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Humble Beast

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Everything posted by Humble Beast

  1. I’m gonna follow up on this prediction “within the next few days”. It strikes me as hyperbolic nonsense. You need to calm down. I’m guessing the majority of people pointing out that there’s an affected demographic are only doing so to demonstrate that a population wide public health emergency state is a bit over the top. People are rightfully wary of these emergency states now.
  2. I said for all intents and purposes, it currently is. Wait, we’re about to ban gay partying and sex? News to me.
  3. If all gay men get vaccinated, and the vaccine is effective, we should be all good.
  4. No. You’ll need to be immunized and boosted at regular intervals indefinitely. Stop Butt Sex For Two Weeks, To Stop The Spread.
  5. I have been warning people for years that something like this could happen. No one would listen. Then President Trump disbanded the African Buttsex Virus Task Force that Obama set up, and here we are. I hope you’re all happy.
  6. It’s supposed to be painful, but maybe it isn’t at first so maybe that’s when you could get infected? 1% of cases are women so there’s 35 American females out there struggling with monkeypox. If you happen to grind up on one of them and catch it then it’s extremely bad luck. I’m guessing it’s a lot of people not giving a shit though. That’s how sexually transmitted infections get around.
  7. From a few days ago. 3,500 cases as of a week ago. Also, “The WHO’s monkeypox expert, Rosamund Lewis, said men who have sex with men are the group at the highest risk of infection right now. About 99% of cases are among men, and at least 95% of those patients are men who have sex with men, Lewis said.” “Experts have not been able to conclude whether monkeypox represents a new type of sexually transmitted infection, though it is clearly transmissible during sex, according to Andy Seale, an advisor to the WHO who specializes in STIs. It’s also unclear whether condoms would help reduce the risk of infection because monkeypox spreads through close physical contact similar to herpes, Seale said. “The critical piece is really focusing in on close, intimate personal contact, prolonged contact that happens during sex as the key mode of transmission,” Seale said. Scientists in Spain and Italy detected monkeypox DNA in semen samples from patients, though it’s unclear whether the virus is actually spreading that way.”
  8. You’re choosing to be the well Ackschually guy. Percentage of cases that are in the gay/bisexual male population are in the very upper 90s according to the WHO. It’s ok to admit that and tailor public health messaging in the best way to combat spread. Arguing that it’s not is kind of weird and just fear mongering outside of that population. I have zero worries about monkeypox and neither should most people.
  9. Is it literally a STD? Like only transmitted by sexual contact? No. For all intents and purposes is it a STD? Yes. Why does infection and transmission happen in one population? How is it transmitted between them?
  10. What is it about a certain population that causes them to make up 98% of cases? Is it some genetic susceptibility? Or is it something else that makes them vulnerable to it and helps them transmit the virus?
  11. You keep bringing up political parties and we might have to start talking about a cynically named piece of legislation coming up for vote relevant to this thread. Not on this forum.
  12. The labor shortage is a recent phenomenon. The 12 or so years before Covid with big home appreciation had almost nothing to do with that. It’s the elephant in the room, Occam’s Razor. Whatever you want to call it. Easy money is the root of it all. Pretty simple really.
  13. Something, something, the Federal Reserve artificially low interest rates, inflated home values, investors looking for returns, blah blah blah.
  14. I would always prefer deals like that be made. It doesn’t benefit anyone but Putin and maybe Xi tangentially to have EU gas shortages. Anyway Bloomberg references this deal. “As is their wont, the EU 27 this week settled their latest spat about gas savings in the usual way: They fudged and wangled a compromise. Gas will be saved — somewhere, somehow — but so many countries will have opt-outs, loopholes and exceptions that you’d need a magnifying glass to find the solidarity. Putin saw nothing in Brussels this week to make him nervous.”
  15. It’s ok. I’ve read that it’s possibly incorrect and certain to be revised.
  16. When it comes to Texas football, if it isn’t rough it isn’t fun.
  17. Makes sense. Uses the most to make. So if they’re cutting consumption start there. The problem is that they’re doing it this early in year. The fucking Russians giving them 20% of capacity is some Bs. I’m sure they’ve picked that number for a reason. They need the money so send a little, but they’ve also modeled where that puts German and EU storage levels in the winter and I’m guessing it will have the desired effect.
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