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Everything posted by Augustus

  1. It wouldn't surprise me at all if, while he's waiting on law enforcement/ems to arrive, he's googling a restaurant. Hmm..., how late are these guys open?
  2. A good ending for this one would be one of those cleverly arranged courtroom suicides.
  3. I guess his atty didn't feel like he had any shot unless he took the stand, *or* he just refused to listen to his atty's advice. It's been a while since I read about this, but the only physical evidence I ever heard/read about was a tiny spot of blood on a shirt of his, and I remember experts saying that blood spatter analysis is unreliable on cloth.
  4. 300 people living in a relatively small area, and they don't really see/interact with anybody else in the world except the same 300 people? Fuck yes they have a still. And a small weed plantation and possibly a poppy garden.
  5. Not sure about the Nazis. Yes on the Russians.
  6. I can understand why a fantastic show like Rome on HBO got canceled when it did, given it was the most expensive series ever produced at that point in time. How does a show like Mindhunter become "too expensive?" Is it just a relative term? You need some old cars and old wardrobe, of course, but I really don't recall too many cutting-edge special effects in this show.
  7. The fact that you'd characterize it as "hitting too close to home" suggests why it might have been deleted, but I'm just guessing as I don't know what you wrote.
  8. Have you watched this yet? Outstanding film. (The Long Riders)
  9. Yeah, the accuracy people display with pistols in tv/movies is hilariously impossible. I saw an "undercover" video in which the cops had a camera set up in a motel room and it goes really bad. The criminal pulls out a pistol and starts shooting at the undercover cop from just a few feet away. Fires 6 shots and every single one of them missed. Little Bill made a great point in Unforgiven, and I believe Wild Bill said the same thing. The guy who's more calm and deliberate is much more likely to kill you than the guy's who's a quick draw.
  10. Dude looks like he tied one on last night. Apparently the charges against him have been downgraded? Best comment: SNL is missing a real opportunity if they don't let Trump play a disheveled Alec Baldwin.
  11. I'd heard Rogan's name all over the place back when he signed the huge Spotify deal, and then more recently when people were losing their minds about him on twitter, so I listened to a few of his podcasts, and my perception was the same as yours. He mostly listens, occasionally asks questions, and chats with people. No idea why anybody would feel threatened by the guy. What amazes me is that two guys just having a conversation can draw the listeners it does. That's mindboggling.
  12. Augustus


    I thought he was the same guy, too, and assumed that Timothy Dalton wanted somebody inside the Livestock Commission.
  13. That's what I figured. Koepka always struck me as selfless and kindhearted.
  14. Do you think that's why he joined LIV. Because of the money, period?
  15. Augustus


    The runaway school girl is an ancestor of a central character in Yellowstone, yes.
  16. Well that's cool. I'd completely forgotten about this series.
  17. I know nothing about what happens in the game, and I can't imagine you're killing off Joel in the first season so I'm not a fan of giving him a wound like that. I just don't know how you let him survive a gaping gut wound like that in a way that doesn't strain credulity beyond imagination. Otherwise, great episode yet again.
  18. Augustus


    I had no problem feeling like the abuse in the school was realistic, but the goon squad you refer to is taking it quite bit further. Catholic priests roaming the country side murdering Indians? No idea if that really happened or if it's just dramatic license to represent real atrocities but, Jesus Christ. Not sure why we needed the reappearance of Alex's former fiance and family. They've got enough obstacles to overcome. They've got to get to Montana and haven't even dealt with Mussolini and the mafia yet. It thought they were headed to Marseille? Did they just decide to drop 'em off in Sicily so they could catch a ship to America more quickly?
  19. Augustus


    Had some mornings very much like that in my drinking days so I was laughing quite a bit at that. As soon as we heard the knock at the door I was yelling at him not to answer. Total rookie move. Fascinating we got some spanking porn for no extra charge. Interesting speech from Jacob on disregarding right/wrong and prioritizing only what's best for one's family. A little over the top, really. But I've never been in a survival situation like that and when the other guys are trespassing and threatening your livelihood, then ambushing you with machine guns I suppose one can arrive at "look out for number one" pretty easily. Funny to see them going the law and order route in 1923, while 100 years later on the same ranch you get murdered just for being fired as a ranch hand.
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