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Humble Beast

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Everything posted by Humble Beast

  1. sorry to break up into multiple posts, but trying not to Bork the thread like Ukraine one.
  2. This stuff is difficult to verify. Trying not to get ahead of everything in the initial rush like what happened in Ukraine (Snake Island, ghost of Kyiv). But if these videos and reports are true, need to look more into this Al Sadr character. Troops with allegiance to him appear to be taking charge?
  3. Shit is getting a little crazy. Fighting between the “peace brigade” of this Al Sadr guy and Iraqi troops.
  4. Ok. But they didn’t need to announce that. They’ve been actively pursuing that. I read it differently. Let’s see. Anyway the bailouts will still be needed. At a GDP of 3.2T that’s over 4% of GDP in potential bailouts in UK.
  5. Looks like it had the intended effect.
  6. Government finally going to step in. I don’t enough about the market to guess what structural reforms they could be planning. I just know it keeps going up.
  7. I’ve shared a lot about fertilizer/ammonia production shutdowns. Looks like it’s reached capacity down 70%.
  8. Pretty sure Granholm was referencing gasoline.
  9. This is a good sign for Sam. I don’t know why you wouldn’t keep Sam over Foles. Sam’s upside is tbd. We know what you get from Nick Foles.
  10. It’s Bernanke and not close. Was in charge when the unofficial mandate to maintain stock prices was implemented. Bailed out foreign banks to the tune of 100s of billions. Maintained zirp and QE well past their usefulness. Then he cashed out as an “advisor” to two of the biggest hedge funds that benefited from his extreme policies. Total scumbag.
  11. Look at AAP still Stanning for masking kids. Pathetic.
  12. https://internationalaffairs.co/opinion/analysis-listening-to-european-electricity-traders-is-very-very-scary/ The prospect of countries shutting off cross border electricity transmission is pretty grim.
  13. US tax receipts went up almost 20% year over year due to the everything bubble. What do you think happens as economy normalizes?
  14. From the President yesterday. “All of this means people can start finally to climb out from under that mountain of debt,” the president said. “To finally think about buying a home or starting a family or starting a business. And by the way, when this happens the whole economy is better off.” Those things require credit (money) creation. You said it yourself. “last” I remain skeptical that this won’t continue. There’s a chance that they’ll let it lapse since it will be past midterm elections, but I’ll wait and see. Wrong. Economically this is about setting people up so they can gorge on the next debt trough. Don’t worry at the current rate of tuition Inflation your kid will need student loans anyway.
  15. Sounds like an economist. Still I think it’s some insight into how this is really viewed by people on the inside. They think it’s inflationary, but are still making it happen.
  16. Cross posting from another thread since it discusses Euro inflation.
  17. Pretty detailed breakdown of the Euro gas situation from Bridgewater. Even once they get past short term challenges this winter, Germany especially will become less competitive industrially. Bearish for EU given that they pay for a lot of the bailouts of poorer nations.
  18. This includes a good historical example of something similar. Also It will pour “roughly half [a] trillion dollars of gasoline on the inflationary fire that is already burning,” says Jason Furman, formerly the top economic adviser to President Barack Obama.
  19. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/cf-industries-halt-ammonia-output-170534103.html
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