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Everything posted by GenXer

  1. Used to be called juvenile diabetes. It can hit kids at a very young age. I felt my first low blood sugar episode in the eighth grade and had no idea what was going on. Pancreas shut down some time during spring of my senior year in high school. Telltale symptoms are unquenchable thirst and constant urination.
  2. I turned type 1 diabetic at 17. Healthcare and its costs have always been a top issue for me. Republicans showed they didn’t give a shit about healthcare in the 90’s. Until obamacare I couldn’t buy health insurance on the open market because no health insurance company would sell to the high risk customers.
  3. Nothing says “conservative thought leader” like a goatee’d thumb in a truck whining about the comments in his social media
  4. “Tens of millions Americans agree with me” Also, tens of millions of Americans have a sub 100 IQ.
  5. Got a pair of roughouts from Heritage on south congress.
  6. I’m going to Squirrel Flower in deep ellum tomorrow night.
  7. The parallels of the descent into fascism are alarming.
  8. Person. Woman. Man. Camera. TV. Very stable genius. Checkmate, libtards.
  9. The choice is obvious. Vote for the king of debt. https://www.politico.com/story/2016/06/trump-king-of-debt-224642
  10. If Britt is concerned about illegal immigrants skewing electoral numbers, I wonder why she didn’t just propose a popular vote? Hmmmm…
  11. Wife went London for work for four days. She hit the duty free in heathrow. Glen Deveron 16 yr is on cast cartel for $320. Duty free in heathrow for $50. We have a Fettercairn 12 yr that we really like. Excited to try the 18 yr. I picked up the Balvenie 12 in american oak and the 14 carribean cask based on recommendations in the scotch thread and they’re delicious. 18 yr PX cask is very promising. Wife went to Scotland last Nov and got the glenkinchie distiller’s edition 12 yr. It’s very good. I can’t wait to try the 27 yr. Heathrow duty free fucks.
  12. I don’t know shit about dating since the advent of social media but I’d be very surprised if people don’t look at social media posts to filter candidates. If a guy’s social media has incel / far right red flags, that’s gonna be sex repellent.
  13. * See republican presidents Ronald Reagan and game show host Donald Trump for reference
  14. Republicans had the house, the senate and trump in 2017-2018 and didn’t pass any border legislation. That’s my response to that bullshittery. GTFO with any border issues. You had your fucking window, bitches.
  15. AREN’T YOU PROUD OF ME?!?!!!!!! Your daddy issues are showing, Representative.
  16. They’re only comfortable operating in an echo chamber. Reminds me of a conversation with my sister-in-law. My BIL was discussing starting a business; she was against it because of the bad economy. I asked her what metrics she was using to label the economy as bad. She was just silent. Prior to this she was talking about the world economic forum, bill gates, vaccines and “do your own research”. Obviously a Qdiot so I knew she couldn’t answer a follow-up question.
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