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Mitch Cumsteen

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Mitch Cumsteen

  1. And there it is. Another 15 years of Bama dominance. Thanks a lot asshole.
  2. They’ve been playing better for sure but the competition has been much easier. There’s some opportunities for more wins coming up as well. Collins and Bassey being out has been a blessing in disguise too. The rest of the team is starting to realize that the game is easier for them if they play through Wemby. Once they truly understand how to do that, then all of the role guys start to look like legitimate NBA players.
  3. There’s some crazy stat like this every other night now. He doesn’t even know what he’s doing out there yet. I can’t imagine what he’s going to be in 3 years.
  4. He looks like he’s playing on a nerf hoop mounted on top of a door. Jfc.
  5. Look at the spurs doing crazy shit like recognizing mismatches on offense and actually hustling on defense. And McBuckets is on fire.
  6. Great hire by Bama. Deboer is the most obvious best option out there, but the most obvious best option rarely turns out to be the best hire. Bama is a much different animal than UW or anywhere else he's ever coached.
  7. The developmental minutes for Wemby are more important than ping pong balls right now, especially in this cruddy draft. I would be absolutely stunned if they put him on the shelf if he were really healthy.
  8. The absolute worst was that little pause right after "class" while the TRS-80 that was running TEX did whatever the fuck it was doing behind the scenes, "This class was.... (hold your breath, pray, cross fingers, make pagan sacrifice, etc.) ...not added. It was just a half a beat, but it seemed like 10 minutes, followed by me screaming every cuss word I could think of at the phone. Fuck you TEX and the PTSD this thread is causing me.
  9. Man, this is an interesting time for Bama to make a coaching hire. Their NIL is behind but it hasn't hurt them as much in recruiting yet because Saban can just point to how they develop and get guys to the NFL. That's a real sales pitch - you aren't going to make much cash in school, but look at what's waiting for you if you come here and put in the work. I'm not sure how you sell that with any of the prospective hires. LSU was able to maintain what Saban built and two retards were able to ride it to championships. But that was pre-portal and pre-NIL. Bama is at a precarious place.
  10. Jesus god holy fuck no. I saw something about it too and had a visceral reaction. The last thing Wemby needs is a ball dominant heliocentric chucker taking low percentage shots early in the clock all the while playing zero defense. And he’s a bad entitled guy, too, who plays losing basketball. Complete anti-spur on every level. I would rather Sochan run point than have that bitchass with his shitty lettuce and worlds most punchable face on my squad. Why don’t you just go after Chris Paul or get Karl Malone out of retirement while you’re at it?
  11. @SydneyCarton Not being pedantic and I'm not sure how this is even relevant, but according to the googletrons the Cleveland-Akron-Canton MSA is 3.7 million people. Columbus - Marion - Zainesill is 2.6 million. Cleveland is significantly larger. Both are significantly shitholes.
  12. If we're doing time machine, can someone go back and punch Manu in the ball right before he fouls Nowitski in 2006?
  13. It made zero sense for her to leave the rifle out there. I said it out loud when she got in the hole without it, "Way to leave the rifle, dumbass." She's going to McGiver / Home Alone some shit with an old bone instead? What the hell? It also was a little stupid that you have to use that lever that stops the windmill to get into the grave. That's a deadass giveaway from 100 yards away that something is amiss. Minor plot holes but annoying and sloppy nonetheless. Still loved the episode, though.
  14. Tuscaloosa has an airport? You could probably page everyone in there with two dixie cups and a long string.
  15. I believe it's a league rule that they have to fly in the night before. They can't risk a game getting canceled. Also... after dunking on you for more than a year, I have to reluctantly say that I've been impressed with the Wolves so far. They've gotten a fair share of schedule breaks but they have taken advantage of it and had a great first half of the season. I still feel like they are going to crumble in the playoffs, but I'm not 100% certain about it like I used to be.
  16. There he goes acting like a bitch again and getting punked by Jarett Allen on the regular. Bad ankles, can't stay healthy. Bust. And I can't conceive of a single trade that the Spurs would make for Wemby. There's certainly nothing on Detroit's roster (or for that matter, in the entire city of Detroit) that could move the needle. OKC could probably come up with a package, but that's about it and it would have to be obscene.
  17. The twenty one minute triple double. Too bad they only get Detroit twice per season.
  18. Ray Perkins Bill Curry Gene Stallings Mike Dubose Dennis Franchione Mike Price Mike Shula Good luck to the next asshole that takes that job, especially operating at an NIL deficit relative to the other powers across college football and in their own conference. I'm sure the Bama fans will temper their expectations accordingly. Career. Suicide.
  19. In fairness, he was probably doing this before the Saban announcement anyway.
  20. I think we'd want someone younger than Pete Carrol to coach Dline, but he and Sark do have history.
  21. Future bag secured after playing in 26/32 of their games this year. Season ending injury coming in 5.... 4.... 3....
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