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Posts posted by BamaATL

  1. 4 minutes ago, Blotto said:

    Winder falls in the  GA 10th Congressional district - here's their proud house Rep



    I really don't give a shit if this specific incident involved an AR-15 or not, the mentality that fetishizes guns in this country is fucking repulsive. I'm sure their seats are safe (Collins 64%, Clyde  74%  in last midterms) but perhaps they can put these fucksticks on blast for those stunts and it will resonate with other voters in GA. 

    It won't.  

    And now we are getting revised figures, the death toll and injuries are rising.  

  2. 7 minutes ago, Js1 said:

    I posted them earlier.  You know what you do?  You throw them in the pile, average them, and move on. 

    Actually if you do that -

    WI Harris +7 (probably too high)
    Michigan Harris +3.5 (sounds abought right)
    Georgia Harris +1.5 (sounds about right)
    Nevada Harris +1.5 (sounds about right)
    PA Harris +2.5 (sounds about right)
    Arizona Trump +1.5 (probably too high)

    It's increasingly clear to me that CNN deliberately sandbags for the purposes of the fear driven ratings, the Arizona and Pennsylvania numbers being indicative of that.  It's irritating.  

    • Hook 'Em 2
    • Rage+1 3
  3. At least one victim has been transported to Grady in Atlanta.  Good and bad with this, Grady has one of the best trauma centers in the world.  Good news, more weren't sent here, meaning to me either, the other victims are not severely wounded, or too wounded to transport this far (about 40 miles).  Hoping for the former rather than the latter. 

    For those interested, Winder is sort of in between Atlanta and Athens, in Northeast Georgia, roughly 40 miles from either location.  It is heavily populated and rapidly growing, much like most of the Atlanta region.    

  4. 6 minutes ago, Js1 said:

    9/4 Bloomberg/MC

    PA Harris +5

    WI Harris +8

    MI Harris +2

    AZ Harris +2

    NV Harris +2

    GA Harris +2

    NC TIE

    CNN released it polls today, which is virtually the opposite in several areas.  

    Wisconsin Harris +6

    Michigan Harris +5

    Georgia Harris +1

    Nevada Harris +1

    Pennsylvania Dead Heat

    Arizona Trump +5

    I find their Pennsylvania and Arizona numbers to be highly suspect.  

    • Hook 'Em 4
  5. 3 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    I'm not opposed to moving air defenses into Ukraine, to cover Western Ukraine. Poland is talking about it - they have a real concern that errant Russian missiles will hit Poland or another NATO nation at some point - it's very clear that Russian missile accuracy is pretty shit, otherwise they'd be sending their missiles at nothing but military targets, trying to degrade the Ukrainians' ability to wage war. Shit, there's no way Putin can really sustain 1,000+ losses a day (killed, wounded, and captured), and the fact that he's throwing border guards and conscripts with a couple of weeks training at the well-trained Ukrainian forces that are in Kursk speaks volumes.

    Russia, for all its fucking around, has been extremely careful about directly engaging with the West.  Hell, they claimed the West took out the Nordstream pipeline, but did they actually do something about it?  Nope. And for all of the dozens of red lines their state media and Lavrov and the others have claimed, they've done nothing.

    I really get fucking sick and tired of people saying "oh if we send this weapon to Ukraine, we will upset Russia!"

    How about this:  How about people start saying "If North Korea or Iran send this or that weapon to Russia, they will be upsetting America?"  What the fuck, why is it only about upsetting Russia?

    Hell, China has been quietly disengaging with Russia, slowly but steadily, because they are in fact scared of our economic power and getting on the wrong side of American/EU sanctions. For all of China's shit-talking and fucking around in the Pacific, at the end of the day, they aren't willing to get on the wrong side of our sanctions.



    The other thing is that we have an unusual political situation looming, in that we have a lame duck leader.  After the election, regardless of how that goes, Biden will have a couple of months to do this sort of thing, and it gives political shade either way (not as much to one side, but hey).  We can accomplish this sort of plan with minimal usage of actual troops or pilots by using our own vastly superior drone capability.  

    • Hook 'Em 3
  6. 20 minutes ago, Chopper said:

    Has anyone written a believable explanatory piece about the backroom discussions regarding whether UKR should be free to attack RUZ with US weapons? I assume the decision comes down to Biden acceding to DOD, CIA and NSA recommendations but I'm impatient for a reasonable explanation. The apparent leaks about those discussions makes me believe they've been unanimous so far. 

    I've long felt it's time we put out some red lines of our own and make our intentions clear, as in, get out of Ukraine or we are going to make you, NATO or not.  Make it clear we won't engage in Russia (so as not to violate Russian Nuclear doctrine), but to pretty much deliver an ultimatum that it's time for Russia to go the fuck home.  A clear message, broadcast across the world, "you have 48 hours to begin to leave, and 2 weeks to be fully gone, or we will clear the air space and ground targets."  Unlike Russia's red lines, our need to be concrete.  Make it abundantly clear that it's over, if that makes us the bad guys in the eyes of the Russian population, so be it (here's hint, that's how this ends anyway, so who fucking cares?).  

    I don't give a rats ass about ever doing business with these idiots, so to me, who cares about that concern?  Leave them isolated, strangled with economic sanctions, and humiliated.  Fuck em.  Make conditions so fucking bad in Russia that if they want to rejoin the modern the world, they are going to have to make massive changes.  

    • Hook 'Em 6
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  7. 37 minutes ago, Gatorubet said:


    Yep, had absolutely nothing to do with our island hopping campaign, our absolute destruction of the Japanese Navy and Air Force, our complete and total air superiority.  Nope the Soviets, without a real navy to speak of at that point, or air power of any significance in the theater is what just turned the tide.  

    Patton was an asshole, but he was always right, we should have just kept marching straight to Moscow.  It's a shame we lacked the political will to do it, the world would be a very different place today.  

    • Hook 'Em 7
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    • Rage+1 1
  8. 1 minute ago, EuroHorn said:

    Is the ACC going to sue FSU for staying in the conference?

    Not a chance.


    They are also attaching Clemson to the lawsuit.  

    • Haha 2
  9. 1 minute ago, Macklemore said:

    No it wouldn’t be cool at all. I still despise BOB and wish he fails wherever he goes. Alabama fans are hate watching him like us Texans fans. Fuck FSU for losing this game.

    Probably not.  

  10. Just now, MNLonghornFUKM said:

    DJ's first performance was technically last week, which he was still shittier than Connor W. actually DJU has pretty much sucked since his first start at clemson

    I hope he saved that Dr. Pepper money.  

  11. Just now, ztejas said:

    No it actually looks a lot dumber. 

    I don't like all this as much as anyone else, but at least you guys and Oklahoma make some level of geographic sense.  Right now we are watching two teams in the Atlantic Coast Conference, playing a home game a few miles, quite literally, from the Pacific Ocean.  

  12. 2 hours ago, Clintonaldo said:

    Dumb question alert. How much food and water is up there for the 2 astronauts stuck? It was an 8 day trip and now it’s going to be 5 months. 

    Dragon automated resupplies are pretty common place (so much so they are rarely even mentioned), and generally have gone without a hitch.  That combined with the current cache of supplies up there, it shouldn't create any sort of problem.  If I remember correctly, the payloads of the dragons are generally a couple thousand pounds, and most of it is consumables like freeze dried food and water.  

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