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Everything posted by BamaATL

  1. Generally starts around mid September, and then pretty much everything is impassable until late November/middle December, once the freeze sets. That all nicely coincides with the advance in Kursk, it won't be long before both sides have no choice but to dig in there. The bridge over the Seym River serves to only help this. Ukraine is at least going to hold this area into next year. At the end of the day, if a diplomatic solution is to come post the US election, having a chip to trade is smart. At this point, all things being equal, would you trade Kursk for Zaporizhzhia? All told though, I think the Russian blogger is correct, this isn't a one punch move, there is a second punch coming, I'm just not sure where. If anything, the Ukrainians continue to show everyone they are full of surprises.
  2. I'm not so sure the WSJ is the best source of info on this. Yes, trading land in Donetsk isn't ultimately a good thing, nor is the appearance of a retreat, however, if you read between the lines there are a lot of potential advantages here. Pulling the Russians forward and out of entrenched positions actually makes them more vulnerable than before. It stretches their already piss poor logistics. Plus rather than being in concrete bunkers, they find themselves sitting in desolate fields, which by the way they destroyed with their artillery (no cover). In this war, if you find yourself standing in an open field, there is a good chance you have but minutes to live. Plus, the ground they are trading quite frankly is destroyed and mined. There is a great chance the Russians will blow themselves up with their own minefields. Yes they are trading ground, but it's being done in a tactical manner. To put it in football terms, you are actively encouraging the Russians to out kick their own coverage. It should come as no surprise the WSJ found a military member willing to question the strategy, however, one must also concede that there is a good chance this is subterfuge.
  3. Reports of explosions in Kerch, apparently the ferry landing. Taking that out of commission would, even if temporary would make the bridge the only viable entry point to Crimea at the moment.
  4. It's the Sarlacc pit of vaginas
  5. I'm just gonna point out that the Beetleguese release is only a couple of weeks out.
  6. Giving handjobs for a reasonable price shouldn't come with the possibility of arrest, rather, a triple A rating withe Better Business Bureau and community nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize.
  7. Well this is the best recruiting video I've seen
  8. I think this would only be the 3rd of 4th loss of a HIMARs the entire duration of the conflict. Hate that it's happened at all, but that's pretty amazing considered how highly prized they are. I've read that in Ukraine they pop out, fire and immediately retreat to fortified underground bunkers, which is why they haven't been hit, in Kursk, that may not be as readily possible.
  9. I feel pretty confident killing the commander that didn't get his guys killed won't be overly popular with the rank and file.
  10. Well, she ply's her wears and gives money to others in need of help, I'd say that make her a pretty decent person, hand jobs for money or not. Plus I wonder if anyone has a business card of hers?
  11. I've read in the past that there are multiple places in western Ukraine used for POW camps, and I've seen footage of the camps. The POWs are well fed, taken care of medically, and clean. Andersonville, it ain't. They are shown footage of Russian behavior and crimes committed. Lastly they are given the opportunity to more or less defect and be removed from the exchange pool.
  12. Let's hope that rings true, that'd be the House right there.
  13. I don't know, you have to figure the Chechens will shoot them if they retreat. It's probably going to be a shit show. At least some of these guys are totally against this for the right reasons, and the reality is they are still going to die. That sucks, the world isn't always a fair place. I certainly feel bad for them.
  14. I'm offended You left out Applebees.
  15. Saw a History of Food episode that featured his story, it's a good one.
  16. Not great Bob I hope these guys find their way to surrendering real quick.
  17. Correct me if I'm wrong here, but aren't the trains running, and while they couldn't put equipment on them, they would be allowed to transport units thru those.
  18. So the Lithuanians are now claiming that Russia is pulling troops from Kaliningrad to reinforce Kursk. It's still highly unlikely, as that region is filled with hardcore Russians, but it would be freaking hilarious and great if a civil uprising begins there.
  19. Good to see this, and exactly what they need to do
  20. Wait until they are cheap enough to strap bombs to. Need to clear a trench or foxhole?
  21. Interesting, I wonder if this has to do with the other Incursion from a couple of days ago into Belgorod that we've since heard little about.
  22. The first inclination is idea that the Ukrainians are trading eastern positions to put this pressure on Russia in north. A thought did occur to me, what if they are also attempting to lure Russian forces out of entrenched positions in the East? Just a thought anyway.
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