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Humble Beast

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Everything posted by Humble Beast

  1. Please keep having all the super intelligent discussion elsewhere. If we need an update on produce pricing, I’ll tag you.
  2. A couple more shutdowns I’ve seen this one cited in a couple places, but no direct news release or quotes so not 100% sure on it.
  3. A little more detail here. I’m a little surprised to see they think it would only save 2% of their NG usage. The asinine part is that instead they’ll pay to import coal and burn it. Just backwards thinking to me. That is one of the underappreciated effects of inflation. If you’re uncertain about prices, or simply know they are rising rapidly, it is extremely difficult to plan things in your society. From an individual level to a corporate level decisions are made with a shorter time preference, but of course the best decisions are typically made with a long time preference.
  4. By far the most concerning recurring tidbit is how great our D Line has been doing. It means we still suck on OLine.
  5. The release of all this seems pretty organized. I’m sure this behavior has been going on for a while. I sense bad actors behind the scenes. Russians?
  6. Yeah it’s ridiculous, but they have to start somewhere. The real attack will be trying to have US corporate miners enforce OFAC sanctions and not allow transactions to/from sanctioned entities. Fortunately home mining is having a huge resurgence. Much more decentralization on the BTC front than Eth.
  7. I’ve said it before, but Germany crashing is the #1 threat to international stability right now. If they go down hard, EU and the Euro are under real pressure. Interesting times.
  8. Because they have an anti-human mindset. They believe there’s too many people and that any effect humans have on the environment is a negative, despite any positives it could provide. Cheap, plentiful energy is bad because it enables human flourishing.
  9. Please quit posting propaganda. I’m old enough to remember when people got all bent out of shape after I called it a STD. Are you trying to tell me that dog didn’t get it from accidentally rubbing its anus on a man’s exposed monkeypox?
  10. 1,000 excess deaths a week in UK compared to pre-Covid levels. and the rest of Europe…
  11. Reggae is a nice twist on this song and I’ve always loved Toots’ voice.
  12. The human species is thriving more than ever at our largest population ever. To say there’s too many people is false. The idea that we are overpopulated is nonsense. Now do you think the above advances are worth 1 degree Celsius of temperature rise over the last 100 years or whatever? I guess that’s up to the individual. Beyond that, any debate or clarification on if the climate is “blown up” or not is better for another thread.
  13. I’m curious what you think of this older thread from a finance guy I follow with Taiwanese background.
  14. Argentina loves to protest good luck with demanding lower inflation.
  15. I can see it now. Sark is starting pant soiling Hudson Card over the #1 recruit we paid large amounts of money to come here. Cmon guys, Trust the corches!
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