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Everything posted by Augustus

  1. Was that Diggs that lowered a shoulder and flew right by Kittle?
  2. Because your defense is playing great. Why give them a short a field?
  3. There's no reason we should lose this game
  4. For all the fuck ups and bad luck, we've got plenty of opportunity left. I ain't throwing the towel by a damn sight.
  5. This team would be unbeatable if our QB wasn't retarded. And if our kicker hadn't had a stroke. And if Pollard wasn't lost.
  6. Okay Zeke you gotta dig deep and find something
  7. Tossing the ball behind the LOS on 3rd and long
  8. Man, this half is flying by. We're giving Purdy what-fer and I love it
  9. i really wanted to see a replay on that catch That spot was generous
  10. Keep stuffing the run and we'll get Purdy to fuck up
  11. Oh well, I don't have enough space in my nervous system to worry about Maher right now
  12. He's been kicking for how many years? What on earth...
  13. My God, even if that was just a great defensive play on the block Maher's head has gotta be fucked sideways
  14. Fortunately we got it in anyway but that should have been a TD if he's paying attention. Was that on Maher?
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