enough” and I think the same can be said of bombs.  They look like mines, which would be plentiful, probably with the original fuses replaced with something else. 

    It also explains the power of the explosion.  The impressive thing is that those are pretty heavy, so their drone lifting power is impressive.  They may not even need to change up the fuses, those pressure triggers are set for 150lbs of pressure, and falling from any height of significance would be enough to trigger them, assuming you could figure out to counter balance them to fall on the trigger, which looks to be the case.  That's a pretty smart use of common resources, and effective. 

    Man that Abe Lincoln was wise beyond his years.  To think, he didn't live in a time of molded rubber.  

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  11. Just now, InkaUtexas said:

    Yeah, but those are not real guns. Glorified pellet guns. If they were AR's? Hell yeah we win.

    It's not fair, the fucking Norwegians get a drive by competition in the winter Olympics, we need ATVs and a gallon of hooch in this competition.  

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