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Everything posted by JGrayDBU

  1. 2 or 3? thought it was a 3.
  2. first game to watch this season. Not even a close direct comparison, but Disu is wow!!! Almost a baby version of LaSalle Thompson! Looking pretty good to me. I see us winning by 9.
  3. game time tomorrow?
  4. dagger at 4:48...Bring on the cockroaches!!!
  5. and Houston wins on a buzzer beater. Great ending, but Houston got a ton of good calls that ended with a non-call for Memphis that provided the last possession for Memphis. Memphis tied the game with 9 seconds left and UH made the shot.
  6. I watched the entire Houston vs Memphis game and Memphis came all of the way back from the deficit, Houston looked totally done, had trouble even getting off a shot! Then I posted the above and suddenly Houston has come to life and Memphis looks done.
  7. Houston will lose this game today, so they are still a #1?
  8. wow! almost made it interesting!
  9. Because they are unhappy with people like me who do not go along with the crowd and act like dumb sheep. They want me to E-file, not write a check to them, and be just like 98% of the population who give Uncle Sam a free loan every year. I am giving them the illusion that they have convinced me to join the 98% ers by doing this for a couple of years, and then I will revert to my previous rebel status. I have not been giving them an interest free loan for probably 35+ years and I have been rewarded with complaint letters about every other year from them. I want them to think they have won. Maybe I can fall off of the "hitlist" if I give the appearance of giving in.
  10. most one sided 3 point game in history
  11. To honor the late, great Billy Packer "This game is ovah". I think it was a 30 something point lead in the first half of a tournament game when he said that.
  12. so Philly doesn't have to face a 1st string QB at full strength in the 2nd half again? how many games in a row now?
  13. KC will score every possession first half.
  14. I like this topic. My story-I am on an "IRS Hitlist"....probably ever since I did several things to catch their attention years ago. 1. I bought back my time from ERS long after I had left state of Texas employment. - I knew this would be problematic, so I called the IRS and made sure I was filling out the form correctly. I bought the time with qualified money-an IRA, so paid $0. I asked for the IRS agent's first name and badge number, emailed myself the info. ...sure enough a few months later I received a nice letter from the IRS...I filled out the form, referenced employee info. and received a letter a few months later saying everything is ok. 2. I found the MCC years ago, while we were still in the apartment. I found 8396 on the back of the 1040, wondered what that was and boom! An annual tax credit of $2000? sign me up! We had the MCC for 14 years until I left Texas in 2018. $28000 in tax credits!!!! 3. One year I was doing taxes and realized we had about $5000 in tax credits, so I converted my wife's IRA to a Roth at the very rare 0% tax bracket. Now, I get a nice "friendly" letter from the IRS about every other year complaining about something. One year they complained about my educator tax deduction on one side of the paper and on the other side chided me for not filing with e-file. I am making so much money(for a teacher) up here in the Arctic Circle that I finally went over to the dark side about 8 months ago, and have joined the ranks of the masses who have too much $ withheld. I am passively aggressively doing them to death. Here is an example. I had a personal record $39k deducted from my pay in 2022 going into the 457b, while at the same time withholding at the single rate. The only reason I was able to deduct over $30k is that I found the special catchup provision in our plan and used that. Now, this year I have already increased my withholding as a response to the lower amount of $ withheld. I am sure you guys have noticed your withholding has gone down starting in January. I am going to drive the IRS crazy with kindness. Ha! Yes, I am an outlier. Over the top outlier. All of those years of having about 90-95% of liability withheld and writing a super small check to the IRS every April 15 and now it is time to go over to the dark side!
  15. coming from someone who was mostly interested in a good game, the litmus test for me is that when I saw a flag in the fourth quarter, I immediately knew the flag was against Cincy. Especially after the ridiculous play 3rd down again until KC gets a 1st down thing. Was this as bad as 2015 Okstate? Probably not quite, but when you know a flag is coming against one team, it makes the viewing experience, well, less than stellar.
  16. Did my eyes deceive me or did I just see Charlie Strong? or a look-a-like.
  17. still too soon. In fact it may never be not too soon.
  18. "1)Is it worthwhile to buy extra years service in the TRS system? Most calculations I've done show it's not the best use of money." Here are the assumptions: Buy five years at a cost of $64k (calc. from last year). The pension without buying years or working in Texas is $30k. That is a pension based on 23 years. Because of adding one year of working at a much higher salary than existed in 2018 that increases the high five avg. salary, the new pension amount is a minimum of $40k. If I get a high paying teaching job, the pension goes up from there. How long does it take to recoup 64k? With those numbers it takes only 6.4 years, not including potential gains. (10k of gains x 6.4 = 64k) However, I don't plan to be super aggressive with my retirement funds in my 60s, so I am not including the gains in my calculation. Am I going to live longer than 6.4 years after I start drawing the pension? This plan has me starting the pension at age 61. My family tree indicates I should live to at least mid 70s, so that is a no-brainer. If you say you're talking apples to oranges, because of the difference in the high five salary I suppose we could take out the increased salary to simulate making the purchase of credit neutral wrt the high-five salary. If you were to do that, then the 28 years of pension is worth $36,717.66 per year. That is not considering the 29th year, which is the year I work when I come back to Texas. However, a person is not allowed to purchase service credit unless the person is currently working for the state, so it is hard to justify making that calculation, imo.
  19. I"M calling it..timefor a scoop and score to win the game.
  20. no more Zeke!! No more Zeke!!! should be the chant. If Zeke is out there on ANY 3rd plays from now on, the 'Boys deserve to lose... easiest decision in sports in this decade.
  21. wow...bad Dak today...
  22. John Madden style game here. Whoever runs and defends the run better wins the game. I'm still positive the Cowboys D can pull off a couple of turnovers and here's to Dak getting comfortable 2nd or 3rd series. First team to score an offensive TD probably wins the game.
  23. laundry is ready!
  24. all we need now is for Buff to get a call on the next drive and we will know the fix is in.
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