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Everything posted by Vegas64

  1. Which is all extremely reasonable. It’s guys who want to decry capitalism at every. Single. Instance. No matter the facts or context, that actually do those of us trying to rein in the horrors of late stage capitalism and the complete annihilation of the middle class big disservice.
  2. I read somewhere that the current press secretary was born in 1997. Millennials are now considered old.
  3. Preach it. There are no principles and rules in a knife fight in the alley, which is what politics has become. Just win the next election!
  4. When does this take place? I had a great year in 2024 and am delaying doing anything with the IRS until the buzzer hoping something will break in our favor.
  5. But it won’t matter because the dumb people in the middle who decide elections will like the idea of getting a “free” $500 check to buy Jordans or a Coach bag with. like Tupac said in his iconic sampled song “Changes”, “Free stuff army, both black and white, are smoking crack tonight.”
  6. Saw a funny meme that said (after all the delta and AA issues) “yall owe the Nissan altimas of the sky an apology” talking about frontier, spirit, Ryanair, etc.
  7. To the executives that are leaving, I thought I read. I might have misread, if you are saying the execs that are staying will receive a bonus, but regardless I’m still unclear on what the point is you are making. As I understand it, this isn’t as much a cost cutting move and need for the business in working capital or free cash flow (hence why it shouldn’t matter if execs hit the KPI or MBOs in their comp plan and should get their bonuses), but more of a culling of the herd of lower performers (which they plan to rehire with bar raisers or A+ players). Unless what I’ve read about it was a misdirection and head fake, which you never know with corporate communications….
  8. Golden parachutes have been around for at least 50 years for the ELT's. Big whoop, executives are getting paid to leave. Part of the perk of being an executive IMO.
  9. Pretty much played like cheeks since the trade, right? Can both teams have lost the trade? lol
  10. Let’s create a Surly Junior High (5-8th) and target the siblings of the kids in the “Can’t get into UT thread”. Immamac could spin that up in a day and be ready to ingest $10k checks when they get released.
  11. This is why I think the rural folks will vote for it.
  12. I think that’s being too much. I think it’s likely more the sociopathy of, “we want what we want and, oh? It hurts others? Oh well.” Versus your argument of psychopathy where the whole intent is the cruelty versus the self-centered value creation with little care to the blowback.
  13. I had the Keller kerfluffle from a couple of pages in mind as well. That doesn’t seem cruel for cruel sake or greed, but more what I described around retrenching in smaller homogeneous values and class tribes.
  14. These are our concerns, dude.
  15. Great post. The issue is that everything you just said is true and logical and rational. But then when you talk about (and it happened here just a page or two back) shutting down schools due to legitimate demographic and attendance data, people react emotionally in the negative and don't want to accept that as reasonable. I suspect they just want to throw more money at it (raise taxes? not sure where all these free money tree mangroves are) rather than rationalize within reason and good financial sense, to maximize efficiency and results. It's the same issue with DOGE. I think the execution of DOGE has been horrific, but the actual underlying idea of efficiency is smart and sound. IMO I think the issue is a span of authority or span of control issue. The trend in general seems to be one of retrenchment and that is extending to state and local stuff too. I think folks want to decouple from a broader, big tent and regroup around smaller, more homogenous and more regional/cultural/tribal pods because they look out and think the bigger picture isn't working for them individually. That's my opinion as a neutral observer (not having children in public ISDs) but being concerned about it.
  16. Do you have dibs on that name? Can I use it?
  17. It's crazy to me how some people just have the cockroach ability to never get cornered, never get stomped out for the long game, they just somehow get away with it all. Reminds me of the Trump meme "all well, nevertheless..." https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2025-02-19/musk-s-x-is-in-talks-to-raise-money-at-a-44-billion-valuation Elon Musk's social media platform X, formerly Twitter, is in talks to raise money at a $44 billion valuation, Bloomberg reports, citing anonymous sources. That's the same as what Musk paid for the company back in 2022, in a "remarkable turn of fortunes" after the takeover and subsequent loss of advertisers caused its value to plummet. The talks, which mark the first known investment round since it was taken private, are ongoing and could change.
  18. So it’s essentially a break for parents already paying for private school, at best. At worst it’s not a benefit to anyone except the schools who capture an extra $10k a head thanks to the state/tax paying public.
  19. The middle class gets screwed again! Our (America's) favorite past time. So you make more than $155k as a household, you get three choices: 1) get no voucher but have to pay full boat private school (financially expensive) 2) get no voucher, go to local public school which will suck even more because of diverted funds and lower middle/middle class white flight (opportunity cost for your child's future, potentially) 3) get no voucher, but have to homeschool and you get $2,500 for the trouble (expensive with time, might have to do one income).
  20. I don't think that is EXACTLY accurate in that most EROEI models I've seen in modern times from sustainability consultancies (the big "McKinsey of ESGs" that all the big O&G use) account for the externalities as inputs/outputs in EROI calcs. LCA is a huge compononet when financial and physical modeling of new energy projects are being evaluated-- and these life cycle assessments (LCA's) aboslutely evaluate the environmental impacts of whatever you are trying to do (A or B in your analogy) throughout the entire life cycle, from soup to nuts.
  21. Yea good question. I assume if you are good and have a future for football you will stay in your local public powerhouse (e.g. Allen, DeSoto, Southlake, etc.). But maybe highschool football goes the way of AAU basketball in that a lot of times the studs don't play for their local public, but private academies that pipeline into NCAA.
  22. Let's game this out. Vouchers pass. What does that mean for Texans? Do we get $10k to use towards private school tuition (similiar to Oklahoma)? Is this just going to cause a run on private schools for those with even a little bit of means and/or private schools just increasing their base tuition by $10k? Essentially the state is going to be giving the private school administrations and teachers a raise, while making the publics even worse (and they are already unacceptable, ont eh whole)?
  23. The hackneyed attempts at trying to demonstrate wit or contorting yourself to try and say something fresh (or in your case, being extremely emotional and not matching the speed and tone of the thread and conversation) is the problem when trying to discuss. I suspect Rex is most likely an O&G bigot in the sense he has a hard-wired bias that's hard to be objective or decouple his lived experiences and/or politics with the industry and macroeconomics (and intersectionality of "Climate"), but you being hysterical isn't a productive use of any one's time in this thread. I hope this is the last I will have to address this behavior with you. /s (attempt at some wit to placate you).
  24. Not to speak for him but I think him putting the scientists in scare quotes there is to make the distinction from scientists (real, authentic, as we use the term) and the psuedo-scientists or those who purport to be serious academics/scientists but are disingenious.
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