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Humble Beast

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Everything posted by Humble Beast

  1. so we could keep draining the reserve? Seems like a lopsided, no win scenario for us. We drain reserves more and they’ll still get what they want when we stop.
  2. Have to think beside the SPR draws that EU proposed price cap played a part. Backfired before it could even get implemented. GGWP
  3. Just read an interesting piece looking at possible signal that stagflation is coming. It’s a long, paid one with lot of graphs and a couple tangents so I’ll just spoiler/paste a few passages. It looks at the price/btu of various hydrocarbons and a couple anomalies that have emerged in the energy crisis. Intuitively makes sense, especially the coking coal/steel angle. Indeed. I’m a sucker for blondes and they represent well.
  4. Looking to move the money I had in Twtr into some US NG plays. The arb between US prices and European will close over time, and higher than Us prices are now. I’ve seen DVN and EQT mentioned as some larger cap options. Anyone know of any smaller cap #stonk ones worth a few chips? @Porterhouse
  5. It’s been a few years, but what struck me about the Dutch was the utter lack of fat people. I figured it was all the bike riding they do in Amsterdam. It was pretty refreshing coming from America.
  6. A lot happening in oil and gas. This is such a terrible idea. This letter pretty clearly explains why. Will lead to more shortages and tension with allies.
  7. I’ll put this here as well as inflation thread because this seems like a pretty hostile act that could raise the temperature in a few ways. Obviously OPEC+ members upset about the talk of price caps. Probably don’t like our SPR dumps. Russia of course loves it. Prices should go up substantially.
  8. Umm, not good. No expert here but guessing they didn’t like the SPR’ing we were doing. Russia of course on board with this, or driving it? Hello inflation.
  9. You’re not actually proving anything. Again, there is no proven connection between the one degree of warming and storm severity or frequency. Everything on NOAA site is model projections into future. I’ve never disputed the 1 degree warming number. I’ve had people here claim 2.5 degrees of warming already, though.
  10. A little conflicted on the miners. Made some good money on them last cycle, but there’s some definite regulatory risk for the American ones the next time around. They’re a great vector for a state attack.
  11. Cool, thanks! Will check it out.
  12. Not to distract from Mogadishu, but if that sort of thing fascinates you as it does me then this is a pretty intense re-telling of the events surrounding a Medal of Honor winner. Not aware of anywhere else that you can hear such a thorough first person description of these kind of events. Long, but very gripping and emotional. Heavy. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/115-into-the-fire-and-beyond-the-call-of/id1070322219?i=1000404138217 Dakota Meyer on Jocko podcast.
  13. This was literally a CSB. Thanks for sharing. I am in awe of any Medal of Honor winner. Whenever I come across a mention of them I go down a rabbit hole reading citations of various winners. Goosebumps. That’s how I was reminded of this. Saw the ending of Hacksaw Ridge and started bouncing around the internet. Another crazy story.
  14. Looks like rule of law is still a thing. Good. $twtr halted.
  15. No actually that link to the NOAA page addresses that.
  16. I don’t see how I’ve been an ass on this one. These are big changes to make. If they’re being sold under false or exaggerated pretenses then I think it’s worth calling out. It’s his initials. Says so in his profile. The media spreads misinformation here. I was correcting it. Evidently it is quite upsetting. Here’s a good summary.
  17. Yeah one of my key follows thinks pivot is way down the line with core inflation still rising and oil going back up with OPEC+ looking committed to maintaining prices. The same caveat as always applies. A forced pivot a la BoE saving pension system.
  18. From your link Willfully, “In summary, it is premature to conclude with high confidence that human-caused increases in greenhouse gases have caused a change in past Atlantic basin hurricane activity that is outside the range of natural variability, although greenhouse gases are strongly linked to global warming.” All that paper had were more model projections.
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