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Everything posted by GenXer

  1. I had the same training and used my laptop as well. It auto dialed for me as well. The lists were likely different. I was told the strategy was to get everyone that voted for hillary in 2016 to vote in 2018. It was a “get off your ass and vote in the midterm, dumbass” strategy. The list was only hillary voters until early Oct. After that, the list was anyone, everyone. I had plenty of hangups too. I just shrugged ‘em off. Anyway, I appreciate the effort you put forth to try to rid us of cruz.
  2. I had a good experience doing this. The instructions I was given was to tell my personal story for why I was voting for beto. My story is healthcare, diabetes, ACA, yada yada yada. Everyone could empathize with my story except one guy. I worked one phone bank at someone’s house, 4 phone banks at a weekly location, and hosted one in my house where I had recruited people to come. I’m sure I changed no one’s vote with my calls. Interestingly enough, Cruz changed his messaging on ACA two weeks Before the election where he said he would protect healthcare and people with pre-existing conditions. I’m sure it was all due to my diligent efforts to raise awareness. The story you tell is important. I have a couple of neighbors that are gay that came to the phone bank I hosted. They left feeling dismayed. I can only imagine the reaction they got when telling their story to texans.
  3. Agree about lively. Lives up to his name.
  4. Hey jerrah, this is how you get better in the offseason
  5. Also, republicans are irredeemable pieces of shit yesterday, today and forever
  6. The song they performed together hasn’t been released. They said it was the first time they’ve performed it. GAI wrapped up their set with an acoustic version of the stable song. My Movie 24.mov
  7. Damn. Matthew Sweet suffers stroke From the link "Last week, Matthew Sweet was forced to cancel an extensive cross-country tour of both headline dates and opening slots for longtime friends, Hanson after suffering a debilitating stroke in Toronto late Saturday evening (October 12)," Russell Carter says in a statement. "Matthew was quickly admitted to Toronto Western Hospital where he was put into excellent care and taken out of immediate danger. Matthew was transferred to a rehabilitation center back home in Omaha today where he will undergo extensive therapy. He is now on a long, difficult road to recovery."
  8. I’m down front in the pit
  9. I won’t call you a dumbass but I liken it to a salmon swimming upstream with bears trying to snatch you along the way. You can make it but the journey ain’t easy. I started a thread named Insulin in Aug 22. I was pissed about the newly passed Biden insulin cap that was only for the olds because only the olds got it. As a type 1 diabetic since 1987, I have watched the republicans fight hard against any improvement in medical cost or care for my entire voting life. The surly liberal cabal (of which I consider myself a member) came at me hard with a few negs thrown in. As I explained my position, personal story, and the rationale for my critique of biden’s bill, the cabal cooled, and I learned about a bill at the federal level (no movement) and a bill in colorado that are doing creative solutions. I text occasionally with my state rep about the colorado bill to see if she can do something like it in texas. Long story short: make your point with verifiable facts or a genuine story that explains your position, and the cabal may not eat you alive. Oh and…
  10. Voted yesterday at Renner Frankford library in Dallas in collin county. Line was approximately 100 people long and took 30 minutes to get through. Fuck the christofascists.
  11. Nathaniel Rateliff tomorrow night in Irving
  12. The Lock her up crowd is projecting. Again.
  13. Same for me in collin county’s corner in Dallas. 100 people in front of me.
  14. Went to the library today to vote in collin county, and the line was about 100 people long. Pass. I’ll give it a couple of days to try again.
  15. There’s an old saying in the five boroughs. Sabotage me once, shame on… shame on you. Sabotage… Can’t be sabotaged again.
  16. It’s a goddamn cult. Dotard will twix/troof something like “the woke deep state bus company is fake news. DEMOCRAT-owned bus company left you stranded!” And the red-hat room-temperature IQ rubes will collectively go “yep”.
  17. I normally enjoy speaking with the politicians at the polls. For whatever reason, they often choose my local library to stand around for canvassing. I spoke with a republican running in the Feb primary for at least an hour. I normally wear my cowboys hat when I go vote. I peel off the old sticker before going in and apply a new sticker after voting. The double entandre isn’t subtle.
  18. Too much time on reddit apparently causes brain rot.
  19. The odd thing about that meme is as an old, I’m on the left side of the meme telling my kid to be skeptical of stuff on the internet. He and his wife were visiting when the vance “they’re eating cats and dogs” thing broke. He and his wife were talking about it and looking at their phones. I overheard them talking about it and said it sounded like some bullshit story that republicans make up like jade helm or pizzagate. This apparently set him off cause he thought pizzagate = jeffrey epstein. Tried to gently explain that pizzagate is not the sane thing as jeffrey epstein without upsetting my wife. Sometimes they go off on their own and catch the stupid. I’m pretty sure his wife knew I was right and was trying to steer him back on course.
  20. Ticketmaster sucks took my two thousand dollars won’t send my tickets
  21. That basic mistake discredits her. It’s a video. Review it and take 3 minutes to do a second take. They spent a lot of effort on editing and adding graphical enhancements. Get the content accurate. Call me strange if you will.
  22. I would’ve liked 3yr’s troll even better if he would’ve gone with Marshall Eriksen
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