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Everything posted by BamaATL

  1. Well on a positive note, we might get a new Clarence Earl Gideon of drug convictions, and a decent movie out of it.
  2. Oh I think we might be getting the full shaft.
  3. Word is it will be out Monday.
  4. Believe me, I am 100% on board with that, and its one of my biggest criticisms of the Democratic party.
  5. I hope you are in fact correct about November, despite last night I still like our chances, but I could have done without that. I do, however, disagree with packing the courts, because where does it stop? I'd find it far more preferable to term limits on Justices, because a few years of this sort of stuff is survivable, 30 to 40 years of it is a disaster. 10 years seems reasonable, combined with blind trust requirements and significant salary increases (of course that is an absolute pipe dream).
  6. If we lose this one, there is a strong possibility we lose Sotomayor as well, she's 70; so if you think 6-3 is bad just wait for 7-2. I was actually thinking about this and found myself sort of stunned. In my estimation Clarence Thomas is the most brazenly corrupt justice at least in our lifetime, and I'd venture a guess in history. Despite that, the possibility exists that he isn't the worst on this court, and to make matters worse many of them appear healthy and relatively speaking young. Alito is giving Thomas a run for his money, and just wait til the others start having shit come out. I'm normally pretty positive, but right now, you'll need to excuse me while I go huff some paint.
  7. That's precisely the point.
  8. I'm half encouraged it isn't a Friday news dump, but my hopes are pretty low to be honest.
  9. So basically, the Supreme Court in the last few days has more or less legalized fraud and bribery, and even if it is still illegal, there will be no one who can enforce anything. So that's just fucking swell. Let the buyer beware has never been more accurate. If any of you are putting together a snake oil business and need an investor, I'm interested.
  10. Well, if they don't pay we can ruin their credit.
  11. In which case I know what Biden's first order should be.
  12. Might I suggest a version of "Of Mice and Men"
  13. Wouldn't that by default then make him the incorrect choice? (though he'd have my vote for sure)
  14. Tell me you've never been to Atlanta without telling me you've never been to Atlanta.
  15. Man o man, Biden should've started with that. He started like shit, but he's cooking now.
  16. Holy jeez, the man impeached for quid pro quo on Ukraine, simply wow.
  17. If any honestly believes that the world respected us under Trump I just don't know what to do with them.
  18. So a tariff won't apparently drive higher prices?
  19. Their website is just as, if not shittier in terms of right wing talking points and bullshittery. They've quit courting left or middle voters and gone after the right wing news mongers; which is dumb as shit because they are basically never CNNers.
  20. A lot like a pyramid scheme, their business model requires them to recruit others, and yes it's a business. So fat chance of that happening any time soon.
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