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Posts posted by BamaATL

  1. I hope the suits perform well.  To my knowledge, these will be the first new suits in decades.  I can't even begin to imagine the difficulty in designing a space suit, because after all, it really isn't just a suit, it's a spacecraft in it's own right.  

    This is another technical challenge for going to the moon and beyond that seemingly we are well behind with.  

    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. 1 hour ago, aggie08 said:

    Do you have a daughter? It's refreshing to have an entertainer for her to look up to that writes their own music (about the ups and downs of life/relationships, not just about finding someone hot to grind up on on the dancefloor), can play her own instruments, who formulates her own opinion on things and can express them capably and passionately, and shows that there's other ways to dress attractively than just the amount of skin visible. I imagine women of all ages find something to admire about her.

    And beyond potential financial impacts, expressing anti-Trump, anti-GOP positions like she has for the past 6+ years puts a target on her back as big as anyone in the country's. Even with her (presumably) bad ass security team, that takes courage.

    But agreed, obsession about pretty much anything isn't particularly healthy, especially someone you're never going to know on any real level.

    I don't have a daughter, so that's fair.  I also just don't like her music, which is fine by the way, music is completely subjective, a lot of people certainly do enjoy it.  Good for them.  

    I would point out, that having a pop singer influence an election is weird as hell, but I'm glad she's on the right side of things.  

    • Hook 'Em 2
  3. 3 minutes ago, RabidM said:

    I'm not sure how many truly undecided voters there are. It's got to be the biggest reason the polls are so tight.  I mean, this shouldn't even be close, but it is.  I don't know that Trump can do anything to lose his base voters.  1 Percent would be disappointing, but not really surprising.  The dems have to turn out their base to win.  The young people have to show up en masse.  Conservative  women have to vote for their own self interests and the interests of their daughters and grand daughters etc...  We still need quite a few things to go right. 

    The undecided crowd is a lie in the polling world, and it keeps them (the pollsters) cooking.   Most all these folks aren't undecided, but unaffiliated who already know who they are voting for.  If you ever take one these poll questionnaires you wind up down several different worm hole, one is base republican, one is base democrat, the indy voters worm hole is designed by the pollster groups to secure as many "undecided" as possible.  However, they never ask you directly who'd you vote for in this set of questions, and it's deliberate.  

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  4. 16 minutes ago, Js1 said:

    There won’t be another debate. He’d be a fool to agree to another one. 

    He is a fool, but beyond that, he's going to be polling so poorly he'll practically beg for one more crack at it.  Also, remember on September 26th the redacted portion of the Jan 6th indictment drops, so in this month alone, shit stands to get worse for him.  

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  5. Just now, RabidM said:

    Considering what was at stake, I was too nervous to watch.  How did it go?  (I'm serious, I didn't watch) 

    Well, one candidate is a polished professional, the other is a crazy person with nothing but grievance and no plan whatsoever.  I'll let you pick which was whom.  

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  6. 1 minute ago, Dbeasy said:

    So my wife made an interesting comment. She noticed that Trump never looked at Harris. She felt that was deeply offensive and felt women would subconsciously not like that one bit. 

    Pointed out multiple times by my wife, she repeatedly called him a bitch thru out

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