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Humble Beast

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Everything posted by Humble Beast

  1. Literally the only people ever saying it would be a free for all are the naysayers in this thread. Please find someone else saying that here. You can’t. The only people upset with that will be a very fringe minority.
  2. Who will declare what is the truth? Maybe the government could start a Ministry of Truth. That would be nice.
  3. I considered not sharing these because he’s such a creep. A couple of these graphs were good though and despite his Epstein connection he’s still pretty plugged in and his viewpoint could be one that is considered above the noise.
  4. It’s much more about legit stories getting throttled down or otherwise wrongly refuted with great confidence. I don’t really give a shit about Alex Jones or Trump getting kicked off honestly. It’s more of the key stories falsely dismissed or bullshit getting amplified. Besides Trump getting kicked off, that is why blue check Twitter is mad. Their bullshit was amplified.
  5. People get duped by all kinds of bullshit from blue checkmark Twitter all the time. Going down the list is all kinds of CR so I’ll just pass. You don’t like that there will be less moderation/censorship. Fine. I guess you’ll need to build your own social network.
  6. Wouldn’t surprise me to learn later that this explosion of hate speech literally the day Twitter shifted owners was due to nefarious actors trying to get just the reaction you’re providing. You think there’s really that many racists that were lying in wait for the opportunity to anonymously post the n word when they can just say it at home? Ok this is funny, but I’m pretty sure the legacy blue checkmark system had some form of ID verification. Elon was wrong to post it. Should he ban himself? Again, content moderation is a spectrum. You lean more toward DHS secret censorship model they were using, I lean in the other direction. Elon purchase is move in that direction so I’m good with it. Don’t worry you still have almost all other legacy media to fact check and pursue whatever disinformation they perceive in the Twitterverse.
  7. That could be a problem. I’m guessing that some form of ID verification would be utilized. Okay, you’re imagining things. Just wanted to clear things up. There’s a lot of room between “free speech absolutist” and the recent Twitter version that received secret moderation and censorship “suggestions” from the Department of Homeland Security. I suspect it will end more anti-censorship than the screechers here will like, but it will be usable and mostly inoffensive.
  8. This is 100% what this is. NBC would not run with something leaked by Rs to hurt Biden in any way. Pretty smart little leak imo.
  9. Oh i didn’t mean to do that if that’s how it came across. I thought it was because they banned the Babylon Bee?
  10. The nursing shortage thing is a problem. What they’re paying them is a whole other issue. Lots of disgruntled nurses have left their jobs to take travel assignments for more pay. Then the places they leave have to pay more for travelers to replace those nurses and it’s a negative feedback loop. A colleague in administration told me that HCA has had massive increases in labor costs due to this. He quoted me 37% from some presentation he was shown. In any event I’ve asked the basic question why not give people 10-15% raises to keep them happy and stay out? The excuse is that it would throw their corporate pay scales out of whack and the funds for travelers come from a different bucket and aren’t reflected in the operating cost of any particular unit like the OR or ER for example. That is my understanding of the problem, maybe others know better. No easy fix.
  11. I question the validity of this. Please confirm @Armybrat
  12. BIS paper on dollar milkshake/wrecking ball A lot we have talked about here, but a couple interesting things. Strong dollar hurts global trade generally. ”Second, an appreciation of the dollar tends to go hand in hand with weaker global trade (Graph 3, right-hand panel). This is linked to the widespread use of the dollar for trade invoicing and financing. When the dollar appreciates, export prices, which are sticky in the short term, do not change much, while import prices in local currency increase, depressing import demand.4 In addition, a stronger dollar tightens trade credit conditions as trade credit is denominated mainly in US dollars. This hinders both imports and exports and puts pressure on global value chains.5 Consistent with such outcomes, the World Trade Organization forecasts a significant slowdown in world trade growth in 2023.“ Also another call from a foreign entity for the Fed to chill. “Finally, there is the question of whether the sharp appreciation of the dollar makes the case for greater global coordination of monetary policy. The concern could be that central banks may otherwise overtighten monetary policy from a global standpoint as they try to limit exchange rate depreciations.12 While most central banks have increased policy rates rapidly in recent months and have communicated their intention to hike rates further, real interest rates have declined over the past year or so and remain negative in most regions (Graph 5, right-hand panel). Furthermore, inflation remains stubbornly elevated. These observations caution against the notion that monetary policy is overreacting to the global surge in inflation.” Good luck with that.
  13. I like to present opposing viewpoints here and yes I’m typically sympathetic to them. If I’m not I’ll say so, like with the Elon/Jack conspiracy column. Whether you or anyone else engages is up to the poster. If I’m proven wrong on something I’m pretty quick to admit/correct it and have done it multiple times. I’ll just leave it with this. The control of information and narrative dissemination is massively important. The fact that Elon is potentially disrupting that is a pretty dramatic change and why I think we’re seeing the reactions on Twitter and here. It’s reasonable to expect the establishment try to get Elon to bend the knee. I could see them going after the shady business shit he’s been doing forever. Solar City was largely glossed over for example. Worth following.
  14. I actually do think Elon will get targeted more after the Twitter purchase. He’s perceived to be more dangerous now than ever for just the reasons listed in that column. I don’t see how that’s an extreme viewpoint.
  15. I’m not sure what was unintentional. I have the self awareness to know I have a few fringe views that others might find “crazy”. A column breaking down Elon/Twitter deal and the potential aftermath doesn’t qualify.
  16. Of all the things that could elicit this response, I’m a little surprised that column did it. Why the outsized reaction?
  17. This is going over about as well as one would imagine.
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