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Everything posted by Vegas64

  1. I read yesterday the SF Giants are selling to PE. The NFL owners voted last year to allow PE money take ownership.
  2. But what did Andy Langer do to cause ire? Seems like a reasonable take that most people agree with.
  3. Setting up for a Kenton Paulino moment!
  4. I was the second or third car that came upon a dead body in the highway, but my the time I registered what happened I was 40 yards passed, so exited and turned around and by the time I had circled back the entire highway was shut down and fire trucks, cops, ambulances galore. There was no wreckage or debris from what I could tell, just a dead body. I had to drive 5 more hours with my anxiety at a 10 after that. My own mortality was all I could think about and was gripped with fear. Not a fun road trip.
  5. I don't know about y'all, but I would love to live in California if I could afford it.
  6. I saw someone (might have been on these threads here actually) describe it: Trump acts like the belligerent and bad cop to our friends and makes his staff be the good guys Trump acts like a friendly and good cop to our enemies and makes his staff be the bad guys. And, of all people, Rubio is seen as the good guy to our allies, EU, etc. Where I disagree with the original poster of that above is that I don't think he does this on purpose or strategically.
  7. That is hilarious and creative. Like Hitchcock's Birds is what I imagine, having never seen that movie.
  8. Well...this is depressing. I WAS having a good day. I've been reading about Ancient Rome lately (written about it a bit in the Movies thread) and have been having a hard time as it is thinking about the decline of our society. Thanks for the cherry on top.
  9. Definitely agree there is some of that. But there are also some very complex and bloated organizations that can be more efficient and optimized, while keeping more or less the special sauce (e.g. quality, experience, etc.) which just means that, like most things in life, it's about the fit and the time and place. PE shouldn't be the blanket answer for everything, but it has a role. I actually think we see a pullback of PE (I read last week that PE deals have actually declined in recent years, contrary to the perception that PE is manifest destiny'ing all the business) and anyone following finance and news has seen the trend is actually in private credit.
  10. To your point, I assume you are an honest lawyer who is good at what you do and you extract some amount of money at 1/6 hour increments for the good of your customer, your firm and yourself. I assume most lawyers attempt to operate in this way. I also understand that the law profession has some less than honest firms who work in the margins or outright do unethical things for a buck. The slash and burn firms, who get the bad press and give the laymen the impression of lawyers are liars and morally suspect. The same impression that gives us the tome of lawyer jokes found next to the book of aggie jokes.
  11. I was living in Austin and consulting with Dell when Francisco or TPG or both did the Dell Boomi deal and everyone freaked out. This thread had me wonder how that was going as I hadn't thought about that in a while and it seems like, from googling, fine I guess? But to your point, PE is coming in to make changes and that usually sucks if you were comfortable and/or had it good. But I have heard great things about Thoma Bravo as a tech software PE buyer.
  12. As others have said, that's not actually what Private Equity is or does. I mean, SOME do. The slash-and-burn firms that give the industry a bad name and maybe that is the problem-- laymen like you come to think of PE as the easy to digest narrative that non-banking American's can readily understand and have probably experienced (e.g. ToysRus, etc.) and so it becomes shorthand for all PE firms. Historically PE firms make money in a turn-around or in implementing whatever the individual PE's good at doing (e.g. Finance- cost takeouts, tightening up DSOs or O2C or whatever, Operations- automation, operational efficiencies, SKU rationalizations, fixing processes). It's supposed to be a win/win, everyone is happy and makes money-- the owners, the bank, the shareholders, the employees, the customers. On paper that's supposed to be how it works. Ultimately the goal is to take the risk, work without the pressure of the Street, and then have a positive exit. It doesn't always work and actually there is a bit of, I won't call it a crisis yet, but some strong headwinds in PE with the horrible M&A and IPO markets of the last few years. Inflation, interest rates and now tariffs are horrible for PE business. Bloomberg had a good article today actually how even PE is trying to get out of the PE business (or at least the equity part): https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2025-03-19/private-equity-firms-are-getting-rid-of-their-equity
  13. I liked it. Like if ODB and Tyler the Creator had a baby who wanted to grow up and be more sensible and boring version of his parents.
  14. Compare Denzel in Gladiator II (oof) with this:
  15. Just saw this. I really enjoyed a lot of it. I think Adam Driver might be the best actor working, so I'll watch him in anything. Perfect casting for Caesar in this case, anyhow. Shia is another one of my favorites -- he was fantastic as well. Star studded cast in general (Dustin Hoffman sighting!), but the overall story felt choked by the alternate-reality-sci-fi-ness of it all. And maybe that was the point, the chaotic alternate reality, like a if cyber-punk + steam-punk had a baby with Ayn Rand with a hint of Shakespeare. Juxtapose that with the other Roman movie I saw recently, Gladiator II, and I like Megalopolis much better. Those two movies have a venn diagram connection not of just being Roman history-oriented, but also each having an actor who was much, much better served in Joel Coen's The Tragedy of Macbeth (2021) (Kathryn Hunter -- Cicero's wife, and Denzel -- MacBeth).
  16. Is that the place the really cool and hip people were standing in the rain in a line like it was Franklin’s or something?
  17. Just a beautiful, historic and amazingly unique city. Had an awesome time galavanting around Nob Hill and Tenderloin. I did see a drug deal on Geary and Leavenworth though. No city in the world like it. Highlights for me was visiting the Full House Victorian and the dinner at Morton’s Steakhouse in Union Square!
  18. Like the Texas Biggie Smalls.
  19. OT keeps gaining weight. Guess that means he's eating.
  20. What's crazy to me from an outside observer, Snowflake was written off for dead and Databricks was the hot new cool thing everyone loved and was going to set the new PR IPO record that Snowflake set, and then quietly Snowflake has been on an amazing, lowkey run. Their numbers are great and earnings are great and stock is doing well. Meanwhile Databricks is hiring everyone under the sun and growing so large and fast they are a Series G or H or whatever private "startup" bigger than most public tech companies. I have friends who joined 2 years ago that said the 2 years ago they joined they felt about 2 more years late to the party (in terms of equity, buzziness, blowing out comp with bonuses, etc.). @Dbeasy your family members mileage may vary.
  21. Crazy to think that in two weeks, this thread is 4 years old. I'm not going to go back 151 pages, but I'm sure there were people who were adamant and obstinate in drinking the koolaid fed to them and used the term "transitory" a hundred times. If that applies to you, slap yourself in the face.
  22. Alanis Morissette alert. Brazil mows down 8 miles of it's amazon rainforest in order to make transportation easier for all the traffic it's expecting....for the climate change conference it's hosting (COP 30). Amazon forest felled to build road for climate summit
  23. Wait so the mole employee was the father of the CEO of the competitor? Seems like that would have been a huge red flag before all the other red flags.
  24. Just saw Glad II. Oof. Jar jar Baboonks.
  25. Look kemosabe, much like the lunatic on the corner screaming the end is near, believe whatever you want, while everyone ignores your craziness.
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