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Everything posted by Vegas64

  1. His dad is a prominent member and his kid has these face tattoos and psychopathy? His dad probably wasn't much a dad or the mental illness is real there.
  2. You guys mean the same Spain whose soccer team that engages in overt racism in modern times like still throws bananas at African teams and does the “slit eyed” with their fingers pose when playing Asian teams is going to discriminate against American minorities too? Well I’m shocked.
  3. Hate to agree with brisket here, but he seems to nail it as far as I’ve read. More will come out of this 100% though as I think there is a lot to discover yet…
  4. Regardless, you’ll never be right when your argument is essentially “come on guys, have a stiff upper lip and keep calm and ration down by packing a lunch and not driving as much and out your thermostat on 73 instead of 72, and let’s not complain about the larger, broken fundamentals. It’s not good decorum and you need to fall back in line like a good soldier.” Maybe that’s a good argument for this site where yous people are all pretty wealthy and older, which I think is a point you’ve made, but I was speaking more broadly about the rest of us who struggle to make ends meet (yes even in Texas- not somewhere posh like nyc or cali) and your advice comes off as insulting.
  5. Vegas64

    Fuck Cancer

    R.I.P. Technoblade
  6. There is some irony somewhere in the "education is poor" and "misspelling in the youtube title" cross-section. But I'm a dumb pub-educated rube so I'll need one of you trust fund private school kids to point it out for me.
  7. I've never once wanted to go to Aldi's but now my interest is piqued.
  8. The last time I pissed in public was in Denver and it scared me straight. Was walking back from a bar and had to pee, veer from the sidewalk into a first level parking garage, had a cop stop me and claim he could legally arrest me and have me register as a sex offender for doing this. He gave me a warning and I've never openly peed in public outside of a sanctioned restroom again because I don't know if he was being honest or not, but nothing is worth being labeled a sex offender.
  9. lots to poke fun of about crypto and crypto bros and web3 use cases being stupid, but crypto being full anon or whatever seems like something someone would believe who didn't know much about it. Or someone who thinks it's only use case is dark web and the funding and profiting of illegal activities.
  10. That's fantastic news actually. If anyone feels sheepish it should be the fake news people sending out sham data and fear-mongering in historically accurate and non-partisan mediums (it was an AP article).
  11. This. But my wife feels better with the $50/month spent, so be it.
  12. I don't think you took his point. It's like in Idiocracy when the people who should be breeding don't but the Cletus's of the world continue to. The world will still be populated and growing but with the wrong stock of humankind.
  13. You clearly get it and not preaching to the choir, it's more about those in the gray zone who are amorphous. But then I guess the argument against appealing to that voter is that what got us Biden versus a more progressive nominee. I don't know the answers or I'd be in D.C. along with yous guys with all the answers. What isn't the answer is mealy-mouthed incrementalism crap and losing visible and risible political battles.
  14. Okay. I hope so. But if not, then what? Weren't you the one who was saying shut up about gas prices and just drive less or move closer to your job, as if that was possible for everyone?
  15. Just saw this stat: The hottest new trend sweeping the country? Registering as a Republican. More than 1 million voters across 43 states have switched to the GOP in the last year, compared to just 630,000 who switched over to the Democrats’ side, according to an AP analysis. Extra worrying for Dems is that many defectors to the GOP hail from suburban counties that had shifted blue in recent elections. This was before the Roe vs. Wade fiasco which the AP states could help reverse things, but my goodness, is there more of a referendum against the tone-deaf "just drive less" and "just pack a lunch" in the face of real problems for everyone not in the top 1% stratosphere of net wealth? We are dying out here and need some help, on all fronts. https://apnews.com/article/2022-midterm-elections-biden-covid-health-presidential-e50db07385831e67f866ec45402be8b9?
  16. The heat and medical marijuana is definitely two primary factors for us continuing to keep our head on a swivel for a good idea. Unfortunately nothing really financially makes sense right now, so we suffer.
  17. Yep. I love taking that stretch of road because it's always so empty, it's so new and smooth and fresh, and you do 80-90 mph effortlessly. CSB/ I once got in security line at DFW and realized I'm the world's biggest idiot and left my wallet with DL in it, at home. I didn't have a ton of time, but I jumped on that stretch of tollway to the house and back, and did 100-110mp the entire way to where the Honda Pilot I was driving was rattling. I was pushing the limits of that baby, may she rest in peace, but because hardly anyone takes that stretch I got there just in time and made my flight. Also 110 mph on that road feels like 75 or 80 on a normal highway.
  18. Mavs wouldn't have gotten out of the first round if not for JB. Put a little bit of respek on his name, even if he's on his way out of town. He was a great 2nd round draft pick steal and did good work in his time here.
  19. I think with the rise of distributed work and virtual work-from-home being the standard, you'll have a "have your cake and eat it too" dynamic where companies continue to migrate to Texas and Florida where it's tax friendly and back of house employees can live in Manhattan or California as they see fit for a myriad of reasons, politics being a big one.
  20. I was born in the 60's so obviously too young to experience them first hand in any meaningful way, but will echo it seems like we are an inflection point. My opinion is that America is never going to be a unified front again, that shipped sailed with facebook and cable news, and that the future will be less federalists and more states-rights driven and you will see populations self-sort and self select and even more political and social regional lines of demarcation will form to bolster the geographical lines.
  21. Just read through this thread, so glad there is a happy path potentially Bruin and I hope you get to stay on that course! The GERD and esophagus stuff is timely for me, because I've had horrible indigestion and reflux and nausea anytime I eat anything. Oh and diarrhea for 2 straight weeks. Been eating Tums and Rolaids like candy but the label says if you are taking the max amount of Tums and Rolaids for more than 2 weeks go see a doc. I am seeing my doctor tomorrow so hopefully I see what's going on but I think it might be a side effect to a pill they have me on for something completely unrelated-- but I've been on that pill for 2.5 months and these side effects would have just begun 2 weeks ago.
  22. What’s the problem with being given notes/agenda? Geez people.
  23. As I mentioned I just spent the last week tooling around LA-> Bev Hills -> Malibu-> Calabasas with a range of people across a range of wealth, and was with a bunch of locals and LA lifers (USC people, CAA, Hollywood people) as well as folks from Texas, and there did seem to be appreciation for 1) Real Estate prices in Texas 2) Taxes (had a guy tell me he grossed 2.5mm and netted like $900k in Cali, which seems “not great, Bob!”) and 3) BBQ & Breakfast Tacos in that order. One thing everyone in Texas and Hollywood it seems agrees on is Matthew McC should be our next governor.
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