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  1. Opposite for me. This makes it infinitely more interesting. Has a bit of a..."Something Wicked This Way Comes" + a more ethnic and modern "Signs" vibe to it. I bet there is a cool twist at the end and it weaves humor and a good urban soundtrack with gripping story. I'm in!
  2. Put me in the camp of, is this film really necessary? The stand alone Joker was good enough. I'll watch it and maybe be surprised, but it seems redundant at first pass.
  3. Just watched Infinity War. Didn't really hold up well from when I remembered watching it 5+years ago. Where does it stand among big MCU fans? Is it still well regarded?
  4. Oprah and Brad Pitt?
  5. I keed. I keed. I'm not Donkey, just wanted to do a bit.
  6. That guy sounds like he sucks.
  7. Or Spanglish, for me.
  8. Nothing easy. NOTHING EASY! Game 3
  9. These are good questions; I have zero idea because I haven't lifted a weight in years. Many years.
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