I seriously wonder if ants can think/reason in a way that's similar to our conscious reasoning, or if it's all programming and they're not sentient at all, which of course begs the question how sentient is energy/matter that's programming them, and all life, I suppose.
I watched a video (and at this point I can't recall if it's on this thread or another board) and it showed an ant getting infected by the cordyceps fungus. Another ant drops what he's doing--seems like they're on some job or other 24/7--picks up the infected ant in his pinchers, carries his ass waayyyy the hell away from the mound, and then dumps him there so that he can't infect the collective. "Sorry, Doug, but can't have you spreadin' that shit around. Nice knowing ya."
Which reminded me of another video I saw where an ant colony herds these huge caterpillars around--they take them out of the colony and up to the surface to munch on whatever they need, and then herd them back--because they need something the caterpillar secretes. Near the end of the caterpillar's cycle, they don't kill them, they march 'em off to a tree somewhere so they can build a cocoon and become a moth/butterfly/whatever. I suppose so that they can create more future caterpillars.
Easy to go down a rabbit hole learning about ants.
Sorry for derail.