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Everything posted by GenXer

  1. Was AI useful for this?
  2. Biggest and bestest desalinization company in the history of ever. The Water Company
  3. I’ve said it before, we need @Superhero ‘s avatar as emoji
  4. They? “They” is el guapo. In a way, all of us have an el guapo to face. For some, shyness might be their el guapo. For others, a lack of education might be their el guapo. For maga, immeasurable stupidity, projection, gullibility, hypocrisy, selfishness, and zero self-awareness is their el guapo.
  5. Good question. Let’s see. One star. Off to a strong start. Literally no interior pics. But several of the parking lot. Lulz. Yes, Kathy. Slumlord trump will certainly have your best interests in mind. Eat shit, Kathy.
  6. I want a follow-up story on this immeasurably stupid voter. Post-tariff. Post austerity. It is tax season, Lori. You should be able to pick up a few more hours. Bootstraps. Hustle. No handouts. Get to work.
  7. The guy sounds like he’s as dumb as a bag of hammers. It’s a brilliant strategy to tell someone their car is shitty before asking to borrow it. Undoubtably, he will fuck up your car. He already thinks your car sucks. He won’t be concerned about beating it up. Tell him to take an uber.
  8. I’ve found transcripts of the earnings calls are usually on the IR pages. Not as entertaining as listening to the audio of awkward pauses on challenging questions. Seems like the awkward questions and responses would identify companies underperforming. Correct? What about companies actually doing well. How are those identified? I’ve found next quarter projections are normally discussed before the Q&A during the earnings calls. Is failure to meet these projections what identifies underperforming companies?
  9. Pork crown roast with stuffing
  10. When I first became a T1D, I was told by doctors that there were insulin resistant T1Ds. Meaning their bodies rejected the pork and human insulin. Death was imminent. The analogs work better for insulin resistant T1Ds. The improvements over my lifetime are significant.
  11. Lulz. I think I had a freudian slip as I started thinking about shkreli as I was finishing with the vial and syringe thought.
  12. I’m not going to speak for all T1Ds but I’ve been one for 38 years. The animal and human insulins work reasonably well if you aren’t what I call “brittle”. Up until I hit 30, I could feel my blood sugar drop before hypoglycemia took hold. I was on human insulin through that time. There’s two categories of insulin: short acting and long acting. The short acting human insulin made low blood sugar episodes happen pretty frequently for me once I hit thirty. I became brittle where I couldn’t fight it off and had severe episodes where I woke up in the hospital a couple of times, other times where the wife had to call paramedics. The short acting analog I take (lispro) doesn’t have that same effect. I’d likely be dead without the short acting analog. Seriously. I’ve had several episodes where I was entirely alone and fighting as my brain was shutting down to get a candy bar. I rail on the price of insulin a lot on surly. But I will be the first to thank pharma companies for the advances they’ve made with insulin since those Canadians first extracted it from pigs’ pancreases 100 years ago. I think pharma companies should get a good return on their R&D and production. I don’t think putting the same insulin in a pen rather than a vile warrants a new patent. Gimme an old fashioned vile and syringe, and I’m good. Counterpoint: there’s this guy
  13. My wife is in enterprise software sales. She reads 10-K reports as she prepares for meetings with prospects. She looks for keywords like supply chain, projects, and initiatives to better understand them. I was looking at a few of these reports and Apple’s most recent 10-K is 400 pages; most 8-Ks are 20-40 pages. That’s a pretty heavy lift to read these documents. I was wondering if investors religiously read 10-K, 8-K, and 10-Q reports and earnings calls to make investment decisions. If so, what are the key metrics you look for in these reports? If not, what other information sources do you use?
  14. Same as it ever was
  15. There’s likely something going on that’s actually serious. He’d prefer the media be entertained by whatever landed on his wheel of shitfuckcrazy ideas.
  16. I think Trump wants to buy Greenland so he can brag about making the biggest real estate deal ever. For grins, I looked up the Louisiana purchase: 828k sq miles. Greenland? 836k sq miles. Also, the biggest island. Rename it Trumpland. All magas move there. I’m starting to get on board with this idea.
  17. Whales you say?
  18. Trump’s plan is to offer a sweet deal and stiff ‘em when they come looking for payment. Ask his contractor vendors from back in the day. Oh, you don’t like getting stiffed? Take it up with SCOTUS. Lawfare. Only halfway joking.
  19. Are we gonna spitball the idea of buying Geeenland again? That’s gotta still be on the wheel of shitfuckcrazy.
  20. They tried this. Have you seen the documentary?
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