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Everything posted by MeerkatBong

  1. Loathsome and disingenuous? The same meme/premise was met with 7 pos reps and humorous applause (just 10 posts or so after the last cactusflintheas post so had he wanted to be disingenuously, as you say, offended he could have been), on the lol thread. My only error appears to being the opposite of disingenuous, which is being serious and starting a conversation about that seriousness, in a room where a few very intolerant and ignorant people (just a few bad apples) can’t help but to pity themselves and get angry all the dang time and go on deep neg witch hunts.
  2. 70 or 80 of those negs were from Cactusflinthead and going deep into posting history, which is ironic considering he’s complaining about GRU doing the same to him 🤷‍♂️
  3. I guess so-- Tim Cook is prudently staying above this particular fray. As someone mentioned on the last page, I can imagine him being a gracious host to Elon, walking him around the estate and then pausing at some point out of earshot of sycophants and hanger-ons and EA's and dropping the nice guy routine as he whispers menacingly, "Cut out the wise guy B.S. or I will crush you. I will destroy you. This is your last warning." Then he quickly smiles again and signals for someone to come bring out the Avenue Foch 2017 because, as the weather has turned unseasonably delightful, let's have lunch out on the veranda shall we?
  4. A few curse words and suggestive language. Enough to where we let our teen watch it but not the tween. YMMV. That said I watched the first episode with, and really enjoyed it in a non-creepy way.
  5. Apple has resumed buying ad space on twitter. Tim Apple crisis averted. Like I said, just look at Qatar if you have any naivety left about corporations being whores for the business gain versus caring much about political pov's. https://www.reuters.com/technology/amazon-restart-advertising-twitter-platfomer-reporter-2022-12-04/
  6. Thank you I was trying to put my finger on that song!
  7. Didn't realize most people didn't like Ben & Skin until this thread. I thought they were universally liked (besides me).
  8. I was hit by a baseball bat in a fight once. Does not feel good the next day.
  9. I guess that is the source of the frustration. Atlas cannot shrug. Also, did you know the $600 threshold is relatively new? The $600 threshold was introduced in the Inflation Reduction Act back in 2021 Before this year, the threshold was at least 200 transactions that totaled over $20,000
  10. You want to co-charter one with me? Also I should change the title to "Defend the IRS" based on the sentiment of the community here. I really misread the room.
  11. You been searching or streaming the movie Hancock?
  12. I've come around to hate the billionaires and want to tax them to death. That's growth for me. But I've also not seen enough to leave the middle class alone. We are like soil that's been overworked and lack nitrogen. Give us a cycle or two to get healthy before you rip us up with your thrashers again and take our first fruits and give them away. I guess I should have focused more on the lamentation of the middle class then a focus on the IRS but that tweet is what stirred in me these feelings. I can see that I'm alone on this board of feeling this way, which of course means that I'm wrong.
  13. The point is that now, ostensibly, there are hounds who are going to ensure that you pay and report that petty cash payment so the government can get it's net $28 proceeds. Resources and money that could be going instead to harassing the wealthy. Congrats Middle Class-- we played ourselves.
  14. Everyone on this website save maybe the Chicago guy who was bought out by the PE firm and got his Rolls Royce stolen in Chicago is closer to a homeless person than a Trump or Biden. Heck, half of us are a year or two without income and we would be homeless, so I agree.
  15. Which party or economic philosophy prescribes taxing the rich a lot and the poor on government hand outs only, but leaving the middle class mostly alone? I want to join that club. It's not the GQP It's not the Dems Maybe it's The Forward Party.
  16. I hear you, but also at the end of the day, it's not facts that win or lose the hearts and minds of men, it's how we are made to feel. People don't remember what you said, they remember how you made them feel. It's simultaneously our greatest strength and weakness that we were created to be exceptionally feeling and emotional beings.
  17. WOW!. Kanye gonna break the internet. Elmo gonna be mad, he's like "what do i have to do to stay on top of the mindshare in this attention based economy made up of idiots!"
  18. On the other end, I know people who during the pandemic moved out of Atlanta and rented out their places to buy in Chattanooga for cheaper TN land and beauty and commute into Sandy Springs or North Atlanta for meetings a few times a month when meetings or business demands it.
  19. No, no, kinda. I binged The Good Place recently and thought it was funny until it wasn't (Jason was consistently the worst throughout the entire run). The best part hands down was my mans Brent Norwalk. MVP of the entire thing, wish he would have gotten introduced much earlier. I am wearing this exact outfit actually:
  20. Defund the part of the IRS that is harassing venmo and cash app transactions. Fund the part who is going after Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger.
  21. In an ideal world we could get a fair accounting of what the minimum to run basic services (aka all the basics you like to point to like highways and FAA and firehouses and cop stations, etc.) and everyone is mandated to pay those taxes. From there we can see where all our money is going otherwise and run the data analysis on the outcomes and impact and ROI and get a real feel for the waste, abuse and fraud. And I could not care less if a business is bloated and wasteful as long as I'm not having to fund it via a compulsory deduction out of my biweekly labors, so that analogy is garbage for me. I agree with you that the middle class is being squeezed and it's a bad thing.
  22. The optics of "Give me billions of dollars more in your tax dollars to beef up the IRS to go after the billionaires and help the middle class" as the pitch and then "hey, if you got more than $600 via venmo in your poker games and fantasy football and side hustles because it's hard out here for a playa, well, give the government our cut and we have the enforcers out looking" just don't FEEL good. I get that it's always been the case, but it makes me emotionally FEEL something in a way that I don't like, because I'm feeling like I'm already a poor middle class bloke who just keeps having to pay more and more taxes. So I guess my logical beef is in having to pay more taxes generally, but my emotional and irrational beef is how it feels. If that makes sense.
  23. Yea I guess it was around 30 episodes then-- I binged it for a while, like I said, around 6-7 years ago I guess now? I had mono and had nothing else to do is what I recall about that time. Watched it and a bunch of other series. Quirky isn't funny to me it's affectation, it's superficial and put-on emotion, and it's largely inauthentic and it's eaten up by a certain caliber of personality, I guess. It's why every project Zooey Deschanel does is so cringe to me; no accounting for tastes indeed.
  24. Yes. I watched the first 5 or 6 episodes of season 1, back around...2015? 2016?... up until the douchebag brother from Step Brothers entered scene.
  25. Just watched the trailer and thought whoa is that IKEA TikTok guy who made those hilarious customer shorts? Yes, yes it is: https://www.hitc.com/en-gb/2022/12/01/tiktoks-ikea-guy-scott-seiss-cocaine-bear-feature-is-stealing-the-show/
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