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Everything posted by Vegas64

  1. Dare I ask. Is that real?
  2. Good point but I don't think quite right. I think it's the housing affordability issue (hinted at earlier). Stay with me here. In the past, adults could grow up and leave apartments or condos or tiny rented places with no yard or shared yards and buy their own 3/2/2 to settle down, start a family, whatever. Then they would have babies and/or buy pets. They had the appropriate room and services to accomodate them. With housing being such a crisis (e.g. starter homes almost non-existent, another thread), more "kids" aka young adults are staying in apartments and multi-tenant living a whole lot longer. Maybe until their middle ages and maybe forever for all I know. So there is no more waiting until you buy a house and next phase of your life which includes a pet, but rather, if you want a pet you have to get it in suboptimal living conditions. So then you buy your best friend and now have a pet that lives in 500-1000 sqft area without an easy access yard or even patio sometimes, landlocked between hundreds of other 500-1000 sqft rooms, anywhere from 1-5 stories up. Because of this, pets probably dont' get as much exercise or outdoor time (I mean, the owner tries but it's harder to take the elevator or walk the flight of stairs and meander down to the tired patch of grass all the other pets have trod over, multiple times a day) and so owners rationalize that it's lucky bit of synergy. They need to run errands (HEB, restaurants, etc.) and the dogs need to not be locked in a soulless apartment, so why not take them with them. Seems right to me, at least. Maybe dog owners who live in apartments and can't afford housing (if any post here) can confirm or deny.
  3. For you CSU guys-- aren't the academics there pretty solidly meh? I thought for a while CSU was trying to be an online for-profit type mill which surely is not a great association for the real unversity. Either way, I've never heard CSU in the conversation for a a school for anyone with any academic ambitions. Has that changed the last 15 years a la Northeastern U?
  4. Actually I'm wrong and dumb and @TreatyOak you are the most plugged person I know and read about on here.
  5. I was eating lunch at the HEB today (bbq) and someone brought their dog (looked like a mid-size to large dalmation type dog) with some sort of harness and they walked through the food area. They got some glares and looks, but that's really about it. Probably not enough to deter the selfish without a formal policy from HEB themselves. So yea, it's a common problem and happened 55 minutes ago.
  6. Debated on posting this here: https://www.dni.gov/files/ODNI/documents/assessments/ATA-2025-Unclassified-Report.pdf Annual Intelligence Threat Assessment: For the first time in more than a decade, this annual report ditches any reference to climate change and the risk of humanitarian and environmental crises leaving nations more vulnerable to instability, competition, and conflict. Rather, in presenting the report to Congress, Trump’s new spymaster (Gabbard) said environmental awareness is a given, so the report instead focuses on direct threats.
  7. I;ve been posting long before that clownshoe was obliterated and you are a complete idiot. Nothing I said was a lie or facade but I guess it was cringy and goofy oh well
  8. sorry for being vulnerable. I thought we were in a safe place of despising billionaires, sheesh. tough room.
  9. Alright then I'll defer to you on this but I've definitely heard it said by other folks in addiction that the drug or drink isn't the problem. It's their solution to their problems. It sounded like ztejas was saying that. Regardless I wish you well @ztejas!
  10. Seriously. Games could afford to be moved up an hour for 6:09 EST / 3:09 PST and have the last game tip off 9:09 EST (still late) / 6:09 PST
  11. ztejas wants to quit drinking he knows it's not a great solution and causes problems. But from my experience (and reading what he said) he has other major problems and booze/drugs is the way he is coping and solving for THOSE underlying problems. He acknowledges that and until/unless he gets those fundamental problems fixed, "just try quitting drinking again" isn't going to work. He's drinking to medicate some bigger issues, likely mental ones. So, knowing that, it's not very helpful and might even be discouraging to pile on him for being an alky IMO.
  12. Maybe too random and stupid. My bad! I guess I deserve the flak. I jsut remember it that way. I think I was high too when I shared that. Are you an idiot? Maye that's you, actually if "dafino' is your actual name troll.
  13. Bernie is doing a Fight the Oligarchy tour with AoC and others, it sounds awesome and doing crazy numbers. Some excerpts: https://www.newyorker.com/news/the-lede/bernie-sanders-and-alexandria-ocasio-cortez-fight-the-oligarchy
  14. What's crazier is how because the wealth is almost entirely on paper and anchored to some movable levers (stocks, equity, products, etc.) that one can be a billionaire because of an evaluation (e.g. Selena Gomez) and that one can lose billionaire status overnight (e.g. Kanye West). Dave Chappelle hilariously talked about Kanye losing $1.5 billion dollars overnight:
  15. I had a 1x1 phone conversation with a billionaire a few years ago. I approached it super casual and non-chalant and spoke to him as a peer and equal-- even I was surprised by how cavalier I was. But it was important to me that I do so for some reason. Just because this guy had a billion dollars didn't mean I had to worship him or revere him. I felt there was a personal battle there I had to fight or something.
  16. I'm torn on if she should own it more or pretend she didn't mean it to be referencing the wheelchair. I read she was walking it back and pretending she wasn't talking about him being in a wheelchair. But whatever, it's still awesome and funny because we know what she really meant because saying "hot wheels" was about the wheels of planes, trains and automobiles is such a stretch she's basically "winking" at us.
  17. Submitted for the approval of the midnight society of surly salespeoples:
  18. I know it’s controversial because of nostalgia, Robin Williams beatification, and Will Smith being a cuck and the slap heard ‘round the world, but an argument could be made his rendition of the genie is the best one.
  19. Crazy times the 80's and 90's
  20. Who is we? That's horrible.
  21. 100% this. My wife and I see the most lame, boring movies for the best seats and just to eat dinner sometimes and the movie is an afterthought, and even then there is consistently 4-5 people every single time.
  22. Tons of software sales jobs that sell automation in some form or fashion out there right now. You shouldn't be on the street too long. The question is more of fit: Salary/OTE, RTO/WFH, Geography (as you mentioned), Necessary Travel/Territory, RSU's, etc.
  23. Yep, that was my point exactly. The healthiest people I know are often the skinniest. Not the most athletic looking or fit looking, but thin and lean. I think my specific food culture I come from has rotted my mind to think that is bad. My son used to have a friend who was really skinny and it always sparked in me some anxiety when he would stay over our house. At some point my son had to tell me, "please stop trying to feed him every time you see him or offering food or to order pizza every 30 minutes". The kid played on the same sports teams, etc. and I alwayas thought he'd be broken in half, but he prevailed. I don't know man, a South Texas food culture can create in some the anti-anorexia mental issues. At least it did for me.
  24. Those were good and also I liked the Jungle Book remake.
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