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Everything posted by Vegas64

  1. Sounds like it worked out more than great for you. There is no doubt though that going from UT undergrad to Yale Law would have been a proud moment, a prestigious feat, and would have opened up doors that you didn't have upon graduation, but then again you knew what you wanted and it was in Austin. Just saying for those who have shared experiences with ivies who were not impressed or found them to be pedestrian, keep in mind you are probably not dealing with the top of the class. Like I said, many aren't going from Harvard undergrad to UT Law on purpose as a first choice, most likely, though I'm sure someone can find a story where one did.
  2. No offense to UT law, but going from an Ivy undergrad to UT Law is not the move in the right direction. Your peers were the bottom 50% of their ivy cohorts most likely. The smarter ivies stayed in the ivy or little ivy bubble. The LSU undergrad going to UT Law, on the other hand, is probably the smartest guy in Baton Rouge.
  3. I read an interview with a Chinese foreign correspondent who seemed to know his stuff and this Zero-COVID policy is stiffling them. China put out a very aggressive goal of growing GDP by 5.5% and with mandatory lockdowns (the People's Army is being deployed to keep peace and maintain lockdowns in Shanghai where people are restless and food is getting scarce due to grocery stores and delivery being zapped) that growth won't happen. But also, and not to get too into China policy which is probably a different thread, Xi is up for renewal (I don't daresay re-election) this year and it's the 100th Communist Party anniversary this year I believe, so they don't want cities and people ravaged with disease so they are trying to maintain Zero-COVID lockdowns. Omicron and BA-2 and other Om variants will have a say otherwise, I think.
  4. + rep for the righteous rant.
  5. You chose Oklahoma City University over Yale?
  6. I don't even leave the house after 3pm ever. It's a general rule. Traffic in Austin is the worst. On Sunday afternoon at 12:00 noon it took me 45 minutes to drive 4 miles around downtown.
  7. What is this "Float Fest", it seems it competes directly with ACL this year.
  8. I assume the Zero-COVID policy, which is also why Shanghai has been on lockdown and the army has been deployed to keep the peace as there is a shortage of food and restlessness growing.
  9. After the second episode, I am less confused but still confused.
  10. After the first episode, I got "Nerdy Fight Club" vibes.
  11. Honeybaked Ham and all the fixin's.
  12. Fantastic movie one of my top 10 favorites. Woody is nails is everything he has done. Probably my favorite living actor.
  13. ya done!
  14. I get why people don't love 808, but I thought it was just as great as anything prior or after. Like you said, different.
  15. Had friends that went (local), how was the concert? My wife hates her.
  16. Was just there, can confirm.
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