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Everything posted by FartingDreamer

  1. Sweet! Let me know what y'all would like me to bring, (just making sure I contribute). Would be a lot more fun than tailgating at the BYU tailgate with personalities as sterile as an alcohol wipe. I'm the great-grandson of a Central Texas moonshiner if you can't tell, lol.
  2. I can't go one week without drinking myself drunk to sleep, hell, half a week is a long time for me. I reached out to Jack Damuni and BYU Football to find an AA sponsor, hoping I hear back soon from Kalani and Co.
  3. Thank you! I hope so too, before it's too late.
  4. Cougarboard is as or more active then Surly believe it or not.
  5. and despite the games, he was a good guy from small-town Pocatello, Idaho who was just trying to make a future for himself. I met him once, very quiete, introverted and humble guy. Anyways, I just got drunk again and I'm pointing out to Okies that their state's GDP is dependent on Meth production, lol. https://www.dirtburglars.com/forum/sports-forums/athletics/football/1184185-byu-fan-and-alum-here-i-come-in-peace/page2
  6. I remember that one! Classic! Only for a little bit....
  7. I shouldn't, but I do. People mock others who chose not to drink for religious reasons but now that I'm an alcoholic literally killing my own liver (I drink a 12 pack of 9% a day), I kind of wish I never touched alcohol, as fun as it seemed at the time. It's cutting my time short.
  8. Sorry, I was a little drunk last night, lol.
  9. Didn't realize that Okies would be so fucking hostile because I'm from Texas... https://www.dirtburglars.com/forum/sports-forums/athletics/football/1184185-byu-fan-and-alum-here-i-come-in-peace Anyways, I'm planning to attend the BYU @ Texas game on 10/28 and was hoping to attend a Surly tailgate so i could break bread and share a beer with some of y'all surly posters down in Austin before the game.
  10. One exception would be Oregon. Eugene is a passionate anomaly on the west coast when it comes to college football. They love their ducks over there. And they are delusional.
  11. Having the P5 Big12 bump should boost their attendance and solidify their fanbase, all while being rooted in one of the fastest growing metro ateas and fertile recruiting grounds in the country along with the large alumni base, who now has a P5 program they can claim as their own.
  12. If you consider the travel and time zone difference, that could be sort of an equalizer that would add intrigue to those games?
  13. Franklin's (possessive) ... happy now?
  14. I've had Bam Bams BBQ, and while its not Franklins, Blacks or even my great-great uncle's central Texas hill country family reunion bbq (RIP Uncle Charles Jones), its still decent and good. He(the owner BamBams) did his bbq training in Texas, so he has an idea of what to aim for.
  15. I remember when games were on TBS.
  16. No longer applies...
  17. You're the one throwing out baseless accusations out of arrogance and entitlement, so let me respond in kind... who the hell are you?
  18. How was I taking shots at Texas?
  19. No different then Oklahoma.
  20. Not gonna happen, nor should it.
  21. BYU was the first program with a Polynesian pipeline with Tongans making up the bulk (see what I did there) of the Poly players.
  22. *Tongan This
  23. She ain't a lady if she ain't 280...
  24. Doesn't matter, still 1984 national champs.
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