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Everything posted by TXUT

  1. A&M's Field of Dreams remake. They tried to build it. Bad contractor. Way over budget. No one came.
  2. Over/Under 1 hour - how long they’ve been standing there
  3. Reminds me of the guy who bowled a perfect game on 9/11 -from tragedy, heroes emerge
  4. Nice try, crow, we know it’s you posting
  5. Trump asked his BFF Abbott “Where’s the biggest cult in your state”
  6. Richard has mommy issues
  7. What’s he doing? Leonard is 12 years too old
  8. Damnit - for a second I thought you were the hero we all needed!
  9. Remember, he is 47 years young. It’s a reminder of what diet and exercise can do as you age to keep you looking young. Keep up the good work, Mikey!
  10. This post needs more love: ”Ryan Tannehill to Jeff Fuller is STILL the last offensive score for A&M against Texas.”
  11. Who knew we had 5 or 6 QBs - I lost count. Did Burt play QB and kick the balls to the WRs?
  12. It appears this Chinese manufacturing plant is still in business
  13. It’s Aggie talk. Illegal is when you're more than legal. This Aggie is saying it’s not just legal, it’s illegal.
  14. Is this the new upside down pineapple?
  15. Aggy gets an extra run for spelling its name right
  16. He came here to do 2 things…and it looks like he’s almost out of beer.
  17. Why don’t we get off bicycles? I just got off yours.
  18. I’m disappointed in that black bear’s climbing abilities. He needs to hit his local indoor climbing gym. And I’m disappointed the brown bear didn’t eat Dax Sheppard
  19. Thank you! I spend way too much time looking at seats options.
  20. A tip to winning in the tournament: don’t find your basketball players at your engineering school
  21. Drew is a straight shooter with upper management written all over him
  22. I am absolutely shocked by this. I don’t follow AD’s or know whats going on at most schools but having a general knowledge and looking at what AM has done I could not think of a worse leader of a company/athletic department. His failures are staggering and if AM was a company it would be bankrupt because real business don’t have the luxury of donations. I’ve only seen him in action once watching the press conference after they fired Jimbo and he was a stumbling, bumbling, drinking water as a crutch, over his head, afraid, searching for words imbecile.
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