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Everything posted by GenXer

  1. You been dining on roadkill?
  2. Now this will get some attention
  3. Haha. Apparently an inside joke. Your daughter took lead on two songs. She did a great job on the kit and as the lead.
  4. Die Spitz last night in denton was lit. Legit mosh pit: chaotic and physical. Crowd surfing. Stage diving. Lead singer said it was their first sold out show on their tour. Rubber Gloves had two concurrent opening bands in different rooms. There was a drag birthday party or somesuch going on. Everything wrapped up by 10. I suspect there was a dopeass after party or two.
  5. Your take irritates me because Dems (read Hillary) in the 90’s began raising the flag about healthcare costs being too high, and she was rewarded by Rush demonizing her 24/7. Obama and Joe got ACA in and spent much of their political capital doing so while the stupids watched foxnews as they demonized obamacare. Ted cruz built a career on his promise to overturn obamacare. ACA is the single most impactful legislation in my lifetime. Dems have blown so much political capital on healthcare while the stupids turn on foxnews, talk shit on obamacare, and sign up for ACA without an ounce of self awareness. The problem is the american populace is immeasurably stupid.
  6. Crypto is so last year. Memecoin is where it’s at. My niece’s unemployed husband told me so.
  7. This will be glorious.
  8. Well… the chatbot’s posts have been removed so my post kinda loses its context. Just an FYI when this thread gets necro-bumped in like a year.
  9. That is some bargain bin chatbot action right there
  10. This would’ve been about the time we’d get a fresh story from lobo about him calling up a republican representative’s office and fucking with them. RIP YGIFS I’m tempted to call up my rep and demand no bailouts for farmers. Because socialism. And bootstraps.
  11. Because you replied to my comment with that “no capacity to buy anything” comment. Are you developing dementia?
  12. Rural america needs to find their bootstraps, grab ahold of ‘em, and pull ‘em up. They can all eat shit. Zero fucks given about them. The empathy train has left the station.
  13. Eat shit, rural america. You bought this bag of shit. Time for you to feast on it.
  14. Shit. I need to renew my passport. It expires next month.
  15. I put cedar boot trees in all my boots. They’re supposed to absorb the sweat from your feet and keep the leather in better condition. Most of my boot trees are tecovas. I don’t have any tecovas boots though. For my square-ish toe boots, I get rod patrick boot trees.
  16. I appreciate the offer but I’m a corporate drone so I’ve always had company-based health insurance. My cost is like $80 for all my insulin per month. It’s of no concern. My anger with the system stems from my empathy with the single mom whose six year old gets T1D and makes food / insulin decisions based on cost. My endocrinologist has patients that ration their insulin. Most of her patients are old so they’re probably type 2. It’s just infuriating that there’s people in the US that are comprising their insulin intake due to its cost.
  17. This is one of the two types of insulin I take for my type 1 diabetes. This lasts me one month. My endocrinologist told me she has patients that ration their insulin because they can’t afford it. Tell me which lifestyle choice us type 1 diabetics can change so that our pancreas begins creating insulin. My pancreas shut down when I was 17.
  18. That hurricane destruction is easily fixed with a sharpie and a roll of paper towels.
  19. So let me get this straight. When the con camps start filling up in south texas in preparation for the mass deportation, and immigration can’t determine which country the detainees are from, one of dotard’s bright ideas is to deport them to the bahamas. And he’s relying on Herschel to negotiate and execute this plan.
  20. Trump wants to brag about having the tallest building downtown again
  21. UCon
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