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Everything posted by JGrayDBU

  1. due for a really close, great game.
  2. Nope, time to put Clint Longley and Drew Pearson in there.
  3. who to get rid of, Prescott or McCarthy?
  4. Jimmy with the halftime PG- rated version speech of the year. Strahan is ready to play!
  5. According to Michael Irvin, Jimmy has lifted the curse and now the Cowboys can resume wining playoff games.
  6. JGrayDBU

    NFL- Week 18

    Leonard Fournette on the bills, great acquisition. I remember him alternating with the McKinney North great, Ronald Jones II.
  7. JGrayDBU

    NFL- Week 18

    dolphins db all over bills receiver before ball arrived, no call. Tyreek Hill is the bomb.
  8. we got beat by the 2023 version of Vince Young, minus the running. Agree with the dude who said 2010 was much worse. 2010 stuck with me a long, long time, because we all knew we had the better team. This time I knew Wash would win if we didn't pressure Penix heavily, which we didn't.
  9. you guys can thank me for the margin of victory. When I went outside to shovel snow it was 21-10. I came back to 35-10.
  10. no way Dallas gives up points last 20 seconds?
  11. JGrayDBU

    NFL- Week 18

    lions finally closing out Vikes....at a cost...several injuries evidently.
  12. Who is the Texans coach that looks pretty much like Charlie Strong's brother?
  13. wow, great interview. I think he is more than qualified to be a pro QB coach, but I don't see the incentive for him to start at ground level and work his way all of the way up to being a pro head coach. He is probably worth about $15 million. He never acts like he wants to be a college coach, but as he said he is not closing any doors to anything.
  14. re: bootlegging, when I arrived in Selawik there was a teacher who was rumored to do that. He was gone by October. Our former principal's husband was strongly rumored to be bootlegging during 22-23, and there was an incident that resulted in a death of a local man. That husband was charged and is in prison now, and the district got that principal out of here so fast it would make your head spin. She was not allowed time to pack. She was gone from the state of Alaska within about 48 hours of the death. My first year in Selawik I went ice-fishing one time with another teacher. We took an auger, drilled a hole in the ice, etc. We met a local man at the area and he asked me if I was attending the party that night. He said it was only $300 per bottle. I quickly said no thanks.
  15. -40 is a whole new level of cold, isn't it? I got used to it because I had the first three years in southwest Alaska, where the normal low was more like 0. For -40 I wore long underwear, jeans and snow pants. Above the waist I wore three or four shirts, a hoodie, and a heavy coat, and gloves. For the headgear I wore a funny looking thing that allows the wind to only get to your eyes. It takes a few extra minutes to get ready to go outside for -40.
  16. There are about 18 total teachers. We are a very large site. Our first native Alaskan teacher was supposed to start fall 23, but being native Alaskan with an education degree, she got a six figure job in Anchorage with an organization, ANSEP. No brainer. Everybody is from somewhere else, mostly Arkansas, a Louisiana lady, Ohio man, etc. Age ranges from mid 20s to 72. We had three over 70s my first year in Selawik. I couldn't believe it. We are down to one this year.
  17. This is the insides kick we used against Alabama in the Colt injury BCS game. I had never seen that type of kick before but it worked perfectly.
  18. Star link in apartments, and if you want to stay at school after school, you have free internet. The local internet company is finishing their run of COVID money in March I think.
  19. Just turned 59 years old, needed a change of scenery in 2018, because I worked one year in Garland ISD for the wicked witch of the east. Both adult children were gone, so no need to stay in Texas. Sold the house, spent 3 years in southwest Alaska with my wife, and enjoyed the time, but the wife and I differed on spending. My goal was to save for retirement. The turning point came when she read my mind one night and told me "okay, you can go up north and make the big bucks, but I reserve the right to go live with my sister in the FW area." I arrived in July 2021 to Selawik and got lucky with the COVID $ flowing. Rent is low here. My net worth is on pace to double from July 2021 to when I get the biggest income tax refund ever this spring, because of a school district error. Five figure refund and I will hit the mark. I achieved vesting in Alaska retirement spring 2023. The retirement in Alaska is just an account, so there is a very, very high % of people who work five years and then they move on. I worked an extra year to give the govt a chance to pass a pension plan, but they declined. This is year six in Alaska, and I am ready to come home. My high five average salary in Texas for retirement is not nearly high enough, so I need to work 2 years in Texas schools to bump up the avg. salary. This is perfect timing to come home also because my Texas teaching cert. expires in December 2025. I have done the research about buying years of service as well, and the rules are very clear. I must get completely out of the Alaska retirement system, send the money to an IRA and then I can start the process of purchasing years of service after my first semester in Texas, using qualified money is preferred. I am fairly regular caller to both systems, ERS and TRS, because I have time in both systems. Because I worked six years in an ERS covered state agency, I can choose which system to retire from. ERS is the clear winner, with the 100% health insurance premium paid for me for life and the wife having to pay 50% of her premium. My grocery shopping has turned into a really good hobby that helps save money as well. I do it differently form just about anybody else up here. I also have other quirky habits like drinking the water, etc. I have an iron stomach. In June of 23, I paid for tickets for the entire academic year on Alaska Airlines. There are a lot of strange skills I have developed that may or may not help in trying to reign in the wife during my first retirement. I plan to retire in two years from Texas and then go right back to work doing something other than education. After I purchase the six years from Alaska and work two years in Texas I will have 31 years in the retirement system, and that is enough to want to start the Texas pension.
  20. to finish the latest travel saga, I got stuck in kotzebue, overnight. Little planes wouldn't fly in 33 mph winds. I was ready! My last day in San Antonio I cooked 3 pounds of cheeseburgers, for my wife and her family which is her dad and two sisters. I took with me in my backpack on the plane the following: six cheeseburgers- about 1/3 pound each or so one peanut butter and jelly sandwich, some potato chips, and the best, 3/4 of a homemade apple pie, made by my 83 year old mother. She's a retired teacher and said she cooked five pies one day before Christmas. Since I am a Christmas birthday, I get a whole apple pie every year on my birthday. I spent exactly $0.00 on meals in Kotzebue. I did have to spend $95 to stay at the Alaska Technical Center, and $14 for two cab rides. I made it to Selawik yesterday about 11:30 a.m. and still had a couple of cheeseburgers left, and the chips.
  21. San Antonio version of Alaska Airlines sucks....the lady at the ticket counter refused to print boarding passes. I gave her a mean stare, no help. She also did not know how to do the thing where you pull your luggage before your last destination because you have an 8+ hour layover, had to ask for my ID twice. just absolutely clueless. She claimed she would send boarding passes to my phone, and two of the three did arrive, but once they arrived, and one was put into a google something or other I could not find it. I had to ask the agent at the gate to help and she couldn't help, so SHE offered to print the boarding passes. YES!!! Boarding passes were from SAT to SEATAC, SEATAC to ANC, and ANC to OTZ. I wasn't putting up with that stuff, so I called Alaska Customer care and they claim they are giving me a $75 voucher for the trouble. The agent on the phone zeroed in on the refusal to print a boarding pass...couldn't believe it. I told him they need some training and he agreed. Btw, if you are not given a paper version of your boarding pass, where do your bag tags go? I found a piece of paper in my wallet and put them there yesterday, but doesn't seem like a long-term solution.
  22. Bob Lilly and Roger appear to not age hardly at all. I didn't see them walk, though. I can't believe Lilly walks well, but I guess Roger still has his thanksgiving flag football game? I remember years ago when Roger was a guest on the ticket. They asked him his secret, because at that time he was very active. He said it was simple, he breaks a sweat every day. That man is almost as old as my mother, and looked that good?
  23. need a good. blitz...too late..
  24. plenty of time for goff to throw another int.
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