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Humble Beast

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Everything posted by Humble Beast

  1. No. There will be more government employees harassing people and small businesses looking for mistakes or willful errors. I have an admitted anti IRS bias, but to act like no small time people will be hurt by this bill for minor things is BS.
  2. This kind of stuff is just endless. It’s not the biggest reason I’m bitcoin centric but if you’re around long enough and see enough total scams tainting everything you realize that energy needs to be directed to things that are secure and are going to make a difference.
  3. I’ll be interested to see how increasing the size of the IRS doesn’t lead to increased taxes being paid by people. You think they’ll be sticking to large businesses and entities? That’s a big lol there. I can’t really make a call on anything inflation wise in the bill other than that increasing the proportion of intermittent green energy In favor of other reliable sources seems to run the risk of increasing energy prices. We’ve seen that play out a few places now.
  4. Since you asked. After my daughter’s basketball game she picked Cracker Barrel for dinner. Fed 3 adults and 2 kids for $56 plus tip. Not bad 😆
  5. Closed up 10% but that is the big news of the day. Not sure what to make of it honestly. Blackrock is at the top of the regulatory capture game. They literally drive policy like ESG hoopla. Makes me think Coinbase is going to be fine from legal standpoint.
  6. My God you’re an intellectually stunted individual. The tweet linked contains only, ONLY, a direct quote from and a link to the analysis. No editorial comments. I found it on a Twitter search because I knew I had seen it before. I chose it specifically because there was no commentary included. I thought naively that it would be enough to prevent the kind of response you served up instinctively. It’s not my fault no one from your approved list of content sharers linked the analysis. It’s not a surprise either is it? Actually, don’t bother responding. This is a perfect time to place you on ignore. I will not miss these pointless arguments. Ciao.
  7. As a rule, any big bill in DC generally accomplishes the opposite of its name, but I haven’t seen anything that says it will reduce inflation. It’s in large part a environmental spending bill, green new deal etc. They gave it a flashy, topical name to help garner support for its passage. No clue if it’s going through or not.
  8. At the risk of drawing the ire of CTJ and the rest of the board, I have a confession to make. I have no idea who the fuck Chad Wolf is. He sounds made up and I’m not convinced he even exists.
  9. I’d like to submit Popping Pustules as a new band name. Anyone is free to use it.
  10. Ok. I’ll spoiler it to keep thread from going off rails.
  11. life is much better outside the CR. There’s been much more intensive debates between you and Porterhouse on this thread. That said, if you want to drop it here that’s fine. We’ll just have to agree to disagree. What a tortured, useless analogy. Great job.
  12. He doesn’t go hard against climate change. He just believes that whatever changes happen we manage them. He cites decreased climate related deaths and air pollution as supporting examples. Again he’s aware of acknowledges there are downsides, but argues they pale in comparison to the positives for the global population. I’m walking through school shopping so I don’t have to time to pull up the specific cooling sections or what you claim he said about models, but there are plenty of examples of wildly wrong predictions by heavily cited experts. Also policy prescriptions that, if undertaken at the time, would’ve seriously stunted modern civilization. The other stuff listed isn’t misinformation as much as it’s opinions you disagree with. Utilization of fossil fuels is by far the #1 factor that has driven the advancement of our civilization. It’s not even close.
  13. This is becoming a prolonged crisis.
  14. Thank you for chiming in. You’re an excellent counter indicator. Hopefully posters take note. I don’t care about his previous jobs. I’m not anti-green energy. I think we should go big on nuclear specifically. Without going into a full scale debate on the AC thermostat thread, I’ll just say he takes a full context look at climate change and fossil fuel utilization. You only see negatives. With any fossil fuel usage you catastrophize (falsely) any negatives and don’t figure in the huge positives. You also take cues from climate leaders and organizations that have been horribly wrong repeatedly over time. I have not yet begun to defile myself.
  15. Reading a book that pretty methodically breaks down how asinine our energy policy is. We are pursuing anti-human policies. Fossil Future by Alex Epstein. For anybody that’s starting to question what we’re doing they should check it out.
  16. Correct. That’s why the hand wringing about the definition is stupid, especially by supposedly neutral financial reporters/tweeters. It’s the goal.
  17. Here’s a good story from NPR on the genesis of this outbreak. Includes interview with doctor who witnessed what we’ll call the change in disease transmission. In any case, glad to hear that all outbreaks prior to this were amongst children, small, and self limited. https://apple.news/AMkAe3YmTQgCMAH3rC4V1PQ
  18. No idea how reputable this source is, but looks like the Chinese rhetoric could be tested.
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