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Humble Beast

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Everything posted by Humble Beast

  1. Russian defeat and de-escalation of the conflict are two different things. We have no interest in this conflict ending until Russia is expelled from Ukraine. That would constitute Russian defeat. Did we want de-escalation via resumption of Russian gas flows this winter? Depends. How would that occur? It would likely require easing of sanctions on Russia. We did not want that if they’re still occupying territory. I’m guessing we agree there. That particular scenario is important because that is part of what Putin was pursuing by cutting off gas to Europe. Put Europeans under pressure and weaken their support for Ukraine. Eventually perhaps have sanctions eased in exchange for energy. It was probably his best way to buy time now that things have turned against him.
  2. I’m all for that. That’s Russian capitulation. That’s not what we’re talking about though.
  3. This is a good point. There are Russian hardliners that think Putin isn’t being aggressive enough. Could’ve been them permanently eliminating the out.
  4. I think it’s pretty clear that our Govt has decided we have an opportunity to eliminate Putin by the end of this conflict and we are going to pursue that by several means. As such, I don’t think de-escalation is something we’re interested in with Russia on the ropes. Do you?
  5. Russia probably did it, but to think that there’s no reason for Ukraine/US to want those pipelines blown is kind of silly. Reasons Russia to do it. False flag to justify other coming attacks on European infrastructure. This could be all of it. Stir the pot among allies. There’s the theory about fines that Skipper mentioned. Although I don’t see how Putin cares about the rules. Reasons for US/allies to do it. Eliminates any small chance of a de-escalation or possibility of reversal of gas shutdowns. Gets rid of Putin’s only leverage. If you want Putin out it helps to eliminate any possible out for him before this war is resolved. The fact that it comes a day after Italy elects a right wing leader that states support for Ukraine, but has allies that have floated going back on Russian sanctions is unusual timing. Perhaps stop that trend before it even gets any legs elsewhere? FWIW no one officially seems too worked up about it. Not sure what to make of that. Flame away
  6. Fortunately it looks like Russia lacks the physical capability to attack other European energy infrastructure. Then the big concern would be cyber attacks as retribution for this false flag/attack.
  7. Aside from disarming the public there would be no better tool for authoritarians than a CBDC.
  8. And both pipelines coincidentally have failures the same day?
  9. I don’t know. I don’t think it would make a lot of sense for Russia to do it either. You would think they would want pipelines functional as an option if there’s some unexpected detente reached? Casting doubt? I already said it doesn’t really matter who did it. It’s an escalation.
  10. Yeah I’d say it was either us, or Russian false flag. There’s really no other option. Either way, seems like more escalation on the way.
  11. Just saw this, I requested the bar area here? Would it still be pretty dead?
  12. Looking at OU weekend. Thinking an Italian place for one night since we’re doing steakhouse one night and sushi another. Also Italian in San Antonio is generally meh. Grabbed two reservations just based off poking around internet. Bugatti’s by Love Field and La Stella Cucina verace in the Arts District. Looking for good and lively joints. Couples, no kids. Thoughts from the locals here? Anywhere else that y’all would recommend trying?
  13. Which will make the whipsaw even more violent when it happens. Remember the Fed is hiking aggressively to help restore their credibility wrt inflation. What happens when they’re forced to ease into high inflation?
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