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Humble Beast

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Everything posted by Humble Beast

  1. 🤔
  2. What’s the weapon situation in Iran? Any personal weapons legal?
  3. Unfortunately this feels like Cuba’s most recent uprising. They push harder than they have in years, but it’s incredibly difficult for an unarmed populace to overthrow a government and its armed security force. Especially when they take down internet comms. Really snuffs things out.
  4. Analysis of FOMC today from macro guy. My position remains that easing will be forced on the Fed, but the tough talk continues.
  5. Siap. From 4 days ago. Maybe things are aligning
  6. Gensler has talked about a lot of cryptocurrencies being securities and thus under his purview at the SEC. Eth fans have speculated that Eth would be exempted. It’s still tbd. Seems like there’s a regulator turf war going on. One possible outcome is bitcoin as a commodity being regulated by the CFTC, everything else as a security going under SEC regulation. Closer shitcoin regulatory scrutiny is inevitable. Devil will be in the details.
  7. I have like 3. Sometimes they let me out to comment on others.
  8. Good luck with that. That’s like asking you or GiphyLobo to not comment on any Surly thread.
  9. It’s being discussed pretty heavily in the Iran specific thread but thought I’d include here to mark its spot in the timeline. Protests began after murder of young woman. Seems like it will be a big hill climb to see meaningful change there, but I hope they can find a way.
  10. Lol. The Clinton are firing things back up just weeks after their pervy henchman Podesta takes over administration of Biden’s green new deal. If that doesn’t tell you how shady this whole deal is, then I don’t know what to tell you.
  11. If we’re supposed to be serious about the energy transition then proponents need to set aside Nimbyism. Raw materials and processing need to be brought onshore asap. This guy is a European. It makes sense for them to switch from Russian NG to Chinese renewables. For a largely energy self sufficient country like ours, it makes much less.
  12. These are always fun They forgot to mention that with food prices rising, people make more bologna sandwiches at home for work. That has less of a carbon footprint than going out to eat. Win/win
  13. Hyperinflation is a different animal.
  14. Point taken. But to be fair it’s wholesale prices. Also there were other cultural factors at play that helped lead to Nazis etc. But elevated inflation can definitely help fuel populist movements.
  15. No easing of inflation to be seen in Germany. That is the big difference between now and Volcker/early 1980s. We can’t hikes rates higher than inflation. As far as the deficits go, they’re relatively fixed. Interest rates can be more easily changed, so that’s what will eventually happen. We will have to ease at some point. Over the long term, we will eventually have Fed implement yield curve control to keep rates down. I’ve outlined why there will be less buyers of our debt as we continue to issue increasing amounts. The Fed will be the buyer.
  16. I can’t stop laughing at this
  17. Klaus Schwab and the team like two cryptocurrency options. Ethereum and CBDCs. You should ask yourself why that is. Maybe. We’d have to get through the bailout phase first. 1997-1998 ended with LTCM bailout to avoid feared contagion. We’re all much more levered and interconnected now.
  18. German gas. @Foosters The Good It seems clear that the blowoff top in Natural gas prices was sovereigns paying whatever it took to get gas into storage. The Bad The Ugly Hope as a geopolitical strategy. Not ideal.
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