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Humble Beast

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Everything posted by Humble Beast

  1. Krugman weighing in on currency issues. I think this means UK is fucked. Guess what? They do have external liabilities in a foreign currency. Energy/USD. How is he so dense to miss that? Same thing has the Yen under pressure. And the yen is a systemically more important currency. Japan will have to sell US treasuries to support their currency. Watch out.
  2. Demographics trump everything now on Bb. Taylor in landslide. Monte should’ve picked Turner. Pussy is undefeated, but I don’t see them being a long term BB couple. Dumb ass.
  3. https://twitter.com/goodable/status/1573846384058433537?s=21&t=8Qsuvr_1Rxr809q8KkSTeg
  4. Ruh roh. i think it’s reasonable to expect more of this. Population going cold and/or broke equals more populists on #bothsides.
  5. Good thread here. The punchline. We need to pull our heads out of our asses.
  6. Strong dollar also hurting EU banks? Another one to watch here. Credit Suisse down over 12%, new all time lows. I’d have to imagine CS failing would have some contagion.
  7. Looking at things that could force Fed to unwillingly pivot. HYG, the high yield, corporate debt etf is tanking below recent lows. Not far from the same levels of the Covid crash when the Fed jumped in and started buying corporate debt. Something to watch.
  8. Like it or not, one party is seen as taking border security more seriously.
  9. My so…rule applies again here. The number one issue in the Houston Gov poll was immigration. It was stated here that the only logical reason Texans would be concerned about illegal immigration is racism. The fact is we share a porous border with a narco state. Being concerned about the insecurity there is reasonable. Are the border areas that are moving more red becoming racist? No.
  10. Seems like that’s going to be the trend. Unelected central bankers willing to wreck economies to stop inflation. Elected officials pursuing fiscal stimulus in part to protect their jobs.
  11. UK’s new government really going for it. Tax cuts and energy bailouts. Its currency and bonds both dumping.
  12. You and all the other CRers are discounting the awareness of drug trafficking going on. You act like everybody coming across is some refugee looking for help but it’s not true. I think it’s will end up being overplayed a bit, but fentanyl is a thing. A growing problem. Locally 4-5 kids OD’d and died in Buda Hays in the last 6 months. If you think that the drug business isn’t enabled a Federal govt and WH that doesn’t really seem TGAF about the border then I don’t know what to tell you. Mom in Frisco has heard of this and knows Ds don’t really care about the border. Also that Beto was adamant about defunding the police. I mean we have a violent drug pseudo state on our border and one candidate talked about defunding the police. Asinine. I’m not even saying it can be stopped. But the message is so off to act like there’s nothing there. I’ve encountered it here repeatedly.
  13. Red River County/Clarksville VIce Pres John Nance Garner
  14. Seems like JPY is in the crosshairs of the market. Japan is still short energy and Fed is tightening. I think it will be difficult to stave off further devaluation.
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