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Everything posted by GenXer

  1. I’m somewhat of an acquaintance of a tech billionaire. Very unassuming guy. He wouldn’t catch a second glance from anyone. He rang the bell on wall street twice as the founder of both companies. Hard to imagine he’s evil. He made his money and is retired. I’ve spoken with him on several occasions. He’s a genuinely nice guy.
  2. I’m not talking about hate. I’m talking about fear. The message: Be afraid of ai; it’s manipulating you. Be afraid of robotics; it’s taking your job. Be afraid of cloud computing; it has all your data and is selling it. Fight big tech.
  3. The play is to splinter the OG maga from the tech bro maga. Scare dems into voting because big tech is gonna steal your identity and take your social security. I’ve personally had my SSN stolen several years ago and some unknown big tech entity filed a false tax return for me without my knowledge. The IRS dedicates significant resources to combat this. Making the villain an idea as opposed to one person makes the villain everlasting. Deep state, anyone? Was the tesla survey taken recently? Doubtful.
  4. Republicans create a villain leading into each election cycle - obamacare, CRT, DEI, socialism, trans, antifa, caravans - using their propaganda outlets. Once the villain is established in the minds of the gullible, they connect the villain to the democrat candidate. Dems need to utilize the same play. The villain is Big Tech. Hammer away the message consistently now until July 2026. Big Tech controls you. Big Tech is stealing your money. Big Tech is stealing your freedom. Over and over. Big tech becomes this vague thing that is the reason for personal failures. In Jun 2026, introduce the slogan - Fight Big Tech In Aug 2026, hang the big tech albatross around every republican neck. Musk is the low hanging fruit here.
  5. Houndmouth at longhorn ballroom on thursday
  6. I remember seeing this live and was on a game thread back in the day. They are their own punchline.
  7. The Fraud is an appropriate name for trump
  8. That pretty much nails it. Although my head was in the toilet when my ass wasn’t there.
  9. I wanted to die. If that counts.
  10. I spent at least 6 hours in the restroom on a flight from frankfurt to dallas. I got food poisoning in bangalore that set in on my connecting flight from bangalore to frankfurt. Constipation was not my problem. The flight attendants would check on me every hour or so to make sure I was still alive. I think they did ask me to open the door a couple of times under the guise of giving me water. If memory serves, I did have my pants on.
  11. Just watched The Tornado about the 2011 Joplin MO tornado. They told the story from the viewpoint of five different individuals / groups of people. Some shocking things they went through. The physical focal point of the documentary was on joplin high school. I was born in joplin, and my grandmother’s house was 2 blocks south of joplin high school. She was at home when the tornado hit. It side swiped her house on the north side and destroyed it. The doc shows shots of houses torn to nothingness. It’s likely those shots were taken in the streets near her home. I called my uncle who lives on the southern outskirts of joplin as the national news broke about it. He drove to her house and couldn’t find her. After the tornado passed, she walked to a neighbor’s house that was mostly standing. She ended up going to the hospital. That’s where my uncle found her. In the documentary, you’ll see one white building standing in a field of destruction; that’s the hospital.
  12. On brand Berlin grunge
  13. KEXP seattle I didn’t see song titles when running it in safari on my phone. The radio garden app shows the song title.
  14. I have legit crazy and personality disorders in my family. I sure as hell wasn’t going to invite more in. I needed respite from that shit. Great sex be damned. Hard pass.
  15. Too soon to watch things like this. I’ll wait for the 30 for 30 in like 10 years.
  16. This was my policy in college. Don’t date psychology majors. They’re trying to figure their own crazy.
  17. I got my wristband / ticket for Sunday about a week ago. I have a pretty aggressive schedule that weekend. Friday night - Feel is putting on a free outdoor show in the square in garland. Garland has a surprisingly nice little outdoor thing going on there. Gonna grab some new haven style pizza at Fortunate Son and then take in the show. Sat - drive to austin and do the Isbell show at ACL live Sun - two step inn - I’m also looking to catch the ryan bingham show in addition to skynyrd and sturgill. Mon - drive back to dallas Tues - pretend to work
  18. I saw Rev Horton Heat at Granada last night because he’s a Dallas icon. The opener was a punk tejano band - Pinata Protest out of San Antonio. They were very entertaining. If you get the chance, check out one of their shows. Saturday night, I got Wilder Woods at majestic.
  19. When legislation is being introduced that makes it a felony for identifying your gender to your employer, that’s unlivable. Next up, it’s a felony for being a diabetic. Also, the CR analogy is lousy. There’s no felony legislation being introduced in the state of texas for posting in the CR if your avatar is jimi hendrix.
  20. A Chef’s Tale Chef thinks “Hmmm.. this elon guy has a lot of money. And attention. Attention is good!” Chef fails to consider DC has a few government workers in its population. Let’s go tweeting and retweeting!! FAFO commences. Chef’s ownership group weighs in. Chef likely doesn’t have a firm grasp on the first amendment. Chef assumes Sheldon’s nickname. The retractor. Chef matt hiding his tweets now. FAFO indeed. Fin.
  21. The fact that you even mentioned this makes me ragey. It’s hard enough to work with only two monitors when I have excel, several enterprise software browser windows open, jira/servicenow open, and teams open. Some dipshit like rudy being in charge of cyber again could superfuck the entire working world. Thanks for the nightmare fuel.
  22. That’s an astute observation. One might even characterize you as a stable genius.
  23. Vic weighs in on the tariff situation and channels Michael Scott. He has a plethora of new business names in his back pocket. Also, calculating percentages is hard. I can only imagine the corporate schlub trying in vain to explain a 25% tariff to vic.
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