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Everything posted by FartingDreamer

  1. Living in the past...
  2. Yet, y'all keep turning to us in seeking validation...
  3. Astros and their fans resemble Aggy in their insecurity.
  4. Fuck the Astros.
  5. Magic number is now 4 bitches.
  6. Magic number down to 4.
  7. Why did Bochy pull Hernandez?
  8. That was an ugly, frustrating and embarrassing loss.
  9. Here's a hint: that would be a "first"...
  10. Well, our defense has improved a lot due to a new DC and change in scheme and personnel from the transfer portal. Our offense is still coming together but not there yet and is struggling to run the ball.
  11. I'll be getting my tickets in the coming weeks, is there a dedicated Surly tailgate at the Texas games or are there any tailgating recommendations for finding a good tailgate? I make it a point to rub shoulders with opposing fans at each away game. Headed up to Fayetteville for our game vs Arkansas on Saturday, so that should be interesting.
  12. I was WAY off.
  13. Congrats on the huge win. That crowd was no joke. Happy for y'all and especially happy for Sark.
  14. What are you, 14? If anyone or anything sucks it's your pathetic creativity.
  15. KU is going to be a Big 12 darkhorse and tough to beat this year.
  16. It's like that in Wyoming, Montana and Eastern Idaho. Summer pretty much ends at Labor Day. Hell, I once saw snow flakes in July in Yellowstone. Utah got snow in the ski resorts two days ago
  17. Elevation is no joke when you're coming from lower altitude. Simply try taking the stairs at 7,000 ft and see how long you go before your sucking wind.
  18. I played for his brother in high school. One game we were playing 4A Terrell and he got Jay to come give us a pregame speech. It was also the first time I had seen a six door Dodge Ram. There will be a P3 or maybe a P4, but not a P2, like some of y'all are wishing to happen. I've long given Texas and its fans the benefit of a doubt (as well as defended them on other forums), thinking the stereotypes about them were unfair and misdirected, and to an extent that is the case, but man, do some of them on Surly really do prove me wrong to some extent, which is a shame because I've rooted for Texas for years from my college years up until recently. To their credit, they aren't rude, hostile or obnoxious like some other fanbases, but the arrogance and vindictiveness (towards Big 12 and its teams) of some is certainly palatable and not endearing. Am I biased towards the Big 12, for sure. I'm emotionally invested since my alma mater is now a member. And for the record, I think Brett Yormark is a kickass commissioner (though I wouldn't have made that comment about Texas Tech "taking care of business") if I were him. How does he mock? Takes little competitive jabs? Sure, but I never perceived any mocking. I'm not going to weigh in on whether Texas threw its weight around or not because I see parallels with BYU when we were in the Mtn West in how we were seen and treated by our past conference mates, though I think OU has gotten a free pass from criticism. The Big 12 WILL be relevant, you can bet your sweet ass it will be. Will a middling SEC or B1G program be just as relevant is a better question. We'll be making half to two thirds what the B1G and SEC will be making, but we'll still be a power (P3 or P4) conference when all is said and done. And the Big 12 will be a more competitive top to bottom conference then the top heavy SEC and B1G. If the B1G and SEC do break away to form their own league, you can bet your sweet ass the Big 12 won't be left behind, as much as you hope for that to happen.
  19. ASU is a landmine of potential but with a shitty culture and track record of poor leadership and no vision holding it back from that potential.
  20. Ooh, what a sick burn. You totally got me there. I guess the SEC has been struggling mightily since BAMA lost to UL Monroe back in 2007, how on earth did they recover?
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