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Everything posted by Vegas64

  1. Once you get past the inanity of invading Greenland and Panama I think a motive starts to emerge for these things and it increasingly looks like it's to fortify for a world war 3. CNN did a write up giving the history and suggesting some of the strategic rationale and I thought this write up was enlightening if nothing else: https://www.cnn.com/2025/01/20/americas/panama-canal-trump-threat-intervention-intl-latam/index.html
  2. I read this today and not sure I am understanding why it unfolded as it did. Seems like a clearcut win for Biden to have already done it and not gave Trump any low hanging fruit to call a quick win in his first 100 days that is bipartisan and a majority of Americans agree with. Feels like an unforced error to give orange man a win here (reminding me of the tiktok saga):
  3. Apologies then. You are cool!
  4. If you act foul, you get two shots and one, haha I'm at your face like Lancôme, haha You Chiefs softer than Roseanne's son, heh You cannot reach me on my Samsung
  5. It's never not been cool
  6. He's a card-carrying democrat and one of the ones who repeated the talking points that marginalized bernie and the progressives in favor of Hildog, if memory serves. So, long way of saying, your point checks out.
  7. Same. bought a truck because I feared the prices will skyrocket with tariffs (also, january is the best month to get a good deal as the market floods with hand-to-mouth buyers who rely on tax returns starting Feb and going into summer, in case anyone was looking).
  8. It's a gift, really....
  9. Which you raise an interesting point. You always hear the old saw, "the first million is the hardest..." I guess if you can do it once, it makes it easier to repeat. So while technically make the first $1m/year is hard no matter what, at some point you can start betting on the 6, 7, and 8's instead of trying to roll box cars or snake eyes? That's how I'm viewing it at least.
  10. It's the lip-biting for me. It was a sexual thrill for this deviant to thrust that arm.
  11. I wonder if all this (Trump 2.0 and everything that has transpired the last, let's say, 100 days) could have been avoided if we as a country took a less hardline approach to the vaccinations back in 2021. Hindsight being 20/20 and all, I do wonder if the outcomes would have been materially or statistically significantly different if the NEVER-VAXERS and Vax-Anxious didn't feel "forced" to take it. I think most people who had even small reservations were like me in that they still got or would get the jab.
  12. Right. Which I think the same person (or similiar) mentioned "good luck ever seeing your family except on two luxury vacations a year".
  13. That's a great answer and thought. Taxes alone must be about $300k based on what I experienced (30.1%). That's a lot of taxes and does seem like doing it the hard way.
  14. Talk about lottery ticket winner odds when looking at how many positions versus population. More likely to get into Stanford as a D student or get a Chick Fila franchise as an unhoused person than get the $1mm salary coach of one of the 32 teams in the NFL (or 50+ of big monied D1 schools).
  15. My specialist is a woman and I trust her and she's so awesome. I can't imagine, man or female, anyone better and think there is no small chance that her care is why I'm doing as well as I'm doing!
  16. His stance makes sense to me if you think of it (and he'll have to confirm or deny his own belief here) that if abortion is the full stop murder of human beings, then that is in many (and potentially his) minds as "murder is such a huge issue that of course being against it should oversdhadow the other stuff". So the R vs W being a non-issue now clears the path to vote against the MAGATs
  17. I got about 65% of the way there this year and it's taken time off my life clock in the form of lack of sleep and man hours worked and even then I needed a great deal of good luck. That's why I was asking-- knowing the horrors endured, how does one ever even obtain a consistent (or one-off) 7 figure w2 as a corporate, white collar worker. I think the answer based on this thread is some combination of a) insane luck b) insane personal sacrifice and/or c) find a job with a lot of upside on RSU's (see first reason a.)
  18. I'm obviously not smart or rich enough to understand the humor you in the inner chambers of power use. Come again?
  19. Looking at some taxes stuff. I am at a point where I'll be the most experienced and in the most senior role in my career and life as an oldie and I had a great year financially. However, I'm still so far from a 7 figure W2. I've had many friends and colleagues climb the ladder and I've heard of folks getting to that point. How do you do it? Has anyone here done it and can proffer some advice? Is it luck and a one-off (stock options/RSU's vest) or is it repeatable (C-Suite role? Managing Partner with huge bonuses?). Or anyone hit a grandslam with crypto / day trading? Just curious more than anything I guess and you guys and gals are the best and brightest! (My suspicion, btw, is that it is exponentially easier to make a million bucks a year if you own your own small-to-medium business and are not a corporate employee)
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