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Humble Beast

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Everything posted by Humble Beast

  1. Will Urban be flying into Horseshoe Bay?
  2. Reverses recent “increase”. More of a symbolic move against price cap imo.
  3. Wow he was seconds from dying one of the dumbest deaths imaginable.
  4. Some other news. Also, large German paper manufacturer declares insolvency due to high input costs. Will remain operational though during proceedings.
  5. At the risk of my receiving my usual ire, I’ll share an opinion from that Twitter space I shared that was certainly against the grain. From a European analyst with a degree from UT. He believes that if the war gets bogged down in Donetsk and Luhansk that the “median European voter” will seek to ease sanctions in exchange for gas. Putin has botched the invasion so it’s no longer seen as a existential threat to Ukraine. He believes that in the end people make deals out of necessity. Cited that even during tense part of Cold War in 1980s Europe was helping Soviet Union build gas pipelines to Europe. We weren’t happy with that at the time either. Also believes Putin will not want to permanently strand those assets. I think the rhetoric on both sides has been too strong and runs against that thesis but worth following.
  6. He’s listed as the owner of Greenville Anesthesia Consultants since 2005. I only found a few other CRNAs under that entity. It’s not hard in a big city to find a place for independent docs to work. I’m a little surprised he was at what I assume is a new BSW facility. He could just be a sketchy old guy that’s been around a long time. There’s also a massive anesthesia shortage in most cities so there’s some unusual business arrangements going on. Some places will take pretty much anyone who can put people to sleep so facilities and surgeons can make money.
  7. Kyrgios 13-11 in the tiebreak. He is super talented, but a psycho which will end up costing him. Also, to say he is sweating profusely is understating it. As we get further into the match, should see him lose steam.
  8. Big match tonight. Pretty psyched for it.
  9. This will be extremely difficult to prove unless they set up an amateur sting operation with nurses and other docs to watch him and witness him spiking bags. That would be very difficult to keep a lid on given the seriousness of allegations. Realistically, any nurse or doc that works there over the last year or so is a suspect. Extreme psychopath behavior. My guess is they noticed people having strange symptoms postop. Might’ve taken a while to figure it out because the classic symptoms are described by patients when they’re awake.
  10. I thought was a very entertaining conversation on the energy situation in Europe. I enjoyed it especially because there was a good bit of disagreement. More interesting than usual echo chamber stuff. A couple small points that caught my attention. High storage levels are great, but a caveat I had not heard discussed yet was that there is a limit to how much can be withdrawn on a daily basis. Evidently that number is much less than peak winter demand so ongoing flows are critical. Also, the way German industry is configured, companies renew energy 1-2’year contracts in the 4th quarter. So a lot of the pain is yet to be felt. On that note they’ve agreed to some stimulus. Will have to wait on details.
  11. Yeah if we’re moving industry over, might as well pay to bring it here. Get people working at good jobs, maybe start reversing the fentanyl zombification of our population.
  12. Germany’s industrial business model was based largely on reliable, cheap and plentiful Russian gas. So they were willing to look past a lot. And if you take it a step further, given that German prosperity and current account surplus was largely dependent on the gas, after this whole conflict is done there will be some pretty drastic shifts in the EU economy and relations to hash out.
  13. And on the same day as price caps announced. What a coincidence. I guess the big question is when, if ever, will flows start again.
  14. Green energy. We’re actually moving towards more dependency on Chiner there.
  15. I haven’t seen stopping production presented as an option anywhere. The more obvious option would be to trim production to start a price shock. Theres a JP Morgan note circulating that a temporary 30% cut in production could almost double prices. You can do the math there. They’d come out ahead, and it would be fairly destabilizing. Although there’d be concerns about how well production could ramp back up after that. Official OPEC+ response will be important as well.
  16. Saw some survivors online yesterday complaining about how the open of dove season threw them off. A ton of pop pop pops going on. Sad. In positive news some of the Texans came out to visit. A big game locally as they’re also honoring the 50th anniversary of the state championship team.
  17. That’s great. If it’s going well we should hear more come out.
  18. This is likely to backfire imo. Supplies will be diminished globally causing higher prices of oil. Russia will likely make up the difference again as price goes up, thus inflicting more pain on G7 with little gain. There’s also the matter of OPEC+ response. How will the seller’s cartel respond to attempted formation of a buyer’s cartel? Not favorably I’m thinking.
  19. Smells like a stalemate. If big result happened either way, the winning side would be disseminating it widely. Neither side has been shy about that.
  20. Almost looks fake here, but this is being called an assassination attempt on Kirchner. How do you get so close and have the gun misfire?
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