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Humble Beast

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Everything posted by Humble Beast

  1. Was as good as advertised. Loved the huevos rancheros. The Dino Rib should last for a couple more meals. Also loved the Big Red Tres Leches. It actually tasted like a Big Red cake. I’ll be damned. Only downside was I didn’t realize they don’t serve all the sides on Sunday until 1045. Only was able to get potato salad. Will have to go back and try more.
  2. Agree overall. There is an issue with timing here. Don’t worry. You’ll just eat the bugs. Hold on, I’ve just gotten word we’re skipping over the bugs.
  3. There’s a thousand weird things about this, but what really freaks me out is how young they get started. My son is 13 and in that culture I would’ve already explained that he should go fuck a donkey. I would also be encouraging he and his friends to do it regularly. Wtf.
  4. I think in hindsight this will look very foolish given the geopolitical/food security landscape. I don’t see a timeline given but theyre pushing for 30% reduction.
  5. Dude what a pitch. Blew him away. when you can throw a fastball like that you wonder why you’d throw 7 straight splitters?
  6. Once you go collie, you never go back. It’s just so tight.
  7. I think residential solar is worth pursuing. It’s already plugged into the grid. Under appreciated cost of massive solar deployment will be transmission.
  8. It’s a cultural practice in parts of Colombia. Prepares them for when they’re married. They’ll be ready for their wife. Wtf
  9. I’m 100% against crypto scams. They contribute nothing to society. I’m not ignoring illegality. Just laughing at getting worked up about a couple people insider trading. These things deserve to be taken down. If you follow the Letter of the law they’re almost all unregistered securities. Coinbase should go down. That’s all they list.
  10. Wow I can’t believe this guy Is deeply unpopular with the public but still seized power. What’s his background? https://www.weforum.org/agenda/authors/ranil-wickremesinghe oh wait. What a fucking shocker.
  11. This thread is filled with Malthusians. Shame on you. You’ve been wrong for centuries. For as much as I post on this thread I’m actually quite optimistic about human civilization. Our technology will figure out a lot of the things people here worry about. There will have to be some kind of financial reset soon because the current math is unsustainable. There will almost certainly be conflict over that unfortunately but it’s how the deck is reset.
  12. You say this, but you also say this. But there is no system of direct peer to peer transfer without a trusted third party available being done by the existing system. If you say it’s not something worth doing then I extrapolate that you don’t find it to be useful. But we’re arguing semantics. You think it’s all dumb. I don’t. You’re the one on an enthusiast’s thread attempting to poo poo on the subject matter of said thread. I’m doing great. Something drove you here. I had to circle back to this. Of all people to place under true believers, Vitalik is a fucking scammer. The driving force behind an ICO that was massively premined. All while Fudding bitcoin (he coined the term bitcoin maximalist as a pejorative) to drive people to his coin that was again, premined. Of course now he’s hinting at realization that he was wrong about a good bit of it.
  13. Hmmm from what I’ve heard of Key West, I’d expect the strip clubs to be of a certain, variety.
  14. Again, this is a big part of your argument. You don’t think there’s anything useful or unique about a system that allows digital peer to peer transfer without a third party intermediary. Or one that is confiscation or censorship resistant. So if you think it’s all pointless, then to you it’s all a waste and should have no monetary value. The fact that it does is apparently quite frustrating. He didn’t seem like he was aware of the UASF considering he said that miners control bitcoin.
  15. I’m anti “crypto” but acting like a Coinbase employee being busted for insider trading is some big gotcha is pretty silly. Ever looked at the legacy financial system? Cmon.
  16. Pretty much all cryptos are heavily centralized. He mentioned the Eth Dao hack and subsequent fork. I agree that disqualifies Ethereum from being classified as decentralized. Again, I’m not here to defend anything outside of bitcoin. He says bitcoin miner concentration means miners control bitcoin. That was disproven when the UASF happened. Users/nodes control bitcoin. He states things as absolutes that are not so. Also, unless he gets into it in the second half of the video, he makes no mention of the Lightning network being built as a second layer. Increases transaction volumes, speed and privacy (bet he hates that!). Maybe he didn’t mention it because it’s not a layer 1 blockchain and that was the focus of his talk. As far as what you and other CS experts have to say, my guess is you will continue to say it’s uninteresting, unnecessary, doesn’t work, and has no value all while the ecosystem continues to grow and evolve. Just being an expert doesn’t preclude one from being horribly wrong.
  17. Oh shit. This is kind of crazy. Germany pays the bills, but Spain rejects calls for conservation. Cracks in the EU surfacing.
  18. Good thread on Pakistan. Looks like you can put them on the totally fucked list.
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