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Jewish Wang

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Everything posted by Jewish Wang

  1. Sark doesn’t trust Maalik and with very good reason. I won’t blame red zone issues today on Sark, just because today is a totally different entity with a QB that shouldn’t be playing. MM is Swoopes 2.0 and not a whole lot better.
  2. This will go a long way to erasing that, but it’ll never totally go away. The worst professional team loss of my lifetime. Like the ‘08 Tech loss. It is the defining snatching defeat from the jaws of victory moment for me.
  3. Evo should outstrip Seager, Monty and even Adolis.
  4. I’m a fan of Maalik. But I think a lot of you undervalue how good Quinn is.
  5. Of course. There is a 100% probability of that happening. This is an embarrassing argument.
  6. I love Quinn, but the play was dumb. Taking on a linebacker a full two yards short against Cougar High versus the prospect of your team playing without you for multiple weeks. Poor decision.
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