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Humble Beast

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Everything posted by Humble Beast

  1. Jennifer Lawrence is hotter than all 3. Her exclusion is inexcusable.
  2. Thanks for the response. There’s a lot of propaganda on both sides so when a pro-Ukrainian account admits they’re at a major disadvantage that catches my attention. That’s one way I try to find signal amongst all the noise. Like when Russians couldn’t hide that Crimea was bombed.
  3. How much of our military aid has made it over? How is this overcome? He thinks it’s just needing more of everything. If this guy is saying it then it’s a serious advantage.
  4. We have a lot of problems in our government, but we haven’t yet engineered an energy/economic crisis for our population. I mean there’s a run on firewood happening preparing for this winter. I don’t know the whole evolution of German anti-nuke policy, but the genesis of it globally came from a Malthusian perspective. It came about at the same time as over population concerns became more prominent. You even had prominent environmentalists decrying what would happen if humans had access to too much cheap energy. If we flourish too much we would damage the environment more.
  5. The policy makers are idiots. The people running the plant need funding before they buy more fuel for reactors.
  6. have a feeling this might’ve been posted already. Oh well I laughed.
  7. Great update, Bobby. Thanks for the insight.
  8. I see more in Europe coming if/when industry has to shut down due to gas shortages. Yes, Stassney argument is if you just consume less you’re fine. Just spend more money on food/energy and less on discretionary items. Just make a sandwich everyday. Ok, what about the people already cutting it close before this? Future Stassney will definitely be telling people to just eat the bugs, and live in their pods.
  9. Fall Camp 2022-Burnt Ligaments Fall Camp 2022-At least we get cups. Right?
  10. Fall Camp 2022-Like Monkeypox, but more painful
  11. Surely they will reverse course? Running out of time.
  12. A little early to be spiking the football on the recession being no big deal. The Fed wants a recession so we’re going to get a real one.
  13. This is an excellent summary by the same poster on the implication of recent sanctions and Eth switch to PoS. Too long, didn’t watch After merge in September, Ethereum will be on irreversible course toward being completely captured by the US government.
  14. No surprise on Neyor. Non contact knee injuries are major until proven otherwise, no matter what Fat Ketch hears from “sources”.
  15. The IRS used 79,000 FTEs in 2021 https://www.irs.gov/statistics/irs-budget-and-workforce So if you believe 2/3 of their workforce are retiring in the next 5 years (I’m skeptical), and they hire 87,000 you have a net +37,000 so adding almost 50% to staffing. Enforcement funding overall is being increased 69%. Pretty substantial.
  16. Kind of crazy how all these things converge when these big changes take place.
  17. Chad Wolf’s lifelong friend and current roommate.
  18. From the fact check. “The text of the Inflation Reduction Act doesn’t specify a number of new hires for the IRS. The 87,000 number shows up in a May 2021 reportfrom the Treasury Department that estimated more funding allocated by President Joe Biden’s administration would allow the IRS to hire nearly 87,000 full-time employees by 2031.” So 87,000 more agents over the next decade if they’re allocated more funding. And….they were allocated more funding in a very public effort to increase the scope of their operations and collections. All while not bothering to clarify or contest the number themselves. I award your fact check a generous 1 out of 5 stars. That was some well ackshually….level work.
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