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Humble Beast

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Everything posted by Humble Beast

  1. We just have to want to do it. We are an energy superpower. Also, while we’re at it let’s pull out more gas to use for all this green energy supply chain stuff. Instead of willingly walking into China’s embrace. Stupid.
  2. Good job for the month. I’ve seen 15-20% as the amount needed to cut. Getting there. The flip side is it has required such big industrial cuts. Good for the US. If we’re willing to pull out the gas, we can have a mini industrial boom with these companies looking for new homes.
  3. Record high coal demand. Going to need hydrocarbons, net zero/Greta nonsense notwithstanding. If we don’t pull out enough clean burning ones, then governments will go to coal. Need to adjust course.
  4. Shit. You were right and I was wrong on that one.
  5. Low information? How about some numbers. Sudzha pipeline. https://www.reuters.com/business/energy/ukraine-can-substitute-ns1-capacity-through-its-network-gas-transit-chief-2022-09-05/ Running 36 mcm per day below max. 365 days a year. 13.1 bcm potential Current Yamal flows https://money.usnews.com/investing/news/articles/2022-09-27/eastward-gas-flows-via-yamal-europe-pipeline-rise At the current flows cited, 15.5 bcm annually. Capacity of 33 bcm https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yamal–Europe_pipeline potential added capacity for Yamal 17.5 bcm 17.5+13.1=30.6 bcm potential flows. Still 28.6 bcm short of NS 2021 volumes.
  6. My father in law had a surgical incident in Austin and I think he needs a consultation. Any recs are appreciated.
  7. I own a good amount of private stock as well. Speaking from experience. Not all my eggs are in one basket.
  8. Sounds like he’s had trouble adjusting to an adult life where women aren’t constantly trying to blow you. It’s tough.
  9. “What happened at Colton High School is unacceptable,” said Brian Williams, an attorney for the alleged survivors. “While at school, students are entitled to feel safe and must be protected.“ Can you imagine the fear they must have felt? Will I be able to change at my locker today without getting my dick sucked? What if she asks me to bend her over in the shower like she did last week? Scary stuff.
  10. I’m trying to figure out how you could twist this statement to make it true. Do you mean it wasn’t needed when it was built? Looking at last year European natural gas consumption in 2021 was 396.6 bcm. Nordstream delivered 59.2 bcm or about 15% of that. Now Europe will have to ration. That seems like a “need” to me.
  11. They made Kim find 1.25M in her couch cushions and settle. I don’t think Ethereum Max ever made it off the ground.
  12. Yes that’s it. I’m poor. From crypto. Congrats on your success. Hopefully you can secure an exit from your private stock.
  13. Lol don’t be such a fucking baby. It’s just a milestone. If I really wanted to blame Biden I would CR shit post about it. The crazy part is the amount of monetary and fiscal stimulus that has resulted in nada.
  14. Kind of striking to see how far we’ve fallen. But it has to go lower.
  15. What an epic line. “He lost the fanbase when a f'n Sun Belt team waltzed into Kyle, pulled his pants down and did what they wanted.”
  16. The concern for the Fed, especially last month, was core inflation accelerating. I think it was 0.6% vs 0.3% expected.
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