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Humble Beast

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Everything posted by Humble Beast

  1. It’s not really CR because as some one pointed out, a different executive gave big to Republicans, but it would be pretty naive to think that who he donated to isn’t affecting coverage of this story. NYT had a pretty subdued article on him. Evidently Marc Cohodes presented evidence of a lot of shady shit to Bloomberg crypto and they passed. They passed because they wanted to keep “access” to him. I just listened to an interesting podcast with Cohodes. He has some pretty out there insinuations. The billionaire cofounder that has almost zero internet presence is interesting. Basically Sam’s backstory makes no sense. He’s given everything he’s gathered to a Pulitzer winning journalist and says he expects some stuff to be released soon. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/hidden-forces/id1205359334?i=1000585956796
  2. Bitcoin hodlers staying strong. Trending more towards self custody.
  3. This is regarded. Why wouldn’t people who talk shit about their boss get fired? Grow up. Wtf are you talking about? I’m not saying it as a positive. Just stating facts. The guy is not ethical.
  4. Why would the NYT do this? Weird.
  5. As Winston Wolf once said, “Let’s not go sucking each other’s dicks just yet.”
  6. Well then why is he asking here? He should’ve taken it to CR. That’s where the real experts reside.
  7. Nothing new from Munger. Just thought I’d share because I’ve never seen an interview from a grandpa recliner. You know he was napping 30 seconds after the end of the interview.
  8. https://twitter.com/tuurdemeester/status/1592487186653679617?s=46&t=-eLqMJ5AHKQy-wPynLVmsA
  9. Exactly. I’m not saying it’s right, but Elon will do ANYTHING to make this work. He’s done it in the past. Y’all are underestimating that.
  10. No. I actually said we’d look back in a few weeks and think it wasn’t that big of a deal. Time will tell. Tesla might be one thing, but I don’t think SpaceX shareholders are going to cause many problems. They’re way up on their investments because he’s managed, in spite of his below average business acumen, to build SpaceX into one of the largest private valuations in the world. Over $100B. Also, they have very limited opportunities to send a messsge by selling their stock. Y’all underestimate Elon’s ability to leverage everything at his disposal and blur the lines to accomplish what he wants. “funding secured”
  11. Crypto.com appears to be under strain for sure. After that I’d put any exchange that has its own token. If they then decided to play the same game FTX did by using their illiquid tokens as collateral for levering up, then they’re in big trouble. Ripple is just a scam coin that has seen management dump BILLIONS of dollars in coins on the market. No one has built anything on top of it. So I don’t see a “blowup” that would hurt anyone beyond bagholders. Btw the Ripple CEO is maybe the biggest scammer in crypto which is saying something. Tether is interesting. It seems looking back that they did some shady stuff and papered over losses in the 2017 cycle. If I had to guess they grew out of the problems during the last cycle. They have also been able to transition their reserves from some illiquid commercial paper to treasuries. Tether is always a concern and FUDders have been dying for Tether to blow up but it’s survived multiple crashes so I *think* it’s ok.
  12. I have to be honest. Not a big fan of this. Propping up companies that engaged in reckless behavior, at best. They need to get burned to the ground.
  13. Also, I listened to the all in podcast this morning. They had Brian Armstrong on. He mentioned in passing that they have had multiple businesses contact them and ask about emergency funding. So the contagion thing will continue. I wish he could’ve elaborated on what kind of entities were reaching out.
  14. Is Hunter smart (getting in at the bottom), or just desperate for cash? Joining a shitcoiner’s Twitter space
  15. You’re describing how MMT proposes to deal with inflation when the printing makes it too high. It’s not politically realistic though.
  16. Rumors on Twitter.com that a sex tape Of these two has leaked. Since all of you quit in protest over Elon, I’ll let you know when I see it out there.
  17. Some, sure. Regularly. related
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