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Humble Beast

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Everything posted by Humble Beast

  1. My understanding is that with all his recent purging, there’s no one to challenge Xi’s power. This is going nowhere fast. I really hope I’m wrong.
  2. Lulz. Like everyone in healthcare I benefit from the government to some extent, but no I’m not a government worker.
  3. Have we seen the actual hours he was demanding from employees anywhere? Re diva comment: what was the median Big Tech job like the last decade? Especially the last two years. Work remotely. How many hours a week? We’ve all seen the tik toks. When confronted with having to do more, “working extremely hardcore”, they were given 3 months severance and proceed to leak about what a raw deal they got. Oh and that Twitter would fail any minute. I suspect that a lot of the people online are worried that if Twitter survives with half the headcount or less, that their jobs are not safe. Easy money has kept a lot of people afloat for a long time. That appears to be coming to an end. Elon has totally lived off the government teat. He’s done it well enough that I’d imagine he and his companies are viewed as important assets by the DoD and the government.
  4. I agree that it will be very interesting to see how it plays out. I pointed out the expense reduction because literally no one here has despite waxing on and on about profitability. In the end I think there’s a good chance these advertisers come back. If the traffic and eyeballs are on the app, then you’re hurting your business by not being involved if you thought it was a worthwhile spend in the past. If that happens, you have costs down where you’re profitable. As a bonus, the remaining workforce is committed and harder working by default than all the divas that have left. The path is there. Whether it happens remains to be seen.
  5. You mean Twitter isn’t going to make it through the weekend? Shit like this has been the case for years. Nobody cared here until Elon bought Twitter. It’s just funny.
  6. Nice math. All the hand wringing here about Twitter’s profitability and I don’t think I’ve seen it once mentioned how much reducing headcount will help their bottom line. Only that without all those vital personnel, Twitter won’t make it through whichever weekend.
  7. It seems like the narrative is shifting a bit here from Twitter is going to die to Elon’s Twitter business is going to hurt Tesla. That seems more likely imo. Just depends on people putting themselves in lesser electric vehicles to spite Elon.
  8. China still fighting the zero Covid battle almost 3 years later.
  9. Another one from the Economist. This one roughly equating slow downfall of GE with FTX implosion. Again, no mention of fraud. Still trying to figure out the angle that explains this farcical news coverage. No paywall here. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/ge-ftx-beware-icarus-complex-145542169.html
  10. Wait so the dad was a porn Star, was featured on Intervention and fought MMA? What a prolific son of a bitch.
  11. Here’s your daily wtf is this shit column on Sam. He wasn’t planning to save the world. It was all a scam. He’s already admitted it in leaked DMs.
  12. The subject matter is dense, but Odell is a very trustworthy source and goes over the trade offs of all methods of buying and holding. ask here if you need clarification or any other help
  13. Just to clarify, you want to buy one bitcoin. You want to pay cash directly to someone or you just mean you want to buy one? Cash purchases are not the way people first typically jump In. If you want to simply buy one online, I would recommend a bitcoin only business given all the “crypto” contagion going on. Either directly through CashApp or the River financial app would be my choices. When I buy my drops in the bucket I just do Cashapp and transfer to cold storage from there.
  14. Another bottom signal. I like it. This is like the opposite of FTX buying arena rights.
  15. The irony is that as Americans we have the most disposable income to speculate and therefore own the most bitcoin in the world, but we have the least intrinsic understanding of bitcoin’s value prop because of our relatively stable currency and rule of law. I think everyone here would agree that over time both of those things become less of a certainty, though.
  16. It’s worth exploring a leap forward in monetary technology. Transferring value peer to peer around the world in seconds is an objective advancement. The Lightning network built on top of bitcoin allows that. You can send micropayments, stream payments. We don’t know what all can built with it. One thing that is being tinkered with is streaming payments to content providers like podcasters. You just link a Lightning wallet to the app and set how many satoshis (sats, or 0.00000001 BTC) you want to stream to the content creator per minute. There’s a good chance it doesn’t happen, but that kind of function could disrupt the current ad based model of content. Granted, these are big ideas but who could’ve thought how the internet would disrupt our lives. The key thing is it’s a permissionless network that anyone can build whatever they want.
  17. Bitcoin is an trustless asset/currency which you can save that cannot be debased. When used properly it is censorship resistant and very difficult to confiscate. It’s become viable as we reach the end of a debt supercycle. If you’re unsure what that historically entails, it typically leads to money printing and a reset of the global financial order with all of the shenanigans that go along with that.
  18. One is a mature system that is more adaptable and is controlled by a handful of people. It is corrupted and directly benefits those closest to the controls. The other is an immature system that is fixed, decentralized and in which all users are treated equally. Neither is perfect. There’s tradeoffs between both.
  19. I never said it was a sure thing. It swings wildly because it has inelastic supply so increases or decreases in demand and leverage cause larger swings in price. As more capital moves into it over time, the volatility should lessen. It’s compared to dollars because that is the current reserve currency and it serves as a proxy for adoption. Although there has always been the meme in BTC that 1 BTC=1 BTC.
  20. No no no my guy. All these posters were right and called the bitcoin crash. Now it’s crashed all the way down to $16,000 per coin because it has no value. It’s useless. Here’s a good lesson for everyone to help you stay away. FYI there’s been two more crashes since this video. 😭 Be careful out there
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