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Everything posted by Vegas64

  1. Yes this. I'm not sure this guy understands market demographics if he thinks ANYONE is going to Walmart for retail therapy. You go there as a last resort becuase to buy anything beyond a staple urgently needed is probably a depressing realization for those who have to buy their shoes or clothes or jewelry at Walmart. Now, my impulse cotopaxi, tecovas and suit separate purchases I buy when I get the emails and find I'm bored of reading surly, I'm hungry or slightly sad-- those as dopamine hits make sense.
  2. That was a great 12 min mini-movie. Thanks for sharing it. The new takeaway for me was how cool an ole boy Jake Delhomme was and is.
  3. Wow what good fortune that the only people to be ignorant enough to have their wifi network be open as that is VERY damning evidence and should just about wrap her up if I was on the jury.
  4. Wait, so he's been there and connected to their wifi before? Did he have a previous or friendly relationship with them? In my experience my wifi only automatically connects to wifis I've previously manually connected to (password authenticated).
  5. Keeping his powder dry for 2028!
  6. Are you suggesting Jaime Dimon doesn't understand markets and stability because a snippet of what he said about stability was quoted and it is a captain obvious statement (which is also technically correct)? I'm genuinely trying to understand how Dimon is catching strays on Trump sucking. Especially considering Dimon is a sometimes public, but always closeted, democrat. Between 1989 and 2009 he donated more than 12x the amount to Democratic candidates than to R's. Like most of us here in Texas (and even moreso if you are in certain industries like manufacturing and oil and gas) Dimon takes on a professionally nonpartisan stance in most firm-representing and related matters.
  7. Talk about muting the truth here. Firstly..um..he's considered maybe the best CEO in modern banking history. I don't think there is much debate. He's tenure at Chase is best illustrated with the analogy that Dimon joining and taking Chase on the historic run is like Saban when he came to Bama. Love him, hate him, he's the GOAT. Also regarding your comment on his political soundbytes: he's a blueberry in the tomato soup in the high finance world in that he's way more liberal than most in his position would be, both publicly and privately. The derogratory nickname for him from his bankers at JPMC is "Jaime Biden".
  8. Waterworld with Kevin Costner. I just remember this movie getting a ton of ridicule and it being the worst/most expensive bomb in history at that time. It wasn't as horrible or shlocky as I had remembered and I enjoyed some of it. A solid "meh", 5/10 on entertainment.
  9. Talk about the looooooooong arm of the law.
  10. Yep. Sherman is the right mix of weird, funny and chutzpah.
  11. With all due respect, I think it’s obvious why they don’t care. In their view it’s still a girl besting girls. They don’t buy into the girl being a boy, and so it doesn’t get brought up because there is nothing to be upset about to them. Thats like saying “did you know the butch lesbian struck out all the cisgender girls in softball and nobody says that’s unfair!” Because that’s the status quo and she’s in the appropriate league (as far as traditional people who care about trans sports, are concerned).
  12. I’m happy to be wrong in this situation as you and others have pointed out.
  13. I can see it. At a certain age, it really is the only flex that draws the resentment and hate and full ire of many a sad man.
  14. Hold on to your hats when I say this, and I say it in a way that "a broken clock can be wrong twice a day" sort of way, but it actually may be true that Trump is the reason for as good as it can get ceasefire and potentially some sort of end. Bear with me... From Ukraine's POV on needing Trump: Zelensky (via Kiev) wants to reconcile with USA from that embarrasing meeting Zelensky seems to suggest that the costs of any imperfect ceasefire are currently outweighed by the benefits Those benefits are getting him back in the game and having a seat at the table for any peace negotiation Keeping his job (approvals for now and then later) Fixing the relationship with Trump as it's argued and written that he (USA) still holds sure defeat and/or the closest thing that can be described as victory for Ukraine, in his hands You see that with the reeastablishment of intelligence and money From Russia's POV on needing Trump: Putin wants to continue the thawing (detente) of relations with USA more broadly in an established way so needs to look cooperative to Trump/DC Russia needs narrative cover for why the cease-fire Russia needs narrative cover for why a peace agreement Putin needs ego cover Putin knows this can't go on forever and Trump is as friendly as he could have ever hoped for and will ever get in Washington It's weird to think that being an abrasive leader has, for different and same reasons, gotten to this point.
  15. Here is what I learned. There are two shots for measles. The first as a baby gives you 93% immunity. The booster given as a 3 or 4 year old jumps it to 97%. In order to have herd immunity, the community or herd has to be at 95% vaccinated. The anabaptists and/or amish are not as vaxxed as modern societies. Therefore. Today.
  16. Yea but have you heard the viral tarararar trumpet man?
  17. Melania really is the Helen of Troy of our epoch and Trump the modern Agamemnon.
  18. The weiner of consequence rarely comes with a lubey taste and texture.
  19. Too handsome and too good of hair?
  20. Asppppennn thread is that way ->
  21. But will D's be man enough to use the boot in retaliation. That's the inherent misogynistic question I'm trying to ask.
  22. I have a grandson I'm interested in getting him on the master track for trumpet. Since this is a random thread I feel justified in taking this conversation into the weeds, can you provide some history and background for him and trumpet? My grandson's first word might have been trumpet for all I know. At 2 he carried around a fisher price one and at 3 or 4 all he asked for was a real one. Well the real one is crazy hard to use for a baby so we got a plastic one he enjoys. I looked into "School of Rock" which is a local franchise based on the Jack Black movie I reckon, but they are all vocals and guitar and drums. Nothing brassy. Would be cool to hear how your kiddo go so good at trumpet and what roads to take (and not take) on that journey. Also-- as a parent have you tried to play one? It's impossible. I still can't figure out how to make the buzzing lips to incide any noise. Trying to play one gave me a whole new level of respect.
  23. I didn't expect to feel so conflicted by your post. You know, as a middle aged mediocre white man with mediocre white sons and grandsons.
  24. And, as road warriors everywhere have been wailing on sites everywhere, the airlines are nerfing the rewards and awards you get per flight/mile/dollar. Used to be quite the hack. Sadly, or happily, depending on your perspective, the level of business travel I saw pre-Covid will never be matched. I'd say at my firm, we are at about 75% there and seems to be the limit of the appetite. And I do think about my carbon footprint more in my old age, fwiw.
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