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Everything posted by Vegas64

  1. Agreed, if you fly as little as you do, it really doesn't matter and the chance of delay or cancellation is probably about the same in the law of small numbers. When you fly 200k miles a year, every week or every other just domestic, it invariably pays to choose the lesser of the evils and lock-in with a single vendor to max out rewards knowing sometimes you eat the bear and sometimes it eats you.
  2. Sorry, oval. You are so perfect. Like a circle.
  3. I don't know what you are trying to prove. We all have anecdotes with flying. Flying, no matter who you fly with, long enough and you will have a horror story with every carrier. Southwest sucks. Glad you think it's the least worst of the crap out there, tho.
  4. This just makes me think...will turnabout be fair play? No party keeps majority and power forever... Maybe the Republicans don't fear a response from the Dem's inkind. In politics, like in geopolitics, a little old fashioned "mutually assured destruction" threat goes a long way. Let me be 100% clear. The Dems are not to be blamed for MAGA and half the country being MAGATs. That's victim blaming. But there are things that could have been done better that we should review and learn from and implement moving forward. Dem's have abdicated the responsiblity to "discipline" (or punish, if you will) rogue/bad behavior. Like with a child, spare the rod and spoil the child, we allowed for increasing and escalating horrible behavior to normalize. And here we are. In short, maybe the Dem's oughta think about how they will serve a cold dish when they get power again. And you can't be scared of division or another civil war because sitting idle is what got us here...
  5. like any good real estate agent would tell ya: location, location, location!
  6. Is there a more tired opinion in 2025 than the "octopuses are so smart and amazing and [insert 9 facts] and probably they are the REAL aliens akshully and they are advanced life forms so as a quasi-intellectual and fake interesting person, I've stopped eating them. Howboutu?"? I blame the aforementioned My Teacher the Octopus movie for dumbing down what once only the nerdy Slayer fan knew due to his niche friend group all having H.P. Lovecraft hard-ons. And that Netflix documentary was boring and sucked. Also octopus is gross and weird. I'll only eat the circle versions of calimari and only from the most classy of establishments. You know, TGI Fridays, Cheddar's Scratch Kitchen, Bennigan's, etc.
  7. Occassionally one of us will haeve to wake up super early and go to bed before the other one or I'll fall asleep on the recliner or something, but invariably we stumble into the same bed around 3am.
  8. Speaking of Hugh Grant, despite being an adult in his heyday and vibrantly remembering his being busted with a prosty and going on late night talk show to apologize to America (because we didn’t have screen shots or apologies written on a note app to share on Instagram in 1997), I realize I have never seen a movie he’s in. Notting Hill (1999) with Julia Roberts changed that for me. I actually really enjoyed it. I am guessing that will buy me a fair amount of ridicule here, but maybe I’m just a sap. Also, the hand Otto Hightower as the Welsh deadbeat is one of those “wow, that’s the same guy” moments for me.
  9. https://www.instagram.com/reel/DHCROLXOnWu/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
  10. I would counter-wager that you might be heartbroken to find out you are wrong.
  11. Who cares about a hot war where --let's be serious-- Canada doesn't stand a chance against us as we are sociopaths at the highest level and you can't compete with that combined with our lethality. Why is Trump ruining our economy!?!? He's tearing me apart, Lisa!
  12. Dogman. Great stuff!
  13. Oh, yea....you must be new around here and reading a brisket post:
  14. Yep. I did notice that Meat U Anywhere over there by 114 or whatever that area was and thought it had a funny name.
  15. The expectation of incoming higher arms spending was one of the factors that led to the European aerospace and defense sector stock index to rise a record high of 7.7% on March 3, as reported by Reuters. The stocks of German, French, British, and Italian defense manufacturers were the ones that experienced the largest jumps. Italy’s Leonardo surged 16%, followed closely by Britain’s BAE Systems and Thales which gained more than 14% while German defense group Rheinmetall advanced 13,7%, according to the Wall Street Journal.
  16. Y’all ever had the bbq at Deloitte University? Surprisingly good for a glorified, corporate-washed JW Marriot.
  17. You guys arguing sound like old geezers with tall crowned WWII veteran block script ball caps drinking cold coffee at McDonald’s at 5am. IMO the next first world hot conflict involving multiple theatres will be MOSTLY reliant on the new digital warfare. Supply lines of rifle bullets and machine guns and tanks might as well be trench warfare. I’m talking digital warfare— cheap, dispensable autonomous lethal weapons. War machines run on software. Satellite capabilities, interconnectedness and self flying drones, missles, etc. That sort of thing. The next war between real powers is going to be the first modern war and I think everyone is going to be surprised what palantir and Anduril have cooked up and enabled an L3 or Raytheon or Honeywell to be capable of.
  18. The problem is that, even if they want to (which they do and european defense stocks are seeing big gains recently), their readiness and ability to manufacture at scale isn't there and will take rehauled investments, processes and -- more importantly -- time. Time that they don't have for current issues like Ukraine. This is an example of the many examples of the negatives of an overly globalized and horizontal world. If and when relationships change, you lose autonomy. It's why it was an absolute error to outsource the packaging of chips back in the day because now the Tawain/Asian area of the world owns that unfair advantage while we are trying desperately to get caught back up and control our destiny to a degree in-house. The flip side is, all the efficiency gains and scale you got in the peacetime years for globalization couldn't be nearly matched with the entrenchment and insularity of a more protectionist and less open system.
  19. Today I learned.... The guys who created p2p file share piracy software some of you may remember called Kazaa (post-Napster, pre-Limewire) shut Kazaa down and their next product was a little something called Skype which Microsoft would later acquire for $8.5bn (and is being shut down now as of last week).
  20. Why doesn't anyone ever ask "What Would Joshua Do"? or "What Would God Have Jews Do"? and reference some good old fashion war and cleansing of the Levant? God in the Torah and Nevi'im is pretty clear that, according to God, there is a time to kill and a time to....you know...
  21. I think Gillis is hilarious. His monologues at SNL have struck such a different tone than his usual stuff that I genuinely think he's nervous and uncomfortable, which is strange. The other thing I guess would be he's doing a Norm MacDonald stylized bit.
  22. How had I failed to recognize that nothing was more important than an execution; that, viewed from one angle, it’s the only thing that can genuinely interest a man?
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