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Humble Beast

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Everything posted by Humble Beast

  1. A fun experiment for tuition inflation would be to implement the time honored next step for central planners. Price controls. They invariably lead to shortages. But guess what, there’s too many colleges and useless degrees out there anyway. Could actually kill two birds with one stone. I’m only partially joking.
  2. Of course. It’s all so tiresome. No one here will try to justify it economically. I’m pretty sure that even the people in government don’t believe that prepared statement. It’s all bogus justification for something that was desired for many CR reasons. I shared it here because it’s clearly inflationary.
  3. You can expect more generalized fuckery. We just passed an inflation reduction act that likely does the opposite. Then followed It up with declaration that will be inflationary. I think once the law is disregarded like this and the seal is broken, there’s really not a limit on how much they can do. College costs will keep rising because they’re even more subsidized now, therefore debts will keep rising, then calls for new relief. Rinse, repeat. Or put another way, money printer go brrrrrrrrrrr.
  4. Some nice fiscal stimulus. Gonna need more IRS agents to pay for those votes they’re buying.
  5. I’ve never seen that episode, but I think he probably made more sense than CaptainAntifa.
  6. Yeah when I started the thread it was more focused on food and energy shortages leading to unrest, but Russia being destabilized and possibly Putin being unseated would be a welcome surprise and would definitely qualify for this thread. Bring it on. My only worry in your scenario is that Putin in that case will be extremely desperate. Anything is on the table. Unfortunately that’s the difference between some small time country being on the brink and a traditional power. I hope he gets taken out before we get to that point.
  7. Skyrocketing electric bills while still having prolonged shortages. Rinse, repeat More factory shutdowns. At some point the price of EU gas/electricity has to stop going up. With plants shutting down you are seeing demand destruction. My best guess is it keeps going up as these countries are paying whatever price they have to in order to fill storage for winter. It should deflate quite a bit when it tops.
  8. He was always going to lean on that in the end. It’s going to cause strain on the EU. How much remains tbd. It isn’t hard to picture it causing some serious divisiveness. If your population is cold and/or hungry you start to care less what other countries think or want you to do. Again, the biggest risk this winter outside of some nuclear conflict, is Germany crashing and the EU fracturing with it. Pray for a mild winter. In other news
  9. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/china-pushes-expand-power-grids-013242033.html
  10. Thought was pretty cool from Burnt Bean this weekend.
  11. Jimmyjazzed- when a thread is derailed over a piece of minutiae that is important only to Jimmy. See: Austin electricity rates, Austin HEB grocery bills
  12. Drill baby drill. You make a good point. If you could ensure that it somehow went to improving the education versus just expanding administration, that would be great.
  13. I hadn’t seen these numbers before. 1.5 trillion this year 1.5 trillion next year 1 trillion per annum after that And that’s without any more fiscal stimulus. Who will buy? The Fed obviously. The timing should work out well for the next round of QE to get announced. Large scale debt monetization. yeehaw
  14. Thoughts oil barons? I’ve seen other threads calling out futures manipulation as if there’s a basis for these complaints. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/saudi-prince-says-oil-futures-152412535.html?guccounter=1
  15. At first I thought this was the typical CR poster longing for me, but upon further review the tweet thread I linked was from a pro-Russian account. Despite the irrelevancy of that to the story, I tried deleting it but I’m unable to edit. When I see footage online I try to link to the source footage. Here’s the original tweet I came across. If you click the tweet link on Twitter app it take you straight to the thread, not the account itself. Carry on. But no Judge, no concerns on my end.
  16. The thermostat thing was a joke too. Check the ercot thread. I think we need to just move on. You’re perceiving slights where they don’t exist.
  17. Have you been drinking? I was joking about produce pricing because you’re the one that cites grocery shopping. I had no comment on what you said other than you’re welcome to leave if it’s too difficult to converse with posters here.
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