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Everything posted by SamMan

  1. Same. Growing up, I had unc pjs & boxer shorts, unc backpack, unc golf bag + head covers + golf towel, & a basketball signed by the ‘84 team (Kenny Smith’s sig was as important to me as MJ’s, which was/is ridiculous). I was kind of hoping he would move to Boca and become the next sledgehammer for Tom Herman to clumsily wield.
  2. Hmm, eye of the beholder, I suppose. I see a very ornate bidet + a man with his hands full. Is it not an ad targeting that last-minute holiday shopper looking to give the gift of hands-free cleaning? I mean, fake cowboys in assless chaps can’t afford to be cavalier with their hygiene..seems like a sensible gift for any aggie.
  3. Many thanks to @texifornia and others for your efforts. From what I can tell, nearly every post on Texags right now is some variation of this: …and it soothes my soul.
  4. Rueben Owens: U gonna help me bring that natty to aggieland, Ant? Jimbo says we’ll get a statue. Ant:
  5. This is fucking sad. I’ve always respected Coach Leach for what he has achieved on and off the field; his willingness to speak his mind; his aversion to what everybody else would deem “normal” for a man in his profession; and most of all his ability to keep opposing players, coaches, and fans on pins and needles when facing his team. He got an extremely bad rap at Tech, and they have been paying for it ever since. I was relieved when he left the big 12 conference because he was the only coach I actually feared; precisely due to the unpredictable nature of his teams and their ability to play up to their competition. There was no variance with Stoops. If you didn’t have supreme talent and a killer instinct, he would embarrass you. Snyder’s teams were going to be disciplined, and if you fucked around on special teams, they would beat you. Gundy’s the same every year—if you have the talent and discipline to outlast him, you will win. Kinda the same with Campbell. With Leach, you never fucking knew because you could be up by three scores and be miserable. If they got a lead, you’d be miserable because they could score at will and you might not get a chance to come back. You had to defend for four downs and for four quarters. It was constant unease. Mike Leach made me a Chance Mock fan for life. Mike Leach made a lot of people Blake Gideon haters for life. On paper, neither one of those games should have been close enough for those players to have made a difference. Mike Leach made college football fun and populated college football with more of his disciples than many coaches with better records and more trophies. His coaching tree almost seemed to be born out of the need to defeat Hayden Fry’s coaching tree, and they largely did in time. Most of all, Mike Leach knew how to humiliate aggies in ways that exposed their deepest insecurities. Here was an intellectual; who never played college football; whose offense was antithetical to everything aggies thought they knew about football; who thumbed his nose at their pageantry and bullshit traditions; and then beat their asses like a rented mule. I loved him for that. And yet, I am reminded of a little anecdote from last year. I happened to be tuned into the post game presser (I tuned into a lot of his presser bc they were often gold) after his team beat a&m yet again in Kyle, and during questioning, a voice seemed to interrupt the proceeding out of nowhere. All of a sudden, Leach’s face lit up as he realized the voice was a former Aggie coach, either Gene Stallings or RC, I can’t remember which, complimenting him on how well his team played that day. He stopped the whole presser to have a brief conversation with him in front of everybody. Leach was genuine and gracious, and it correlated with what I had heard other coaches relay about the type of guy he was off the field. The man is an absolute treasure and I sincerely hope he pulls through this because college football is so much better with him in it. Godspeed, coach.
  6. ©️Jim Knowles, Michigan ’22
  7. I recognized that. My point was that he further qualified the statement by pointing out how poorly the ‘19 class performed after the fact. But you are right, it certainly was not a wild assertion to say the ‘23 class will be better. I didn’t mean to imply that it was preposterous, only that their fans seem to want to devalue Riley’s achievements during his time in Norman out of spite for the way things ended. The class is good and I think they have done about as well as anybody could have hoped for in Venables’ first full cycle. The hagiography is a bit much though.
  8. The portal experience is what I assume HS reunions were like before Facebook.
  9. I think it is based on revisionist history. As if Riley wasn’t personally responsible for the #3, #1, #1, and #2 finishers in heisman voting over four consecutive years (and a fifth finalist this yr). The mental gymnastics they go through to diminish Riley and pump Venables really is a spectacle unto itself. We’ll see if Lebby can get Arnold to that level, but the fact of the matter is that qb is the most important position in the game, and in seven years, Riley has produced five heisman finalists at that position, and is yet to lose more than two games in a season. I’d say that is pretty fucking unique. OU fans still seem to think they won the trade though..which is great for Texas. After reading the post below—yep, it’s revisionist history. The ‘19 class actually sucked because nobody panned out, but I’m sure every member of the ‘23 class is going to show up, show out, never get in trouble, never transfer, and ultimately wind up on an nfl roster in five years because BV is a really swell guy and everybody likes him a lot more than “LiaR”. Did I get that right?
  10. You think that’s bad, OU struggled to defend him as a lead blocker, running back, and receiver..which was hilarious.
  11. Certifiable bullshit. Especially considering he was class of ‘04, but I guess aggies will believe anything. From an SI article: “My uncle, he played at the University of Texas in '97, '98, four years he played there, played with Ricky Williams and all those guys. I used to go up to the spring games and stuff when I was coming up. I was such a big Texas fan. Everything was UT…I often think, [Mack] could have lied to me and I would have gone to Texas!” I will say that Reggie McNeal was one of the most talented hs players I have ever seen in my life. Being from North Texas, I thought it was impossible that there could be a better player in the state that year. I was wrong. However, that game he had as a freshman vs OU showcased exactly what I witnessed when he was in hs. He deserved better than what Fran turned him into.
  12. Michigan is my other team. All week, I was having flashbacks to 2006 and how devastated I was watching that game (#1 vs #2) from a bar in downtown atx. I can’t tell you how happy I am to see them dominate in the ‘shoe. OSU is overdue for a little regression to the mean, so I hope those fuckers overreact and burn it down after an 11-1 season. Go Blue.
  13. Oh, man. I forgot I had this in the hopper yesterday. Can’t wait to hear Lehman & Ikard on this game. I am anxious to see what happens in Morgantown tomorrow, because the schadenfreude will ratchet up to John Blake levels if they lose. TFB has been pumping out grade A level bullshit and super k, esq. has gone from having an aneurysm trying to explain why the team can’t play “complimentary (sic) football” to simply blaming all of their woes on the prior staff (the one that never lost more than two games in a season—“grinch didn’t prepare his players at all” “grinch didn’t scout opponents” “grinch ran one play 50% of the time”—the same staff that produced 10 defensive draft picks in the past 3 years) while heaping praise on Valai, et al. He has already seemingly given up on both Gabriel (he’s ready to hand Arnold the keys right now) and Lebby, as well. I’m amazed at the fact that they don’t realize if what they’re saying is true, then they actually celebrated losing the single greatest offensive mind that has ever lived. If grinch was that bad, and Lincoln still managed to drag his moronic dc and his flaming heap of shit defense to 10-win season after 10-win season, they should have built him a fucking statue. I mean, he’s kept right on doing it in LA, no? Meanwhile, both Lehman and Ikard have been highly critical of the team in all aspects, but I haven’t heard them throw the former staff under the bus at all. Their issues are centered on scheme (“never seen a bear defense get run on so much”), technique (“everybody stands straight up on the snap..because they don’t know what they are doing”), and aggression (“way too soft”) I especially enjoyed hearing Lehman describe the ou defense as a series of pillow fights, and Ikard tempering his modest praise of the offensive line’s improvement with “but everyone other than the center (who received the most criticism) will be gone next year.” If that wasn’t enough, the after dinner mint is venables himself. When he isn’t struggling to maintain his composure with the media, he is endlessly spouting canned coaching aphorisms (Inky Johnson’s shit). He also spent a good chunk of his presser this week literally listing every player on defense and how many career starts they have in an effort to explain why they can’t seem to get lined up or adjust to motions and shifts by the offense. Other than that, everything seems to be going swimmingly up in methsville. Apologies for length and timing.
  14. First off, have they been to the grove? Second, I love the “our toys are better” line. You have the same fucking record. Like two eunuchs comparing dick sizes. You ain’t using them properly regardless. Everybody is there because neither side thinks it is possible that they could lose. Everybody is nice because they think the other side is absolute garbage on the field and aren’t the least bit threatened. On Perkins: These people really are the dumbest motherfuckers in the nation. They see a player with an extremely unique skill set and immediately discount him because he doesn’t look like anyone else. Not to mention, one of the biggest complaints about their fucking dc is that he has been playing DIME personnel a ton. The one type of defensive player that every team desires to match up against modern offensive schemes, and aggies say “what the fuck use would he be?”
  15. B Rob was an athletic freak of nature. I’d be curious how many blocked kicks he had in his career, because, other than murdering bomar in the cotton bowl, my clearest memory is his ridiculous vertical on kicks. I seem to remember some talk of him possibly competing in the Olympic trials for Beijing, as well. Such an explosive athlete on the edge. If vasek hits b rob levels, I think most would be pleasantly surprised and quite gruntled. Sidenote: I’m still impressed by the lengthy career loeffler had in the nfl.
  16. 🎶…but offense ain’t one.🎶 -Jimbo “the plays are there” Fisher, after he decides against hiring an OC and signs zero skill players on offense. Jimbo 2023 - Iron Rusts Jimbo 2023 - One Play(er) Away Jimbo 2023 - Send in the Clowns (Don’t Bother, They’re Here/Well, Maybe Next Year)
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