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Everything posted by Vegas64

  1. America in 2022 wants to help each other and look out for each other. But only if they look and act and sound like one of their own tribe. We are impossibly broken and splintered. Political Cartoon thread and New Yorker cover out front shoulda told ya.
  2. I understand that, but was trying to meet the OP who posted that data where he was (which is a place that didn't seem to understand it's not the tradeoff).
  3. If we didn't do anything when the Norks killed Otto Warmbier then I don't suspect we will do much outside of more of the same diplomatic pressure we are doing now for Britney Griner. But then again we got Trevor Reed back after his petty crimes by trading a Russian cocaine trafficker on a 20 year sentence, maybe we will find a good trade but it's going slower than Cleveland trading Baker Mayfield. I do wonder if it was a more popular athlete or celebrity (or straight male) if things would be different though, as much as that sucks to say.
  4. I don't know, when I think meningitis, I think potentially lethal and could kill you. Rat Lungworm just sounds like something you take some laxative for and a week later you are 10 lbs lighter.
  5. If this data is true, and I'm not suggesting that I've fact checked it and believe it or disbelieve it, but if it is true I'm reminded of the Trolley Question thread and the philosophical angle on this topic. It's more a moral and philosophical quandary than it is a math equation, then. The trolly question for you would look like this: 1 thousand innocent and random americans ranging from toddlers to the elderly will be mercilessly run over by a trolly when they least expect it. You can pull a lever and instead save them and instead disallow 2 million defensive uses of guns (without any secondary data pointing to how many lives saved or taken in that time). What do you do?
  6. It's about 22 years old now, but the great mighty algorithm this morning served up the story Stephen King wrote in The New Yorker about getting back to writing after being hit by a car. He recounts the accident in great, vivid detail and it's a must read for SK fans: https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2000/06/19/on-impact
  7. What does this mean to the non-medical laymen and dummy? "It is a huge amount of fluid so you want to be careful with someone dealing with cardiac output" That someone is me, are you saying I should be careful with exercising after infusion? Getting heart rate up? At risk for heart failure or attack? Between the prednisone and this stuff I'm sure I'll be 50 pounds overweight before you know it.
  8. I think that is the move right there.
  9. Understood-- I knew the lockers were fair game I guess I just thought your own personal car fell out of scope of the school's autonomy to search and seize. So what happens when you complain about getting your seats and dashboard torn over to look for lurid RX's which turned out to be legally prescribed? I'm assuming you got an apology and a shoulder shrug?
  10. Myositis, with more tests to specify as best as possible the "flavor".
  11. Can the school do that without a warrant?
  12. Maybe it's just me, but the pizza is pretty mediocre. I've only gone to the one on Mockingbird next to the bridal shop and the one downtown on Main St.
  13. Man, sorry buddy to hear this. How long is chemo? When can you get back on Remicade?
  14. I tried to answer to the best of my beliefs and got 62. Many were as the title suggests, absurd trolley problems.
  15. I still have a couple grand in voyager. I'm guessing I'm at the end of the line to get paid back after restructuring.
  16. Just left the doctor office where I'm being told I need to take a transfusion of blood called IVIG for a suspected autoimmune condition. A little scared of this process, to be honest. Trying not to go to Dr. Google because I will be convinced of all the horrible things.
  17. Thought this was going to be about the admission that China can and does access American user data from TikTok (Bytedance).
  18. Leo Best: Djano Unchained Worst: Titantic
  19. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to equate the two here. I'm just very acutely aware now that things in the past we said were theatre and not gonna happen, and then they actually happened, puts my sensors on alert. And to be clear, I could not care less about the 2nd amendment and guns. Take 'em for all I care.
  20. With all due respect, if the Roe vs Wade decision from two weeks ago doesn't open the door to everything being on the table to being taken at some point, then what does?
  21. Agreed. I was hooked by the vid but stayed for the thread and it was worth it.
  22. His dad is a prominent member and his kid has these face tattoos and psychopathy? His dad probably wasn't much a dad or the mental illness is real there.
  23. You guys mean the same Spain whose soccer team that engages in overt racism in modern times like still throws bananas at African teams and does the “slit eyed” with their fingers pose when playing Asian teams is going to discriminate against American minorities too? Well I’m shocked.
  24. Hate to agree with brisket here, but he seems to nail it as far as I’ve read. More will come out of this 100% though as I think there is a lot to discover yet…
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