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Humble Beast

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Everything posted by Humble Beast

  1. To your point. This guy focuses a lot on tax receipts. As our interest on debt and entitlements grow, it becomes more and more important that they keep growing as well. Crushing inflation and a recession will tank revenues.
  2. Big Noon is a better show. Urban is an excellent analyst. All the other guys gel together well. I listened to the audible podcast with Bruce Feldman and Stewart Mandel for the first time in forever this morning. Mandel asked Bruce if he and Urban would go out for drinks on Friday night. Lolz. Also fuck Stewart. Evidently he picked us to go 4-8? Jesus.
  3. Japan is continuously monetizing debt in the name of yield curve control. Literal money printing. And the Fed is tightening with USD getting much stronger. Both things can be true. And in the relative game of Forex it’s a double whammy.
  4. Looks like they’re going to go with price caps and rationing to deal with resulting shortages. Bold strategy, Cotton. Hopefully this flattening of the curve works better than the last one.
  5. What would you call yield curve control with an unlimited central bank bid on government bonds?
  6. $1.5T would be about 10% of GDP. Massive bailout.
  7. So if the boosters only work well for 4 months or less, how do you time your annual booster? Covid is not seasonal like the flu. I guess a fall shot would cover most of the winter here, but then you’re susceptible during the summer wave.
  8. Some more background on the doc in question. Major scumbag, shitty doc it would appear. https://dallasexpress.com/local-shuttered-clinic-linked-to-troubled-anesthesiologist/ An interesting point that I missed before was that the anesthesiologist that died at her home actually had the Iv fluid at the facility before leaving. If you’re going to arrest from local anesthetic toxicity, that is going to happen rapidly, with some preceding symptoms that the anesthesiologist would recognize. So I don’t think a contaminated bag played any part in her death.
  9. Yeah when you remove price signal to curb demand, you’ll end up with more shortages. It’ll be up to the government to ration it out. Determine winners and losers.
  10. Agreed. I would put it more at 2 years, but a lot of LNG capacity being built out that will replace energy needs. Russia has probably screwed themselves long term. Europe still has to get through this winter. Financially, I’ve seen back of the envelope math cited that puts the total bailout number for EU states at $500B. They can do that so it will just be matter of secondary effects of the money printing. Now this stuff I don’t fully understand. Derivatives can fuck it all up.
  11. I didn’t. Someone else did. I just get triggered by people acting confused why people closest to the money printer benefit most with the Federal Reserve system. It’s a feature, not a bug.
  12. From your Wikipedia article. By the end of 1913, the classical gold standard was at its peak but World War I caused many countries to suspend or abandon it.[39] It then lists all the countries that abandoned it.
  13. Central banking is a scam. It’s at the root of pretty much all of our problems. The gold standard oversaw the 2nd industrial revolution with all its massive improvements. Countries going off the gold standard and printing money is what really enabled WW1 to become the disaster that it did.
  14. Probably just wasn’t any good. Or you woke them up in the middle of the night? Also I’m still loling at people trying to shame about taking iv supplies from a hospital. The whole medical system is a massive inefficient, wasteful apparatus with all kinds of fraudulent shit going on constantly. But don’t take that LR with you. Or zofran.
  15. Could’ve had a GI infection. Intractable nausea. I have given multiple IVs to my kids over the years when they’ve had GI bugs. I only had to take a 2 year old the ER once to see how just a bolus of fluid perked them right up. Several hundred dollars later I realized I was never doing that again. I’ve never seen or heard of hospital/office staff getting upset at someone talking LR and Iv supplies for family.
  16. All good points. China/Taiwan resolution is tough to predict. Internal Chinese matters are kind of geopolitical “black box”. We on the outside are only able to go off what info we’re allowed to consume. I know Xi is trying to solidify power in October. Essentially become ruler for life. But then there’s the real estate/private sector leverage. Supposed bank runs thwarted. Also evidently there’s a Shanghai cohort of elites that are unhappy with Xi, but again really hard to tell what’s what.
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