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David Crockett

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Everything posted by David Crockett

  1. 1st and 3rd innings, Dallas worked his slider. 2nd inning, he relied on the 2-seamer. Need to pound it here.
  2. Getting to their bullpen doesn't mean the same thing as them getting to ours. They'll get enough innings out of Dallas and then pull him before we start teeing off.
  3. #1 and #2 pitchers shit the bed in two straight games. WTH.
  4. If EK dives and catches it, a run scores anyway. If he misses it, 2 runs score.
  5. Damn, Gordon. 10 pitch 1st inning and then shitting the bed in the 2nd.
  6. Alright, everyone's seen the slider. LFG.
  7. Cut Hodo some slack. He's playing with one eye and no mouth. 🤣
  8. Gordon is looking good. Placing it right where he wants it. If he can maintain this control, he's gonna be alright.
  9. Not a fan of the orange jerseys with the script lettering. It's incongruent with the block T on the hats/helmets.
  10. Did I make a wrong turn and wind up on the Tennessee board? Texas doesn't dogpile because we act like we've been there 37 times before. No reason fans, including those on message boards, can't do the same. Texas won. ECU is in the rearview mirror. On to the next one. No time for trash talk. Besides, ECU played hard and I didn't see any issues with class or respect for the game. Kudos to those kids for taking a directional school from the Carolinas to the Super Regionals.
  11. That's it for me. Thanks for letting me join y'all. See you for the CWS. 9c1b237f45b20b3b6c20a89f75f6c7dc00700926ccd39bf57de12a406f0503bb_1.mp4
  12. 2-0 fastball. 2-1 fastball. Stood there and looked at both.
  13. Dangerous throwing inside to this cat. Keep it TF away!
  14. Sthele looks like Shia Lebouf
  15. They've been starting Ivan with a breaking ball nearly every at bat, and throwing it for a strike. He should be parking those out in the street.
  16. He's not a bad pitcher. That said, we've seen him and he doesn't have stuff that can/will overpower anyone. If they're on the pitch, they'll be alright.
  17. That's why you pitch that guy outside.
  18. He likes to pipe the first pitch. Rock it.
  19. Not beating up the guy or anything. Played SS and 2B. Trust me. He was flat-footed and should have been moving as he received it...even on a big hop like that. Would have been far more efficient on the toss and it would have had a little more on it. As it was, he had to get himself moving after receiving the big hop. No big deal.
  20. That was on Stehly. Played the right hop, but you gotta have those feet moving toward second when you receive it. He was flat footed and the toss was slow.
  21. Keep throwing strikes. Keep it down in the zone. May give up a run, but get some ground balls and let the defense do their thing.
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